MoC 5


Christopher was a normal kid. He didn't have a talent in swordfight, he was not smart and he's weak. The Mellwood was an old aristocrat of the Empire that extends 6 generations. The achievements that they received have reached dozens and many admired them. 

That's why many believe that Christopher, Mellwood's youngest child, would be a hero just like his brother. But their expectations turned to disappointment and disappointment turned to mockery.

He entered the Academy as a young promising student, but he only achieved failures after failures. Many students started to look down on him until they started to bully him. 

Christopher Mellwood returned to his house as a failure. He didn't even reach graduation, he just gave up. Since then, he didn't return to the Capital. He stayed here, in his Father's territory, the Entei City. 

"I'm pathetic, I only need half a year to graduate but…"

"Honey, please stop."

"But Mother, you know it. Even if I succeed Father's position, nothing will change. I'll remain as Christopher, the trash of the count's family."

"No, you are not trash! You're my son."

Veronica cried and hugged him. She doesn't want to experience losing her loved ones again. 

"You don't need to be anything. Just stay as my son."

She felt guilty, as a mother she knew that Christopher was facing problems in the Academy, however, she didn't do anything. Her heart was still grieving in the disappearance of her eldest child. It was already late when she realized that her second child needs her. 

When she realized her wrongdoings, her son Christopher was already broke. His arms were cursed and he couldn't touch a sword anymore. 

"Mother I… I want to be something like my brother. A child that you can be proud of... That's why…"

"Yes, my son."

The words stuck to his tongue, but he forced himself to say it.

"I'll work hard. I'll be the child that you can be proud of..."

"Honey no matter what happens your Mother will always love you."

"Yes. Sniff, sniff I love you too Mom."

Tears fall on Christopher/Derik's eyes. He already knew what he would do. He'll protect his family from any danger. He'll use his knowledge to do it. 

This time he won't make any mistakes, no, in this life he would make many mistakes but he would overcome them. Maybe his past would haunt him, but he'll shrug it off. 

'Past is past. I'm living in the present.'

Before, he didn't know who he was. He was having an identity crisis, but now he found out who exactly he is. He is Derik and he is Christopher, the child that wants to protect his family. They have the same direction, they have the same purpose, they exist in one body. They are one. 

He reached enlightenment. He didn't need to think about his identity cause he already who he is. 


Inaudible Plain. 

Shadows are swaying inside the fog. They wailed like a newborn baby and disturb the surroundings. The swaying shadows were called Spectre, they were an apparition type, a subclass of undead monsters. A Demon Beasts.

These Spectres were currently attacking a group of people. These people were wearing a black mantle that covered their faces. 

"Lambda, use your Gift."

"Okay okay~"

A person stepped up and use her Awakening ability. Lambda lights up the whole place.


The Spectres wailed, but this time they wailed in pain. Their bodies turned transparent until they die in oblivion.

When the lights went off, the Spectres were already dead.

"Good, now let's return in finding the Heart."

"Are you sure there's some heart bla bla here? We are here for almost a month now and we still can't find any Tomb that this map described."

Lambda's temper was nearing out. She was starting to hate this moody Plain. 

"Lambda, are you saying you're not trusting the word of Apostle?"

"O-of course not. I trust the Apostle, I'll give my life for the Apostle!"

"Good, don't worry, this map is authentic. The problem is this place, Inaudible Plain has distortion magic that makes us lose our direction. Thousands of undead spawns here... "

"Yes, I know it already. That's why you need me, right. My Gift can erase any death magic, however, this place has infinite mana. My Gift can only stop the undead for a minute and I need time to recover my energy… that's why I hate this place!"

Lambda jumpsuit up and down to portray her frustrations. The other members just look at her, they already knew that Lambda had a spoiled character. She was a fallen noble.

"Lambda, stop this childish action."

Another man spoke up. He was the leader of this search operation. 

"Y-yes leader!"

"… Sigh, I know that you are frustrated and so are we. Don't worry based on my estimation we only need three days to fully locate the Tomb. After that, we will return and you can do what you want."

"Yehey, hahaha three days more and I can kill again. Yes... yes, I really miss the taste of the blood of a dying man. Ahn, mmm yes, blood. I need to kill ahnn."

Lambda touched herself. Whenever she thinks about killing a person, her downward always go in heat. She needs stimulation.


"Hey! Stop that! You're in public. Stop this audacious! Hey! Tch, I can't believe this is her way of recovering energy!? Leader, please stop her!"

"We can't. You know that. When she's in heat she'll kill any person that will come near her. And Zeta, we're already here for a month and you're still not accustomed to her self-pleasure?"

"No, it's just…"

"Yeah, I understand you're a virgin, right?"

Zeta quickly denied the accusation.

"N-no I'm not."

His face was red like a ripen tomatoes. He tried to hide his boner to lower their doubts, but every member already knew it. Whenever Lambda pleasure herself, Zeta always peeks at her. 

Zeta couldn't do anything about it, if he loses his virginity he would die. 


"Sigh, I wish we found the Tomb already."

"I hope you're right. I want to end this mission as soon as possible so that I can serve the Apostle again."

"May the Apostle bless you."

"May the Apostle bless you"

"M-may the apostle bless you!"

Their right hands touch their chest and kneel. The Dark Side expressed their faithfulness to the True Apostle.