MoC 19


They went to the living room. There, they saw the Marchioness. She's waiting for them on her chair. Marchioness was frail and she had problems in walking. However the Marquis fell in love with her when they first met. It's love at first sight.

At that time, the Marquis just returned from the war and he quickly proposed.

The Marchioness declined the offer of marriage because she didn't want the Marquis to have dirty rumours with her. She's the second daughter of a Baron and her family didn't treat her right because of her disabilities. Her inferiority complex was telling her that marrying the Marquis was a bad idea, for her and for the Marquis.

However, Marquis Fillan didn't stop courting her. The Marchioness didn't knew what to do and her heart started to fall in love. She never met a man like him, Marquis Fillan treated her like she's a treasure. She felt especial. After many years, she saw that Marquis Fillan didn't stop loving her, in fact it became stronger. The Marquis proposed again and this time the Marchioness accepted it.

Many nobles were dissatisfied, but the Marquis only showed them deadly glare.

Right now, this couple has three children and they still love each other. The only one who can stop the Marquis was his one and only wife.

"I'm sorry for not waiting outside. I tried to go, but the butler stops me. "

"No, it's okay, my love. I'm happy that you're here with me. I don't want you to stress your body."

Marquis Fillan knelt and kissed her.


"My love…"

The couple didn't thought about Christopher, who's in their front. They showed their love like a newly wed couple.

'… Hello? Am I on the right House? Is this the House of Fillan? '

Christopher already expected this, but he felt like their love was growing stronger. He was struck abrupt when he saw them doing their affectionate touch.

' Wha!? It's on another level! They are kissing now! Hey, this a public area!'

Christopher never thought that his visit in the Fillan House would be like this.

"E- ehem!"

The butler, who's with them, coughed to signal the couple. The husband and wife stopped and look at each other, they giggled and tidy their selves.

"Hello Christopher. You look handsome than ever. The last time that I saw you is when you visit here to spar with Marlon. I believe many ladies will lose their hearts if they see you."

Christopher bowed.

"Thank you Marchioness."

"Hahaha. Christopher inherited his Mother's eye, but his overall features were like his Father. Haha"


Another slapped came at him.

"Dear stop that. Can't you see that Christopher is having a bad time about that arm of yours?"

"Oh, sorry about that, Dear."

'No, I believe you should apologize to me not to the Marchioness. '

"Christopher, I'm sorry that my son is not here. You see, he's in the City right now… I believe he's drinking right now. That son of mine, he never gives his Mother any peace…"

"Ah is that so. Ahaha it's okay Marchioness. I believe I need to rest too cause the carriage is to bumpy to sleep in. I will excuse myself. "

"About that, you can follow the maids and they will show you your bedroom."

"Thank you."

Christopher would be here for two days. They would travel with Marlon and go to the Capital to inform the Emperor and the Council about the possible creation of a new route. They would discuss the Inaudible Plain and the disappearance of the undeads.

Christopher sat on the bed. It's soft and comfortable to touch. However, he believed that he would never got enough rest if Marlon find him. That's why he decided to sleep now because he knew that he wouldn't got any sleep tomorrow. His friend would surely take him to the City to drink…

He took off his coat and sleep.


In the middle of the night, Christopher woke up and took the book outside his baggage.

It's the Book of Death. The Diary that they found inside the Tomb.

Christopher already read 1/4 of the book. He realized that once again, this was not his novel.

He opened the book and read it again.

[ My daughter is sick. She needs the tear of the Goddess of Light to cure her disease. I will ask the Temple of Light if they can give me a vial. I'm a hero, and I saved many people. I believe they will help me. ]

After some time, he concluded that the Necromancer was a Father.

[They didn't gave me. They say that I'm a heretic! I don't know why!? I'm a follower of the Goddess of Death! My Goddess is not part of the Dark Side! How can they say that!?]

After thirty minutes of reading, Christopher closed the book. He can't stomach what happened after that. His daughter died… as for what happened. It's easy to conclude that he made a genocide. He killed every followers of the  Goddess of Light and became a notorious serial killer.

"But I can't see anything related about his death. The Book ended when he destroyed the Capital of Liwan, where the main Temple of Light reside in… after that there's nothing. Only blank pages"

Derik portrayed the Necromancer as the most heartless man of the Continent, but he never knew that his character had a sad story.

He's clueless why the follower of the Goddess of Death was releasing a light and pure essence. For now, he believed that there were many secrets that he need to uncover.

"One problem at a time. That's the only thing I can do right now. I can't solve them easily, I only have one body… I don't even have an offensive power. The only thing I have is these Books."

He's weak but he would never cower. He will do his best to overcame any obstacle.

"First, I need to save this Empire. I need to solve the problem called 'succession of the throne'. Sigh, I hope I will not die."