Chapter 29: In a heartbeat

Sarah Anderson, somewhere in the Demon Lord's Castle.

«Heartbreak is grief that comes in waves, one after another, one larger than the other. It destroys everything that it came's to a cross. It steals the appetite to live and crushes the love inside, reducing it to nothing, to mere ashes of what had once was beautiful and, it won't rise like the Phoenix. That is the thing about a heartbreak, once the heart becomes dim and obscure in its core, there is little that can be done.»

As thoughts of Erik and all that has happened flooded my mind, I could not help to sigh, feeling emotionally wrecked; there was nothing left to feel, and nothing left to say.

«It was a feeling similar to death, and it wasn't at all kind.»

Slowly, I stood up from the ground, still gripping firmly onto the top of my dress, and made my way toward the door.

«The heart will beat against the rib cage, slower by the second as it shatters, to breathe will feel like a choking sensation, and swallowing will become unbearable.»

Thereafter, as I arrived near it, I placed my hand onto its surface and closed my eyes shut, imagining if he was still on the other side. I couldn't help but to go over and over our brief 'interaction'. He didn't believe me, he refused to do so. He was so blind by Irene's manufactured reality, that he could very well be blind.

«The most improbable assassin is the soulmate, the one who uses love as a tool to cause pain on the significant other. It takes an inside job to attack one so resilient to emotional injury, and it is the greatest pain there is.»

Once again my emotions turn jagged and my insides tight. "AHHH!" I slide down and dropped to my knees; I was grabbing violently my hair, almost ripping it out of my scalp. There was something in that shout, a vast, hollow pain behind it."Erik..." I flickered acknowledging how deeply broken I was inside. "Please come back to me... I can't take it any longer..." I silently begged for my destiny to change. And so I waited, my eyes still sparkling with a small ray of hope and my heart in my mouth, hoping for his any-minute return. And then, there were hot tears, ones no one will never ever see, falling fast and thick onto my torn clothing. With a hand over my mouth, I sobbed onto my knees, my shoulders matching in the movement. I desperately needed a hug or a word of comfort. I needed something soothing that would bring comfort to my heart. I was stuck in this situation in which nothing seemed to help, despite my efforts. Silly of me for thinking I could make amends all on my own. I was so lost, felt so lonely. That was, until, a voice brought me back to reality.

"My poor, young Sarah. Please don't cry anymore." The voice pleaded in an almost soothing, soft tone.

I looked up in response while whipping the tears off my eyes."Who said that?" I scammed the room but saw no one and obtain no further response. I stood up from the cold marble floor a bit frightened at the situation; it was the voice of my deceased grandfather. "Who's there?" I yelled. It was impossible! What kind of sick, twisted trick was that?!

"It's good to see you, sweetie." The person who was talking to me gave me the vibe that was smiling somehow.

"G-Grandpa... is that really you?" I babbled, again on the edge of tears.

"Of course my dear."

"Wh-Where are you at? I-I can't see you! Why can't I see you?! Are you talking to me through heaven?! Are you stuck down here, grandpa?!" That was the water drop; I broke into tears. "I-I miss you so much, grandpa!"

"I miss you a lot too!" The voice said softly. "Now, tell me. Why the sad face, pumpkin?"

I sniffled onto my sleeve."I've lost, grandpa... I LOST HIM! I LOST HIM for good! JUST LOST HIM TO HER! To that DEMON GIRL, that wretched SUCCUBUS!" I've thrown all my frustration out hoping I would feel some relief after. "But... how could I lose something that was never meant to be mine?" I sighed heavily, feeling the world's weight on my shoulders."I've tried grandpa, I really did..." I muttered while looking at my shaking hands. "... and it's so hard. Trying to cope with everything at the same time." And, clenched my hands into tenacious fists.

"You know, my sweet angel, no matter what happens, you have to stay strong."

"How, grandpa? How?! Please tell me, I feel so lost right now!"

"You're a big girl already, and, well, we both knew that, someday, it would come a day when it seemed that it was you alone against the world. Remember that talk we had?"

I nodded, remembering exactly when and where we had that very conversation."It was a very long time ago." I said. Though I was all grown up now, I sounded just like then: a lost, scared little kid.

