Playing with wolves … maybe just a bit too many wolves

[I'll be counting on you to seal the surrounding the area.]

"Yes sectmaster!""

This will be good practice. This wolf is an assassin type. Fast, deadly. I can't simply gather my power for a killing blow. Everything is fine. I am a weapon itself. My entire being is the sturdiest.

[Come at me little wolf!]

Main character used taunt. It's super effective!

Wolf used growl. Scary! But that doesn't matter my courage won't falter for so little!

Wolf used pounce!

Main character used empowered normal punch!

The wolf gets pushed back. My hands are…fine! I can do this. Let's keep going. Take this! *BAM* And that! *SLAP* And th…. *WOOSH* Crap my attack missed. It's as fast as the wind!

Stop moving around! Let me hit you! *CHOMP* Trying to bite me, are you?! I won't go down so easily! I don't even feel it! *SLAP* Take that! Let me see you get up after …. It is getting up. Is it even wounded? But what are you gonna do now? Neither your bite nor your claws scare me one bit!

Wolf used run!

[Block it!]

*BAM* The wolf runs into an invisible barrier.

[Nice support! Your enemy is me little wolf! What are you gonna do now hahaha!]

*SLASH* What is that green thing? It doesn't hurt at all. Wind blades? Doesn't matter it doesn't have much power. I just need to keep beating it up!

Ah it dodged! It dodged again! It fucking dodged yet another time! STOP FUCKING RUNNING! *sigh* This is annoying!

[Do you only know how to run?!] MC used taunt! It's not very effective.

[Why you little! Just Stay still! I'll just beat you a bit!]

"Sectmaster, do you perhaps need help?"

[No! Everything is under control! I'm gonna beat it up!]






A wolf laying on the ground face down. Panting so heavily. Unresolved to its imminent demise. Silver fur stained with dirt all over. It fought its best. From clawing to biting, while dodging relentless attacks going its way and also throwing wind blades it is now void of energy. Simply breathing seems to take some effort.

I get closer to the beast. Enjoying my magnificent victory. Of course, it would have been slightly more splendid if it didn't take me 2 hours to dispatch a rank 2 beast. Still gotta enjoy the little things in life. I went from a weakling to a slightly stronger weakling able to bully other weaklings. I count this as an achievement.

Time for me to deliver the killing blow! The right of the victor! To feast on the flesh of the defeated! Time to snuff the life of that….Goddamnit! What's with the puppy eyes! Do you really think I won't exterminate you just because of such a low-level technique! Please as if that would be enough to stop me! I raise my hand high up in the air and I bring it down as fast as lightning!

( ̄Д ̄;)

My hand goes straight for its head ….and I pet it!

[There. You worked hard.] (ˆ◡ˆ)


[Hand me a bit of meat.]

"There you go. Are you perhaps trying to tame it? Overwolves are prideful and won't…"

[There. Good boy. Eat this. It's really tasty.] (ˆ◡ˆ)


[Want some water too?] (ˆ◡ˆ)

"There you go sectmaster *Flash of blue light*"

[Drink some. Good Boy] (ˆ◡ˆ)


[Was that good? Hum your fur is all dirty. You'll have to take a bath later on.]

*Sound of intense petting*


[Rest for a bit then you can leave.]

"I'm surprised to see a wild beast so docile. I didn't know you knew beast taming sectmaster!"

[Alright. You can remove the barrier around this place.]


[You can go now little wolf. Make sure not to get into trouble.]



"Hum. Sectmaster. What about the beast contract?"

[What beast contract?]

"Isn't a beast contract required to make a magical creature into a servant?"

[No clue. I don't know a single thing about beast taming.]

(o_O)? "We are just letting it leave then?"

[Yep. Don't you find it pitiful? It worked hard to help me train too.]



"Sectmaster, was it wise to let it leave like that?"

How was I supposed to finish it when it looked at me like that! ( •́ ₃ •̀)

[Why not? Didn't you see how friendly it was at the end.]

"Wasn't it just exhausted after the fight? Doesn't that make you enemies?"

[What do you know! This is a friendship forged through fighting! Two valiant warriors developing respect for each other trough exchanging blows! Friendship I tell you!]

"What if it brings some of its pack to get revenge on us?"

[There is no way such a thing would happen!]

"I am getting a bad feeling about this."

[Don't worry there is no way anything would happen!]

He really is cautious. Well that is something good.

"I truly hope for it to be the case sectmaster!"

[Please I'm even sensing the surroundings, and everything is fine! Look even if I increase the search radius all I see are….?! *GULP*]

OH FUCK. WE ARE GONNA DIE AREN'T WE? So many fucking wolves. Wait what is that in front? Seems to be some sort of peace zone. No monster in sight. Ouf. We should be fine. But I might have screwed up on that one.


[Hum. Alright there may be a few wolves coming our way.]

"How many?"

[Hum just a few. If are talking the 3 m long ones, then it is only about a hundred of so.]


[Alright my bad.]

"The 3m ones? Are there some wolves that are even bigger?"

[There are about 20 5m wolves.]

"This is bad. I can go against a 100 rank 2 somehow, but 20 rank 3….no way!"

[Hum then what about the 10m one?]

"10 m?! Describe it to me!"

[Pitch black. Lightning crackling around its body. Seems to be leading the others.]


[Behind us. Is it that bad?]


[So. How bad is it?]


[Oh, I see!]


[Oh, I see!]


[Oh. I found us a place to hide. There seems to be some restriction. No creature comes close to it.]

"*Sigh* Alright. How long until we reach it? How far away is the wolf pack?"

[We should reach it in an hour at this pace. As for ones behind us. They don't seem to be in a hurry to catch up. We have ample time.]

"*sigh* Sectmaster please stop scaring me so much."

[Alright haha.]

Alright that might have been a bit mean of me. But at least I guess it's pretty cool how I could see a beast kind with my own eyes….eh I mean my own skill.

There is but one thing that worries me a bit.

Why does it seem like the wolf pack is herding us toward that spot?!