MoC 105


Together with Marlon, Augusta saw the giant Flesh. The monster became larger and they could see it even though they were far.

"What is that?"

Marlon said. They finished fighting the enemies, and almost all of the Duke's soldiers died. Marlon and Augusta felt the scream of soul, they only heard it weakly but their souls received a punch. All of the soldiers with them kneeled, the screamed stabbed their spirit.


They felt the tremors of the earth, the Masters were fighting the creature. They recovered their breath, it was good that the scream didn't fatal injured them.

"Your Highness!"

One of Julian's retainers came to Augusta.

"The First Prince said that we must evacuate the people far away from the giant!"

The retainers said, his legs shivered when he saw the monster eating the people.

Augusta paused and studied the surrounding. He knew that he couldn't fight the creature. They would die if they got close to the monster.

"Listen! Take the people away from here!"

"Yes sir!"

The soldiers yelled, they were still aching because of the scream but they overcome it.

Marlon watched the giant, he believed his father was fighting the creature right now. He stepped forward but Augusta called him.

"Marlon, you can't go there. You know that we will only hinder their fight if we go there."

Augusta gave his honest opinion. His gut feel told him that the creature was dangerous.

Marlon hesitated but he listened to Augusta. He nodded and helped him to escort the people away from the creature.


"Hah hat hat, Tental, you next. My lungs can't hold it anymore!"

Sando, the Intermediate Mahikero gasped for air. He blew the plute for three minutes and his lung capacity reached its limit. He gave the plute to his comrade.

The other man took the plute and puffed, he started playing the plute. The plute could decipher whose the ally and not. The three Intermediate were not affected by the plute.

"What do you think Christopher is doing right now? He just tossed the plute to us and said we must play it to distract the creature."

Sando asked. They were hiding under the rubble of the destroyed house.

"I think he is trying to find a way to kill it. Remember he said that he had a way to kill it? I think he is searching for something."

The other man replied. But Sando had negative thoughts.

"… What if he ran away?"

He nervously asked, his comrades paused, even Tental, the one who was playing the plute, coughed. Sando realized he made a mistake.

The Flesh cried and regain its mind, Tental who was holding the plute quickly, blew it, he distracted the Flesh again.

Lamaj, the other Intermediate, smacked Sando's head.

"Don't fucking scare us! Remember, we are loyal to the leader not to Christopher! If that coward ran away, so be it, I don't give a fuck. Donovan decided to fight this flesh-like monster, I will not leave him! Do you understand!?"

"Y- yes!"

Sando nodded his head like a child.

"Haaahhh haaahh"

Tental breathed for air, he gave the plute to the Lamaj.

This scene, repeated many times. The Flesh ached when the plute played. The souls inside it started to come out, but the other souls pulled them. The Flesh would get weaker if its souls escaped inside its body. It focused its attention on keeping the souls intact. So now, it didn't have the ability to defend.

The five Masters continued to attack it. Julian could still fight and he helped them by throwing acidic water into the eyes of the creature.

As time passed, the Flesh realized that the plute's sound didn't affect him greatly. The hundred souls started to gain immunity. But it was still not enough, the pain was still too much to endure. But as more time passed, the Flesh believed that it would completely gain immunity.


Christopher ran to the mansion, a portion of the mansion was missing.

Christopher scanned the place, he wanted to find Yuusha. He went to the mansion and searched. Still, he couldn't find him. He started sniffing, his sense of smell improved when he became an Awakener. He sniffed, but still, he failed, he couldn't pinpoint his scent. Christopher had another way to find him but he wasn't sure if it's the best way.

"Do I really have to use it?"

If Christopher transformed into a Lycan, he was confident that he could find him, the Lycan had a sensitivity to smell. However, if Yuusha saw him in this form, there's a chance that Yuusha would attack him.

"Ah! Let's do this!"

Christopher decided to transform. His body became large, his nails lengthened and became sharp claws. He turned to a humanoid wolf-like creature.

He retained his mind and started to sniff the surrounding. His nose twitched, he found him. He smelled another man deep inside the rubbles but he didn't know who it was and he didn't care.

Christopher ran using his arms and legs, he ran like an animal. He reached the place, it was devastated. The walls and ceiling were on the floor, dust, and dirt everywhere.

Christopher heard a beating sound under the rubbles. It was the sound of a heart throbbing. Christopher growled and carried the heavy rocks. He threw them away and he started to see the body of Yuusha.

It was greatly destroyed, it was a miracle how Yuusha lived. His body was full of holes, blood dripping out and he was pale. Yuusha was unconscious, it was good since Christopher didn't want to show this form.

Christopher remembered the scene he wrote. There was a scenario where Yuusha was defeated by the Archbishop of the Abomination. The Archbishop wanted Yuusha to suffer greatly so an idea entered his mind.

Everybody knew that the blood of Demon Beast was poisonous, their body would turn black and their organs would cease functioning if they taste it. Every organ would explode and the person would die.

The Archbishop grinned and sliced his palm. He put his palm on Yuusha's mouth. Yuusha struggled but the blood entered his mouth and drunk it.… Yuusha's defense mechanism activated when the blood of Demon Beast entered him.