"I've always appreciated your spark and zest. You're the most strong person I know, a true survivor indeed! So, stand up, you've got this. You are the owner of your fate." He stated. "But remember, your family and friends will always have your back. Dad, Mom, your friends at school, me--"

The word 'friends' was the trigger. Finally, something clicked in my mind. It was when the penny finally dropped, the light at the end of the tunnel resurfaced. Of course! How come I've never thought of that before? And so, I knew what I had to do next.

Upon my bright expression, the voice asked in a proud tone. "Did you found a solution yet?"

"Yes! I'll seek for one of the Incubi! I'm sure they will help me get through this! We're friends, and that is what friends do! Thank you grandpa for enlightening me!" I smiled reassuringly. Everything was going to be okay. I was going to be okay. As soon as I finished my sentence, the room became still, that's when I knew my grandfather was signalizing me to go forward with my plan. Without wasting any more precious time, I ran all over the room, from side to side, scouring every single piece of furniture. Stepping upon a set of clothes nicely folded in one of the drawers. "Ah! How convenient~" I sang in a melodious voice as I hold up a black t-shirt top in the air. "Hm... this type of line clothing doesn't go too well with this Realm...They don't even wear clothing! They are all naked for God's sake! Not that I'm complaining but it is a bit awkward to see a different dong every damn turn! Ugh-- It should only be seen in the bedroom." I murmured to myself in recognition. It was as if they were left there intentionally almost like in some kind of predicament like someone knew I would be there and I would be needing them with some urgency. Regardless of the weirdness enveloped around the situation, I shrugged mindlessly my shoulders at how those so humanly-alike clothing got there in the first place, putting aside that thought and quickly looked inside the drawer again. "Let's see what else we have here." I threw the t-shirt over to the bed and pulled out the next two pieces of clothing that were beneath it: a plaid shirt and a pair of light blue jeans torn on the knees."Hey-- It even has a clean pair of lace panties and a bra!" I cried out, not expecting such luck."Hope it's my size~" I joined my hands together and wished. "Surprisingly, they are a match!" I said shrilly after checking both their tags. "Anyway, my current high-heels don't match this casual outfit. I just found a more suitable and comfortable pair of shoes." When all is said and done, you can only do your best. I ran a hand through my hair, teeth tugging at my cracking lower lip, as I observed how they looked on me. I looked like a teenager trying so desperately to be cool and fit in; a cotton black t-shirt with the plaid shirt wrapped over the waist, a torn jeans that had seen better days, and a laced up calf-high boots."I like this style! It looks good on me!" I said after a small spin."Okay!" I threw a fist in the air; there's was no way I would miss this chance. "Time to go." I stood and walked towards the door opening it a crack and looking around first. There was no one in the hall, but there were two directions to go. "Which way...?" I went with 'right'. I closed the door behind me as I exit my room and begun to make my way down the right corridor. Everything was definitely a medieval style, like in Diana's castle, and I felt small in the hall. Call me a hopeless romantic but, It was like I was inside those dreamy-like fairy tales evolving princes and princesses, heroes and villains, great treasures, love, and, obviously, happy endings. The passage seemed long, decorated with wall candles, painting, and random curtains and flowers. It was mystical to see and I smiled. As I approached another fork in the hall, however, I sighed. "Really? How does anyone find their way around?" I looked back, knowing I hadn't walked far from my room. I could always turn back...? I immediately shook my head. What was I saying? I already came this far, I had to continue pushing forward. "Now, where to go...?" I was heading right anyway, might as well do that again. My journey down the hall led me to a set of stairs that led to a door to the outside.

"Be cautious my child. We don't know what you'll find on the other side." My grandfather's voice once again echoed in the air that surrounded me.

I knew I was being reckless wandering around the castle with no clue whatsoever of the Incubi whereabouts, but I had to do this. Slowly, I approach the door and opened it, peeking outside to see what it held. Peering in, I gasped upon seeing a familiar face. I swung the door open and without a second thought rushed outside, my eyes teary, yelling jolly his name. "SAM!"

It was in a heartbeat that I found myself in a 'delicate' situation.