MoC 14


"Again… what the hell is going on?"

He woke up realizing that another odd thing happened. As for what it was, you could say he gained another installation inside his head.

[ For accomplishing the hidden quest of Saving the Death. You will receive a Skill regarding what you've done with this current quest. Calculating assistance for the main characters… ding! The possible Skill is calculated. Congratulations, you received the skill ' Ability to Read Ancient Language'!] 

[ Ability to Read Ancient Language- You can read ancient language.]

"Wow… there's a skill description… though I don't need to read it to understand my Skill… the heck!"

Christopher stood up. He recalled what happened yesterday. He helped Yuusha and Pablo to stop the Dark Side. After that, he returned to his home and sleep, he was tired and stressed. The fatigue helped him to sleep faster. When he woke up, he received a notification that he gained another Skill.

"If you're going to give me a skill, Gift, or whatever it is! At least it's an offensive type! How can I protect my family with this!? What, I'll tell my enemies that ' you know, I actually know how to read ancient language so please don't kill me'… f*ck that!"

Christopher was rumbling about his predicament. His priority is to live and protect his family, not to read ancient languages and discover the history. This Skill is incapable of helping him. 

"H- honey!? What's going on!? Why are you shouting? Did you hurt yourself?"

His mother knocked on the door. She wanted to visit her son because they promise to prepare early for the Count's birthday celebration, only to hear her son shouting. 

"N- no mother. I'm fine. I- I just saw a rat and I scream…"

It's an embarrassing excuse, but that was the only excuse that his mind could think. His mother paused and said. 

"Is that so? I will ask for a maid to clean your room. Your Father arrived earlier. He's tired, so he's sleeping right now.".

"Okay, Mother. I will get out after tidying myself."

"Do you want to ask some maids to help you?"

"… No mother. I'll do it on my own."

Christopher has always followed his brother and Father's behavior. They were self-discipline man. They believe that being independent is an etiquette that a noble should have. They didn't want any people to help them do things that they can do on their own. Though Christopher knew that his Mother loves to help his Father when he changes clothes. 

Veronica loves tying her husband's necktie. Christopher chuckled whenever he remembers his Father's reaction, he looked stiff. 

Charles Mellwood, the Count of Entei is having a banquet tomorrow to celebrate his 48th birthday. The Mellwood invited many aristocrats around their regions. They even received a letter saying that the Marquis would participate. 

The Entei is busy.  Whenever the Count's birthday is coming, the whole city would celebrate with him.

 They were busy with the banquet,  however, they received another thing to be engrossed of. Last night, the whole guardsmen were shocked when they found out that the fog in Inaudible Plain was cleared. 

The officials decided to send adventurers to investigate the Plain. The adventurers returned saying they didn't meet any undead or apparitions. The officials waited for the Count to come back. When they received the news that he was in their house and resting they decided to ask the Countess. 

Christopher got out and saw his mother talking to someone. He recognized the person, he is the Mayor of the Entei City. 

He bowed to his Mother and excuse himself, but Veronica asked him to stay and join their conversation.

The Mayor stood and greeted Christopher. He's the next Count so he wants to present a good impression. He already saw Christopher whenever he walked around the streets intoxicated by alcohol, but this was the first time he met him on his normal mode. 

' He's not bad' he thought. 

"Mayor Rob, my husband is currently sleeping and he needs to rest his body. If you want to talk about the Inaudible Plain, my son, Christopher, can do it. I believe he needs to know it, after all, he will take my husband's position someday."

"Yes, Countess"

"Then I will leave you, gentlemen, cause I have things to do. Christopher please, show your courtesy and respect to Mayor Rob. You two need to know each other."

"Yes, Mother."

Veronica curtsey and depart.

Christopher and Rob were left behind. Christopher asked about the Inaudible Plain even though he had an idea about what the topic is. 

"So Mayor Rob, what's the news about the Plain. Did something happen?"

"Yes, Sir Christopher. The guardsmen who were patrolling the area found that the fog in the Plain disappeared. We sent adventurers and they said they didn't spot any undead."

"Is that so… Can we visit it?"

To make his plan, he needs to see the current situation of the Plain. He believed Omicron visited the place so he must observe the current circumstances. He knew that the Plain was now safe.

"S- Sir? No. I believe it's not good for our young master to visit that kind of place."

'Oh come on man, I just visited it yesterday...'

Christopher said inside his mind. 

"No, I believe I need to. If it's related to my Father's territory, then I need to know it as his successor. So how about we go now?"

"S- Sir! W- we can't. You're the Young Master of this household. We can't have you visit any dangerous places. "

Mayor Rob didn't think that the son of Mellwood has a too carefree attitude. Perhaps this could explain why he loves to drink, he didn't care about the surrounding. 

"But you said that there's no undead anymore and the fog vanished. I think I need to see it. How about it? Let's go."

Christopher got up. He looked at the Mayor, waiting for his reply. 

"Sigh… Yes, young master. Just wait a minute and I'll call my carriage to transport you."

"Oh, you don't need to. We will use our family's carriage."

"... Yes Young master."

Rob helplessly accepted it.