MoC 50


Acacia walked in the middle of devastated land, she killed Jaraina. To make sure that the woman would not be revived by the Goddess of Light, she cut her head and took her heart. She sliced her body into dozens of pieces.

It would be close to impossible to revive Jaraina.

While she's walking, she heard groaning in the distance.

"It seems like luck was on your side…"

Marquis Fillan cried in agony, his body was burned and his lower part was missing. Acacia decided to help him.

Edson's body was in critical condition, he couldn't open his eyes and his face was ruptured. He can only shout.

Acacia took a small vial of liquid. It's the Tears of Goddess that Acacia got when she killed Jaraina. The Temple of Light was really thoughtful for their Bishops. the Tears of Light could cure any disease and regenerate wounds.

She chuckled, how ironic that Marquis Fillan was going to use the Tears of Goddess to heal his wounds when he just fought the Bishop of Light earlier. Fate was really playing at them.

Edson was struggling, he's close to death and he looked horrible. His skin was burned and the flesh was visible. Because of his constitution of being a Master that finished the Tribulation of Defense Path, he survived the powerful attack. However, he's now suffering because of it. He didn't know if it's better to die than to feel tormenting torture.


He coughed blood, any moment now, he could die. Even breathing was painful, but this suffering stopped when he felt a liquid entering his mouth.

Acacia gave him the vial, it's a poison for her so she can't use it. But for the people like Edson who had no Gifts and didn't serve any Goddess, the Tears of Goddess of Light was miracle water for them.

Edson's body was reconstructing, his skin was covering his flesh. His missing limbs were growing and he could now see. His vision was returning and the first thing that he saw was the endless darkness of the night.

"Fufu, it's fortunate that you survive that attacked."

His mind was messy but he can still talk.

"You are...?"

"I'm the Bishop of the Temple of Death. You can ask Christopher for the details."

Edson realized that he's alive. He looked at his naked body, his clothes were gone but he didn't care. He cried in happiness, the image of his wife emerged in his mind.

"Thank you for saving me, someday I will return this favor. Thank you I can now return to my family."

He opened his mouth but Acacia was now gone. She vanished when she concluded that Edson was alive.

He stands up, the surrounding was like a deserted land. He sighed, he couldn't detect the presence of any life.

"Alphonse, I guess I need to talk to your parents…"

His heart ached when he found that Alphonse was dead. He started to leave the place, his Aura was drained after he used to protect himself. Fortunately, he still had the strength to move.


Three minutes before the Calling of True Name, the whole Capital shook and almost every person saw the majestic light crashed into the land.

The people screamed, the people that are rioting outside the Palace were frightened and they shouted.

The force smashed them and many were injured, even the nobles were shouting inside the meeting room.

Aquila looked at the agitated nobles, 18 years already passed since the Empire experience a war. These people were intoxicated to peace and Aquila couldn't believe that his subjects were now cowards.

"Your Majesty!! Please open the Gate, the Capital was in grave predicament!!"

They shouted at him, forgetting that their position was lower.

Aquila shrugged, these people were ignorant. No matter what they do, the Gate would not work. If they try to use the platform, their bodies will disintegrate and die.

"Don't speak cowardice to the Emperor!"

Empress Maria shouted to protect her husband.

"We are the strongest country on this Continent. Steel your mind, we will not lose."

She said, though deep inside she was scared too. She witnessed how the pillar of light turn their lands into nothing. She shivered thinking about it, yet she must show her bravery.

'This is a good chance.'

She thought, her greedy mind was still working in the midst of this crisis. The nobles listen to her, Maria encourages them to have faith.

"Our Empire experience many wars but we still won. Our strong soldiers were now moving to stop the turmoil. Right now, the second Prince were outside to end this act of terror. We must trust them, and just like how they're doing their best, we must do our job too."

Many breathed in relief when they heard her. They nodded and began to focus.

Aquila looked at them and smirk.

'Yes, I didn't make the wrong choice of using this woman. She had the ability to command these cowards.'

He thought, as the strongest Water Mahikero, he's confident that he could defeat any Master that try to kill him.

'Vincent it's such a waste that you died early.'

He felt regret remembering how Vincent Mellwood sacrificed his life. At that time, four Stealth Masters tried to assassinate Aquila. As the Captain of the Imperial Knights, Vincent never let the four assassins to get closer to the Emperor, he succeeded but he lost his life.

Aquila kicked his tongue thinking about it. Now, another Mellwood was entering his life. It seems like the Mellwood had a strong determination.

He closed his eyes, he knew that outside the Capital, his enemies were killing every people around. He felt a couple of strong power waiting outside. He couldn't believe that there were people who are brave enough to fight him. Perhaps the Continent forgot how sinister he was.

'I will show who's they're going to fight.'

He grinned, at last, the two decades of peace was going to end.