MoC 97


Christopher felt the pain but it quickly vanished, his foot regenerated and returned to normal.

Omicron was surprised that he had healing power.

"You don't have mana so I guess it's a Gift, huh. The Goddess of Light loathes this Empire, so she was out of the answers… Maybe the Goddess of Mountain?"

Omicron deducted but he was wrong. He didn't add the possibility that maybe Christopher was under the Abomination, he believed that he won't because the Woman of Abomination was part of the Dark Side.

"Zeta kill him."

"Yes, Captain."

Zeta snapped his fingers again. Christopher's foot was completed healed so he back away. He knew that Zeta had a limited range, he couldn't attack ten meters away.

"Hm? Did you just learned my secret?"

Zera was startled, he thought that perhaps Christopher found his range.


Zera charged to get close and flicked his fingers twice. Christopher detected a heat close to his chest and stomach, he crossed his arms to protect himself … It was futile, his arms blown away.


Christopher knocked down and writhed in pain. Zeta didn't give him time to regenerate and ran to him.

Christopher splashed his blood into Zeta's face to distract him. Zeta covered his eyes while Christopher put distance.

Donovan was busy fighting Natan and the three Intermediate were fighting the Knights… Christopher didn't have a helper.

He was struggling and he was not confident to show his power to them. The Abomination was part of the Dark Side just like the True Apostle but this doesn't mean they were friends… The True Apostle was a selfish woman while the Woman of Abomination was insecure but brutal. They had a different ideology and sometimes they clashed with each other.

Christopher didn't know if it's the right decision to transform in front of these people.

He decided not to.

He still had few cards in his sleeve. Christopher calmed his breathing and glanced at Omicron and Zeta.

He held his dagger, it was pulsating. Christopher closed his eyes for a second and then sprint. He dashed and put his all to ran fast.

Zeta widened his eyes, he didn't think that Christopher would face him in melee. He thought he would run away.

He made an explosion again under the ground, Christopher jumped and shot his dagger. Zeta saw the fast blade coming but he couldn't evade it. He was shot in the chest, he paused for a second and then groaned. He tried to take the blade out but Christopher was in his front.

"Don't worry, I will not kill you."

Christopher honestly said. Zeta had a role he needs to accomplish. Christopher hit his stomach and Zeta arch down, Christopher gave him another blow on the face. Zeta fell and lost consciousness. Christopher retrieved his dagger and watched Omicron.

Omicron started to cast his Curse Spell. Christopher immediately ran to him, he aimed his dagger pointing at Omicron.

Omicron mumbled words...

"Illusional Pain!!!"

He shouted.

Christopher smirked when he heard it, he was right, Omicron would use his favorite Curse, the Illusional Pain. Christopher didn't back away, he let the Curse enter his body. The curse dissipated inside him, it didn't work.

Christopher continued his running.

"What!? How!?"

Omicron was shocked. No one, except Yuusha, had immunity to curse. All of his opponents died when they faced him…

He realized that Christopher was not an ordinary Awakener. He got the same ability like Yuusha.

Actually, Christopher didn't have immunity to curse, all he got was just mental protection. Any mind attack would not work on him. Illusional Pain was a mental curse so it didn't affect him.


Christopher stabbed him. Omicron was angry he held his clothes but Christopher stabbed him again. Omicron and Zeta were almost immortal so they won't die easily.

Omicron's blood flowed and he lost his strength. Christopher hit his neck and he fell asleep on the ground that was painted with his blood.

Christopher grabbed the Stolen Soul. He looked at Donovan, he was still fighting Natan and it was still undecided. As for the Intermediate, they were struggling to fight the Knights. Donovan was busy and no one could help them, the Knights were too strong for them.

"I guess I need to test this."

He walked away and left the two followers of the Apostle unconscious. They could manage their own.

He opened the casket and found a small flute. The flute was painted of red spots, it was the blood of the soul it ate. The Runes were scribbled on and it gave a deadly vibe.

Christopher gulped, he was holding a weapon of destruction. Inside this little flute, thousands of souls were suffering.

He inhaled and blew it, the flute started to make a sound. The Masters could protect themselves from the sound but except them, all of the people who would hear it would lose their lives. Christopher targeted the Knights.

The Knights heard the sound, at first they didn't feel anything strange. However, after some time they realized that their strength was disappearing. Some of them dropped on the ground never waking up. The others started to doze and they fell on the ground too.

They died hearing the beautiful sound of death.

Christopher stopped when he saw all of the Knights were dead… It was dreadful that he didn't feel any guilt killing these people. Yeah, he knew he was changing, his Gift(?) made him accustomed to killing. He had mixed feelings about it.

The bandits panted and they dropped their weapons. They almost died, fighting these Knights was akin to suicide.

Christopher and the bandits watched Donovan fighting Natan. They had equal strength, Natan was faster but Donovan could easily fend off his attacks.


Natan kicked his tongue when he felt that he was at a disadvantage. He decided that it was dangerous to stay here. If Christopher played the flute again he would surely lose his focus. He decided to retreat, it's unfortunate that they lost the Stolen Soul but it's more unfortunate if he died here. The Forzin kingdom would lose another firepower if he died.

As for the Duke… Natan was not sure if that lunatic had a plan. Duke Obata had this unreadable thought and Natan couldn't penetrate his mind. However, only one thing was for sure, Duke Obata was so obsessed with creating something. He learned that Duke Obata betrayed the Empire because the Temple of Light helped him to accomplish his project.

Natan took out a smoke bomb and left. Donovan slashed the smoke but Natan escaped, he didn't get him.

Donovan rotated his machetes and returned them to his back. He looked at Christopher and smiled.

"Well well, you got some good item on your hand huh."

All of them relaxed, they completed their mission. Now, it's time to help the Royal Family.