MoC 11


They reached their destination and saw the Dark Side fighting the undead. They decided to hide and watch the situation.

"It seems like the undead are fighting them to prevent the Dark Side from entering the Tomb."

Pablo said, he saw that the Dark Side were tired and they almost drain their energies. Only a small portion could fight the undead now. 

"What are we gonna do?"

Yuusha asked. The enemies were tired, but they had the numbers to defeat them. Yuusha and Pablo were the only ones who could fight, they're at disadvantage. Christopher didn't have an Aura or Gift to fight them. 

"… We will wait for the right moment to attack. For now, let's watch how this battle will unfold. We can deduce who's their strongest member if we watch them."


Yuusha agreed and nod his head. They can't be hasty.

Christopher was silent the whole time. He was afraid and his body won't stop shivering. This was his first time on the battlefield. He already experienced watching a man died, but it's different now. He was inside the battlefield and his decision could kill himself.

He was literally blank right now and no information could penetrate his mind. 

"... topher… Christopher!"

"Huh! W- what!?"

Pablo tapped his shoulder to awaken him. 

"Sigh, we cannot have you here. You must hide beneath those rocks. No matter what happened, do not move or show yourself. You can only do that if you hear our voices, okay. Do you understand me?"


"Good, now go hide."

Christopher crawled his body, he didn't want the enemies to notice him. He reached the large rocks and hide.

Pablo saw him hiding and proceed with the plan. He asked Yuusha about their possible targets.

"What do you think? Who do we need to kill first?"

" I saw Lambda in their line up… and there are two persons that are not fighting. I guess they were deciphering the gate."

"Lambda huh… that fallen Saint, I can't believe we will meet her here. Okay, here's the plan, first we need to kill those two who are deciphering the text. Then let's kill Lambda. We can kill all of them after we kill those three."

"Okay! Let's do this!"

Yuusha released his Gift and his body transformed. Pablo clenched his sword to assassinate them. They attack at the same time. 


Yuusha dashed so fast.

Yuusha took the one who deciphers the Tomb. He held his head and twist it. 


The man fell not knowing what happened to him. He died a clueless death.

Pablo attacked the other man, but this man detected him faster than he had thought. He spin his body to evade Pablo's sword. Pablo tried to slash the man, but it jumped and put distance between them. Pablo saw the face of his enemy. 

"… f*ck."

Pablo said, he never thought that the Red Priest of True Apostle is here.

"Pablo! You and your lackeys stop my plan again!!"

Red Deacon Omicron, the leader of this mission turns angry. At last, he meets the persons who stopped them from killing thousands of people to sacrifice for their Goddess. He wants to kill these men, his blood was boiling to slaughter them. 

He was happy that he met them, but he was frustrated to see his member died.

'f*ck! Now I need to find another person to decipher this Chenzhin Language!' he cursed. 

"Yeah, wassup Omicron. Your head is bald again, as always!!"

"You motherf*ck*r!!"

Yuusha taunted him and Omicron's expressions turn red. Shameless! That man was shameless! Even his member didn't talk about his hairless head. 

The Mahikero cast a spell and direct it to Yuusha. It's an affliction curse, a never-ending one. However, he regretted his actions. 

His consciousness cast the spell even though he knew that Yuusha would not suffer from any curses. He didn't know why, but he couldn't curse this man. 

Yuusha accepted the curse, he didn't evade. Instead, he charged to kill Omicron. When he was step closer. Omicron shouted to call help.


"Here I am!!"

Lambda used her light to blind them. Yuusha and Pablo close their eyes and jump backward. The light diminished for a second.

When they opened their sights. They realized that three people were attacking them simultaneously. 


Yuusha yelled and released more pressure. His Aura collided to prevent the enemies from moving. He punched the attackers while Pablo slashed the other one. 


The three ended their attacks in failure. They return to their team. They were bleeding, but it's not fatal. 

The fight was back to square one. They killed one, but the two were still at disadvantage. 



The two sides watched each other. They were waiting for the respective movements of each side. A dozen seconds passed before Omicron decided to retreat. 

They have the advantage in numbers, but they were too tired to fight these two in a Deathmatch. They couldn't take any casualties anymore.

"Tch, let's retreat."

"But leader!!"

"Silent!! We will retreat!"

Some shouted their dissatisfaction, but they obey the commands. They retreat, leaving the two alone. 

Omicron sneered.

'It's okay, our reinforcements are coming. We can encircle this Plain and wait for them to come out. Even if they know about the Tomb, they can't decipher it. Yuusha is a muscle brain while Pablo is a noble. They may have an idea about the Chenzhin Language. However, I know that they can't decipher it completely. The undead will keep attacking them until they're tired. If they try to escape we will kill them kukuku.' 

Omicron thought about the best options to kill them. Perhaps he would torture Pablo to gain information about the Temple of Wisdom.

The followers of the True Apostle retreat only to regret what would happen later. 


"Hah… they are gone. You can now come out."

Pablo shouted to the big rocks. Christopher heard it and stood up. He tidied his clothes and sweep the dirt and dust. He looked around to determine the situation. He sighed a relief when he saw that there's nothing.

"Huuu thank God… Thanks the Goddess."

Christopher paused, he realized that there's been no male deity in this world. There were only females.

"What happened, have they retreated?"

Christopher knew that the Dark Side would return back and set an ambush outside the Inaudible Plain. He already read it when they were traveling here. He knew it. Despite knowing the future, his body could stop shivering. 

'Perhaps I'm not good for this kind of thing. Battling is not my taste… is it a blessing that I can't hold any weapons? I mean, I know how to fight since I'm a warrior once but fighting people with supernatural powers is dangerous!! ' 

Christopher thought.

" They retreat, they are tired, but I believe they will ambush us after replenishing their energies."

Pablo deducted it right. Christopher nodded. 

"I guess it's my turn to shine now…"

Christopher looked at the ancient texts. His acting skills would now enter the limelight. He hopes his audience would buy his performance.