MoC 33


Yuusha was reincarnated here for almost one and half a year already. He's transported to a forest full of Demon Beast.

Inside the forest, the first person that he met was Acacia. Acacia was wearing a mask at that time. Her Gift could seduce any man that was why she was covering her face.

They spent two months inside the forest until Acacia decided to tell her true name. She left Yuusha after that.

Before Yuusha and Pablo visit the Entei they confronted the traitors of the Temple of Death. They're the group of believers who killed people to reanimate them as undead.

Acacia appeared to punish the people who tainted their image.

Yuusha and Acacia met again. Yuusha realized that Acacia was the Bishop of the Temple of Death. He only got a glimpse but he quickly identified her.

"I met Yuusha in the Inaudible Plain. He said something about Acacia's the Bishop of Temple of Death. Maybe you think I'm lying but I'm not, Yuusha and Pablo helped me to cleanse the Inaudible Plain."

Christopher looked at her. His gaze never back down. Acacia's heart started to skip when she heard the name of Yuusha.

"... What did he say?"

She was not sure if Christopher was lying but the truth that Yuusha was the only one who knew her name is true. Perhaps Yuusha told Christopher about her.

Christopher smirked. It seemed like his excuse was taken.

"He said that he will save you."


Acacia couldn't understand what he said. However, her heart was beating faster.

She remembered the man that protected her even though he was weak. At that time, Yuusha didn't know that Acacia was a Master Dark Mahikero. She could control the shadow within her range. But, Yuusha confronted the Demon Beast to protect her.

That was the first time that she experienced it.

Her eyes dilated and she lost her composure. She looked at the bleeding man.

"You... Why are you telling this?"

" I know that the Temple of Death regards the Necromancer as a Hero. You can take his diary but in one condition…"

He paused, he didn't know if this woman would agree.

"What is it?"

"Build your Main Temple in my territory."

"T- that's!"

The Goddess of Death was part of the Deities that fought the Dark Side. In ancient times, people believed in her as the Protector of the Night. However, because of the Temple of Light conspiracies. The followers of Goddess of Death were now treated as Heretics. Rumors flowed saying that when you get close to them, death and sickness would follow you.

Since then, the people lost their trust and they lose a lot of believers.

The Temple of Death was now hiding because people treated them as part of the Dark Side. And now, many Death Mahikeros used their powers to kill civilians, this caused their image to plummet.

However, there were still people who believed in them. After all, death is always part of life. They couldn't erase the fact that they would die and enter the Underworld to face judgment. They would either go to the Goddesses Palace or the Eternal Suffering.

"You're not joking? Right?"

Acacia couldn't believe that someone asked her to build a Temple in their territory. Their loyal followers were afraid because they always change their location. If Christopher was not lying, then this is good news.

"No, I'm not joking. I want to build a Temple inside Entei City. Entei doesn't have a Temple so I believe we need to build one."

"Then, why us?"

"Ah, the Inaudible Plain is the place where the grave of Death Necromancer is lying in. I know you want to inspect that place. Besides, the route needs security. I can use your followers to guard the merchants whenever they travel... But please, could you use the Dark Mahikero, not the Death one. You see, many people were afraid of the undead."

Acacia looked into his eyes. She believed this man was not lying. As for the Dark Mahikero, it's not a problem. Her priority was to change the views of people. She could use this chance to change their image.

They are not Heretics, their Goddess was part of the Deities. Acacia would do everything to get their faith. But before that, she needs to tell this to the Archbishop. She didn't have the ability to agreed but she believed the Archbishop would immediately approve.

"I will ask the Archbishop first…"

Christopher nodded. His goal, for now, was to present his offer and leave a good and strong impression.

"Okay, no problem. The diary is in that case. You can take it."

Acacia took the book and before she left, she stared at him and asked.

"By the way, how did you know that this was his diary."

Christopher chuckled yet his face was pale.

"My simple deduction. Don't worry, I never read it. After all, I can't read the ancient language. Oh, can you clean the surrounding? You see I'm tired and I need to rest."

Acacia smile.

"Ara, you don't have to think about them. The rats were already dead."

Christopher flinched but he still grinned. After she got what she wanted, Acacia disappeared only leaving Christopher and a dead body.

Christopher immediately drunk the healing potion. His hands were shivering. He thought he would die. The wound in his chest quickly healed when he swallowed the liquid.

"Now, what should I do about this body. "

The Temple of Light was moving and they're observing his movements. Christopher pinched his forehead. Another factor had been added to his problem.

"For now, I need to solve this problem."

Christopher looked at his clothes. He had an idea.



A shriek echoed inside the Manor. Christopher was lying on the bed. He was sweating and blood was everywhere, thankfully, he was alive. The maids saw their Master bathed in blood. On the ground, they saw a lifeless man.

The maids were terrified. The other workers immediately ran to see what happened.

"Kuck… I need to call the Marquis."

Christopher tried to stand up. His face was pale and he lost a lot of blood. The head butler stopped him from moving.

"Y- Young Master!! You must not!! I will call the guards! You can ask them to deliver your message!"

Christopher stumbled but the people quickly caught him. He looked at the butler and nodded.

"Tell him that the enemies are close …"

He fainted after saying it.

(Hello this is me Pujimaki, I'm actually busy cause my auntie died and I'm attending Lamay( burial/funeral)... Life is really a roller coaster ride. I'm sad and depressed, my mother cried, though I know that the most hurt were my cousins. Death... It's a frightening road... But this is not the reason why I'm writing this. This is about what I read last night, in the middle of a service.

I received a notification and email stating that Webnovel is offering me a contract. And I don't know what to do... I'm shocked, I'm just an inexperienced writer who loves to create his imagination. I'm not confident.

I think I'll postpone it for one month before making a decision. Don't worry, I will still update this six times a week. Sunday is my rest day so there's no chapter tomorrow... I will research any advantages and disadvantages of being contracted and anything related to the topic. However, the most thing I WANTED to ask is you, readers..... Will you still read and support this novel if this became Premium?.... Though I'm not sure about that. )