It all comes crashing down!



The Unnamed God. I'm Really Not a God You Guys ! (restricted)


The Unnamed God. I'm Really Not a God You Guys !





I'm just having a nightmare at the moment, right? I'm not drunk at all now! I pinch myself…. he's still there.


Maybe he doesn't even remember me? it's been a month after all. I bet I'm some kind of insignificant character in his eyes.

"Hello Slave. I hear you've been living pretty well lately" so he says while grinning.



What do I do? I'm not sure what he's told the sectmaster yet. Wait, the old dude isn't surprised by how he called me. Guess they've had time to chat.


I can always turn it around on him. If I claim to be Lunar goddess' champion….

THAT'S IT! MOMENT OF TRUTH! Time to take the biggest gamble of my life ….

[Oh! It's you. Is that a way to talk to one personally summoned by the Lunar Godess?]

"HAHAHAHAHAHA. I've never seen such shameless creature in my life. HAHAHAHA. Did you hear that? Useless old thing. See this so-called champion of yours. HAHAHAHA. Good thing I came in advance. Who knows if there would even be a moon Keep standing otherwise? But don't worry from now on I'll be the one in charge. If you serve me well, I will keep this blunder of yours from the goddess. Or would you mean to go against the goddesses' oracle?"

"Of course, not envoy! It is as you said!"

There has been a goddess oracle. Fuck. How do I deal with that? Problem I don't even know what it is about. Chances are whatever I say will just backfire on me.

What if I plead clemency? Nope. Not gonna work here. Guess I'll have to resist.

I'm already enhancing my body. My defense is reliable. I haven't tested my attack, but it should allow me to do some serious damage if I go all out. At least I know I can destroy a sword barehanded. Problem is. These people are not normal humans either. And the sectmaster is some rank 4 entity. My chances to beat him are extremely low. My chances to run away successfully are not as high as I'd like either.

What do I do? Maybe Luna would help me? I can't just say it's a misunderstanding by now. FUCK

I might still have a chance. I need to figure out what the oracle was about. Be confident.

[Oh. There has been an oracle? I was busy training. Does the goddess have any message for me?]

"Pffff. That guy is too funny. Busy training? You? Even if you act like that. The gig is up. They know I'm the sole champion of the goddess. They know about how weak you really are. They know about that "shocking" potential of yours. HAHAHAHA. Did you really think you could act like a champion given your capabilities? A retard like you. HAHAHAHA."

Is the verbal abuse bad? Yes. The worst however is the secmaster's reaction. Or lack of reaction. He seems to agree with everything that is said. Guess it's too late to patch things up. *sigh*

Do I fight now or later? Guess I should see what they intend to do to me first.

"Sectmaster…what is happening ?"

"It has come to light that the man claiming to be the goddess' champion is nothing but a fake. That would explain his lack of martial or mystic progress in the past month. *sigh*. Never would I have thought that one would ever dare commit such a vile act."


I'm sorry Luna. I did not mean for things to be like this.

"Oh. How would you deal with it old thing?"

"The punishment for such a blasphemous act should naturally be death!"

"Wait a second. He was personally summoned by the goddess after all…"

Ah. Is the cultivator guy helping me ? If he helps me I might get out of this! I'm really sorry about all the bad things I thought of you. You might be an arrogant ass that likes to insult people, but I guess there is some good in you after all!

"After being summoned by the goddess herself he actually went against her wishes. He should naturally not be killed…."

Oh. God. I can't believe this is happening. That's really a load of my chest. It will still be awkward but at least….

"Instead he should be brutally tortured then sacrificed to the goddess."

Wait? WHAT?!

I TAKE IT BACK! This dude is rotten to the core!

Let me get this fucking straight. The goddess got me into this trouble in the first place. And because I slighted her, I should be tortured!? What the fuck!

"Guards. Bring him to the dungeon"


The door opens and some soldiers are there to bring me away. Okay. What do I do? Do I flee now or later? If I start running now, I'll have the sectmaster on my heels a second later. I'm not particularly fast either.

Let's take it slow. I should be able to break out of jail.

Let's see where they are taking me.


This dungeon is weird. The entrance is in the warden's living quarters. Chances are the guy is strong. But we don't encounter him at all. Apparently, he's working on something in his lab.

I get a tour guide of all the cells there are. Why? Because the higher the offense the lower underground the prisoners are kept. Guess what? I'm gonna have a suite on the lowest floor possible.

Surprisingly most of the cells are empty. I guess now is a relatively calm period. After all champions are gonna indulge in massacres soon enough.

A while later we finally stop moving. This area is cramped compared to up there. We go through 2 sets of metal doors. There are glyphs all over the place. Not sure what all of this does. I'm starting to reconsider my decision to stay here for a while.

Hopefully everything will be fine.

There are 2 rooms. One seems to be a holding cell and the other a torture chamber.

There is a man. He's locked with chains. Strapped on the wall in a X. Grey long filthy hair. Sickly skin tone. Chapped lips. Sunken eyes. Ragged breathing. Long yellow nails. Wearing rags. A beggar next to him would look like Prince Charming.

Wonder how long he's been here. On his chest there are deep lacerations. Still bleeding. Okay not just on his chest! Blood is slowly dripping on the ground. The overall smell is horrible.

Then again, I'm pretty sure the guests' comfort is pretty low on the list of priorities when you build a prison.

I get chained in a similar way.

Everyone else leaves.

It's dark and cold. Really cold. Guess I have nothing better to do than to "chill" with my homie the beggar now haha.

But seriously. Time to gather information on this place. Then it's gonna be time for the counterattack!


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