Slice of life part 2, weren’t we done with that shit already?!



The Unnamed God. I'm Really Not a God You Guys ! (restricted)


The Unnamed God. I'm Really Not a God You Guys !





Alright! Enough lazing around!

All you do is sleep, take long walks, and eat meat all day!

Hell yes, paradise!

Ultimate win!

No, seriously I am a goal-oriented dashing young man.

This means that while at first glance this seems to be truly all I'm doing I do have a deeper purpose.

I'm exploring!

I was done with that? Well…yes…but actually no!

I explored it the normal way. Walk. Sense. Walk. Sense some more.

Now I am always sensing as I progress.

Do you know how hard it is to walk around with a ginormous flux of information invading your brain?!

It is horrible!

Take the worst migraine you've ever had and multiply it by 1000X.

By then you should be able to fathom the aftereffects of using such a technique continuously.

If you've never had headaches well…. I was like you before.

Not anymore.

The human brain isn't meant for such a huge quantity of data.

There is a reason we only have eyes in front of our faces.

When I use my powers to sense a scene with a normal human field of view everything is fine.

But anything more than that and I get a case of FBS. Fried brain syndrome.

It hurts my mind.

I don't think there are any nefast lasting side effects to doing so.

But the feeling I get meanwhile is horrible.

So that's why sleeping, walking, and eating are all I've been doing these days.

That little is already taking its toll on me.

Also, I do consciously limit my sensing to only visual inputs.

I'm not that much of a mad lad.

Wanna guess what will happen if I use all senses?

I'm voting that scene from scanners. Yes, the head exploding one.

So yeah. Sight only and even that is harsh.

This way days pass blissfully.

Of course, there are lots of *furiously petting Wolfie* involved.

I feel like I also became closer to the wolf king.

It won't come near me ever.

But now we have that neighbors nodding at each other's interaction.

You know the kind you don't even know the name.

The kind you never ever talk with.

But still gives you a small nod and a smile when you both leave at the same time.

I had a neighbor like that at some point.

Spent 20 years living next to the guy. Never learned his name. Best dude ever.

Or did this really happen? Not sure. My memories are a mess.

Anyway, I have a friendly-ish relationship with that big wolf.

I consider this a win!

To be honest keep in mind I am missing my secret weapon.

It is possible to socialize without alcohol?

Tell that to a social drinking addict like me!

So yeah, I'm proud as fuck of it!

Of course, I keep petting the deer daily.

Damn is he cute for a half-tentacled abomination.

From time to time I visit the giant mantis. And by visit read trash with great motivation.

I'm getting vengeance for that failed assassination of his. Many folds.

Also, a great way to vent all the stress with my slow progress with training.

Sadly it started teleporting away from me on sight now. And I'm not sneaky enough to catch it by surprise. Nor am I fast enough to reach it before it * poof * away.

Make a mental note to add a ninja training arc.

So here is what I did a while ago.

I spent a few weeks chasing it till it fell from exhaustion, then I violently gave it some physical education.

Worth it.

Now it will let me land at least a few hits before teleporting away.

It is getting off easy, but whatever.

I'm a big fan of live and let live.

Talking about revenge, that fucking mischievous fox is nowhere to be seen.

The forest while massive is limited in size?

What about my big-ass range radar? Not precise enough.

It works on stuff that isn't voluntarily hiding.

Either the creature is sneaky as fuck …or it left the forest.

But then again, I kinda expect a shadow monster to sneak around.

Especially in a gloomy ass forest…. won't be seen ever.

That just means the mantis is getting double the "love" from me.

Take note people. If you plan to scheme against someone, make sure you have either a plan B or a fall guy.

Or in this fox's case both apparently.

He betrayed his friend! What a cold-hearted creature!

On the other hand, you have the fire boar.

A living example of courage.

Never giving up no matter what he goes through while cooking happens.

I tried to peacefully approach it, but it is a fighter! It will not submit.

It has earned my respect!

Now to back to business.

What does my sensing ability have to do with plot progression?

Well, you see …. the thing is...

It is all part of my master plan!!!!!

Remember when I got destroyed by countless giant ants?

Main issue #1 these things are scary and disgusting.

Main issue #2 there are a shitload of them

Main issue #3 like really a shitload, and they'll come out of nowhere on your ass. Important things must be repeated!

So! I decided to train for group fights!

You know how every novel main character will have a scene being all badass, darting across the battlefield and leaving only death in his wake.

Fighting a thousand enemies and making it look easy.

I want to do that shit.

How fucking cool is that?!

Hella cool my friend!

First step is to get a better grasp on my situation awareness.

Slices an enemy in half, blocks another, dodges one more, gets a mandible stuck in his ass because of blind spot…. Yeah.

How about making sure this doesn't happen.

The worst being how uncool it looks. I mean I have divine energy. I'm not that worried about injuries.

Now I'm in a desolate forest. All is good.

But could you imagine having an audience and getting stabbed in the ass!!!

There is no coming back from that! Ever!

No matter the actual result of said challenge.

Oh? You won? How does it feel to win….and to get a sword in your ass?! * chuckles *

Hell no!

Anyway. Walking is but part one of my plan.

Really wide POVs are still challenging, but I can move my vision around fast now.

A trick I found is to keep the "camera" above head to see all that is happening around easily with but a few blind spots.

It is time for a dedicated training with actual fighting.

But not against ants obviously. I'm no masochist.

I ask Wolfie to act as a mediator.

I need lots of young wolves to play with me all day and night long.

To toy with my innocent self until I get used to the intensity.

Like that Piper P**** couch meme. But with grey wolves.

And with training not…. well … you know.

But this will happen next chapter obviously, cause you know.

Already reached this one's words quota haha.