The birth of the unnamed god

**** (POV)


The sound of the double doors brings me back to my senses. What the fuck is happening? Seriously?! Let's think over it slowly. The white devil brought some poison wine. The kid drank it. All of it. He's alive and kicking. Not only is he good and well, but he somehow became this man's young master. How does such a thing happen? Going from prisoner to guest in a single sitting. If that was all I could somehow understand.

For some reason the poison wine is actually beneficial. That might be possible. My instincts assure me I'd die from a single sip. But he's obviously fine. This doesn't make sense. At all. He's not even locked anymore. He's just sitting on the ground enjoying…the aftertaste?!

If that was all I could understand!

But what the fuck was with that insane conversation they were having. The old devil should be a follower of the Lunar goddess. Then why the fuck did they both start dissing her champion?! What is up with that? But still, that's not all.

The white devil expects the kid to reach rank 5. How does one get such an evaluation from such a powerhouse? Anyone would feel proud or simply overwhelmed. It echoes in my head over and over. Can that rank 5 of yours kill gods, or so he said. WHAT THE FUCK! How does he even plan on doing that? Going against the world! Is such a thing even possible?! Anyone else I'd simply term as a lunatic.

No, actually he is definitely a goddamn lunatic!

How else does one utter such a thing as simply going against the world without freaking out! I've bluffed my way out of countless situations. Even I wouldn't joke about such matters. I think he is serious. He is a madman! But what if he succeeds? No, that's impossible. So is him surviving that wine. It should be impossible!

What the fuck is up with this kid?!

[Are you alright?]

Who would be alright after witnessing that!

"How are you even alive?"

[What do you mean?]

"The wine. It was obviously poisoned."

[It wasn't made to kill me in the first place. Why wouldn't I be alive?]

"I can say for sure you are the only one that would accept anything from the old devil."

[Why? Just because he is a poison master?]

"So you do know!"

[Well, I didn't at first. But one that use poisons on a regular basis would be called as such don't you think?]

"Are you that confident in the Lunar goddess's protection?!"

[How is this related to her at all?]

He doesn't make much sense.

"That lover of yours Is the heir to the sect's legacy, isn't she? You got put here for the forbidden love between you guys no? That means you are one with a lower position in the service of the Lunar goddess no?"

[HAHA. No. I am here for impersonating that goddess's champion.]


[What brought you here?]

"You are joking right? Right?!"

[You do not have to share if you don't wish to. I can always ask the alchemist grandpa.]

"Impersonating a champion! Are you a madman?! Of course, you bloody are!"

[Haha. It simply happened. It wasn't my intention in the beginning.]

"How did they not already sacrifice you to the goddess?!"

[Oh yeah. That was the plan.]

"Are you hoping for a miracle by praying to the goddess? You have the white devil after all. If he helps you stall for time…."

[I don't believe in such a bullshit goddess you see.]

"0_0. Can you repeat that?"

[I don't believe in the Lunar goddess.]

"How the hell are you still alive?! You ain't even a follower ?!"

[Haha. Nope. While she did summon me by mistake here, I do not care about her. If anything, the farther I am from any sect related matter the better.]

"Then what god do you believe in?"

[What about you?]

"Duruser the wanderer."

[The first time I hear about a god having a real name.]

"They all have one. But most are referred to by their titles instead. The wanderer gives his blessings to all the nomad travelers. He is mostly worshipped by the lone wolves like me. But what about you?"

How does he know so little about gods if he intends to slay one?

[Hum. I do not worship any god.]

Please as if anyone would ever believe that.

"If you don't want to say it's fine."

[I'm being serious.]

"HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! Even the most pitiful of slaves have the right to worship. Why wouldn't you?!"

[The right to worship is it? If anything, I have the right not to worship.]

"This is madness. Pure madness. How do you even survive in this world?!"

[Let's say I worship a god that does not exist and won't ask anything of me either.]

"A dead god?"

[You could call it like so. Or anything you wish to be honest.]

"Does that god or yours even have any chances at revival?!"

[Why would it matter?]

"But what about the blessings? How can you get blessings?"

[I don't need nor want any.]

"But that is the only way to become powerful fast!"

[A shortcut is it? Why would one even wish for that?]

"Without a god's protection how do you live?!"

[Oh. So you need a god to stay alive?]

"That much is obvious!"

[If you lack even that little confidence how are you going to achieve anything in this life? 😉]

"That much is just natural! Without the gods we would be lost!"

[Why is that?]

"Because we wouldn't know how to live our lives!"

[If you lack even the courage to decide your own fate what is the point of living at all?]

"…. But…." What is this kid talking about?!

[My god asks nothing of me and expects nothing either. I am free to live my life as I desire.]

This is my first time hearing about such a god.

"What is such a god called?"

[He has no name. Nor a need for one. If anything, you could call it the unnamed god.]

"Without knowing his name how do you pray?"

[You don't. No need to wait for some entity to save you. You act and stand for yourself.]

"Then what if you encounter troubles?"

[Then you struggle.]

"What if you lack power?"

[You train.]

"What if you lack potential?"

[You go against the world.]

"How can one go against the whole world!"

[Why not?]

"Because it is madness!"

[I'd rather be mad then. At least I can walk my own path.]

"Even if your path is full of suffering?"

[Even then.]

"There is no way for normal people to do the same. They would simply get crushed!"

[Maybe. Forging one's path is no easy thing.]

"Such a thing requires insane power."

[Not really. I believe there is a path for every single individual.]

"But everyone knows things aren't as simple."

[Does everyone know? Perhaps everyone think they know. If no one tries it how would anyone succeed?]

"Easy for you to say. Some people are born with lowly potential and won't achieve anything in their whole life."


"Why are you laughing. Have you truly turned mad?" Why am I even asking the obvious?

[HAHAHAHAHA. What is madness is being shackled by your own beliefs. Remaining blind to a world of infinite possibilities. HAHAHAHAHA]

"..." Infinite possibilities. As if there was such a thing in the world.

[Tell me. What do you think the potential of one such as I would be?]

It should be high. For the white devil to bet on him. But then again not so high since he said something about lacking potential.

"3 or so?"


"..." Why is he just laughing now?


"…." What is up with him?!



[0. That is my potential.]

WHAT THE FUCK. How did this guy even survive this far! 0_0