MoC 57


The underground was bleak, Christopher could hear the growling of the demons. But he continued his travel.

"It seems that I'm close…"

He breathed heavily and ready himself. He didn't know what outcome would happen. His mind begun to work, he recalled everything that he wrote about this Passage.

[ Minicia was running in the darkness, the enemies were following him and she was afraid. She stumbled and fell, she didn't see that there was a thing blocking her. She freaked out when she saw a couple of skeleton on the ground. She almost screamed but she wrapped her mouth. She looked at her knee, it was bleeding… She wanted to cry, but even crying was risky. She could hear the group of people running after her. She tried to hide but it was futile. The enemies found her.


She screamed.

She leaned on the wall and accidentally touched the secret compartment, the concrete vibrated. The ground began to shake and she witnessed the horror .......

Auburn War Vol. 5]

It was a scenario that he created, his breathing was rugged but he steeled his mind.


Aria was battling with the man, she knew that something bad would happen if she's kidnapped. She already experienced the feeling of losing hope. She didn't want to experience it again.

"Don't move young missy. The commander said that I must deliver you alive but he didn't say if completely intact or not. "

The Master said, Renard was a Master the works for money. He was a Stealth Master that focuses on gathering Intel. Sometimes he was hired for murdering or abducting. His efficiency was a hundred percent, he was confident about his ability. He took the Path of Stealth and he believed that no one could detect his presence, well, if you subtract the hierarchy of the Temple of Death.

He chuckled, those people were talented in hiding, he thought. Everybody knew that the followers of Death were greatly obstructed because of the other religions. Many people were afraid of death so it's a valid reason.

"Mmppp mmpp"

Aria muffled, she kicked her feet to distract Renard but she failed. Instead, the Master took his blade to punish her slightly. He grasped her hands, he wanted to cut her fingers.


The Princess shouted for help, thankfully, her Prince Charming appeared. Her fingers were almost taken off but Christopher came in.


Together with Christopher, Twenty Minotaurs charged. It was a trap that he awakened, this was the monsters that Minicia witnessed.

Christopher sprinted, not looking behind. He knew that the Minotaurs were going to crash his body if he didn't run.

Renard was dumbstruck, he immediately used his dagger to defend. He was a Master but he couldn't fight twenty Minotaurs simultaneously. He dropped Aria because the battle would be hard.


The monsters roared, Christopher's back was dripping wet. However, he didn't forget his objective. He ran into them, and he used his dagger that he could only use for five minutes. He tried to stab the man but Renard was ready.

Christopher swung his blade but Renard avoided it. The dagger hit nothing, Christopher anticipated this. He was not an idiot believing that his frontal assault would be successful. That was why he had a plan B.

Inside his pocket, he took the potions that he stored. He threw the potion into Renard, the man didn't have enough time to evade it.

The glass cracked and hit him, the liquid moistened his clothes. It's a monster beguiling potion!!!

The Minotaurs warcried and smelled the scent. They smashed him but Renard was faster. He disappeared into the darkness, the Minotaurs used their noses to detect him. They didn't see that Christopher and Aria were missing.

The Minotaurs shook the place, their nose was sensitive, even if they couldn't detect Renard. His smell was lingering in the area. They could smell the alluring scent of the potion.


Deep in the darkness, Renard cursed himself. His mission failed and he couldn't move. If he tries to move even just a little, the twenty Demon Beasts would surely kill him.

Now the Stealth Master was stuck in the middle of twenty Minotaurs.


Christopher and Aria were running in the Passage, they were holding each other hands. Their grasped were so strong that you couldn't separate them. Christopher was busy that why he didn't see Aria's expression.

"Princess, the exit was close, we can leave this place… Princess?"

Aria stopped, Christopher looked at her. In the middle of this dark place. He could see the obsession and gratification on her twinkling eyes. Aria stepped in.

"Why…... Why did you save me? Again, you save me again... Christopher. "

She said, her eyes were like a predator hunting her prey. She just experienced an abduction but she was not frightened, she felt like this man could save her... Aria was elated, she was just kidnapped but she didn't care. For her, the matter about Christopher was more important.

Christopher said his utmost feelings.

"I would rather die than to see you suffer."

The last fence that blocking Aria's rationality was gone. She kissed Christopher. She was so f*cking in love. She would do anything to get this man.

'I love you, I love you, I love you. Christopher, you're mine, if there's someone who tries to take you, I'll kill them. I will do anything to have your love. '

She thought.

Christopher was surprised but he returned her feelings. He caressed her body and slowly touched her back.

The two stayed in the darkness, they didn't care about the hissing and howling of the Demon Beasts. Their heat satisfied each other and they show their affections.

Their kisses together, echoing in the darkness. They wanted to touch each other further. Their tongues intertwined.

Aria's obsessive love awakened, she decided that Christopher was her possession and no one could get him, even if it's the Goddesses.

(Note: hmm, should I make Aria as a Yandere? I think I need to change her hair into a pink one? Guys, what do you think? Though...… I think she already stepped into that forbidden place... Anyway, let's clapped our hands cause their relationship was now moving forward!!!... *cough* I hope no other woman would block them. *cough!*)