MoC 108


Christopher had a plan. He needed to summon Yuusha to the Abomination's lair.

There were three things that a person must achieve to see the Goddess. First, he must be dead, his soul should be separated from his body. Second, he must have an embodiment of Goddess with him, this would connect him to the Goddess. The third and last, the hardest to achieve, the Goddess would decide if she wanted to see him or not.

If all of these requirements were attained, then you could see the Goddess. However, if any of these requirements didn't work, then you are fucked up. Your soul would stay in the Underworld.

"Yuusha is already dead, or should I say that he's in a state of half dead- half alive. The defense mechanism triggered when I poisoned him using my blood. The Godhood is preventing him from fully dying…"

The first requirement, check.

"Now, since my dagger is inside my body, this means that I'm an embodiment of Pariah."

The second requirement, still in process.

"I'm confident that Pariah with heed my call… I think she's eager to meet me again."

The third requirement, already approved before he even thought about doing this.

Christopher sighed, he was surprised that he would meet the Woman of Abomination earlier than he thought.

Yuusha's arm completely healed. He dashed to Christopher and created a white sword. Christopher faced him, he didn't run, his body engulfed in flames.

Yuusha slashed him and just like him the wound on Christopher quickly healed too. Christopher had natural healing power but the Troll's regeneration fastened the process. His healing ability was faster than Yuusha.

Christopher's sharp claws pierced him. Yuusha didn't feel any pain, though he was immobilized. Christopher stabbed him again, his two arms stuck inside Yuusha. Now, Christopher could start his plan, all of the preparation is complete.

Yuusha lifted the weapon but Christopher yelled.

"Pariah! I know that you are watching me!"

Yuusha cut him into two, Christopher died. However, this was the actual plan of Christopher. Just like the requirements, he too must die.


Two souls traveled from the mortal land to the Woman of Abomination's space.

Christopher and Yuusha were summoned. Yuusha was still in the state of Godhood. White light started to blind the surrounding.

Woman of Abomination yawned. Her tentacles wriggled and her naked body could be seen.

"Haa… this is the first time that a Hero entered my space though I don't care, you are boring, you didn't excite me. You can now sleep again."

Abomination hated the light, she remembered the bitch, her rival, who holds the power of Light.

"Fucking distasteful."

She said.

Hazy energy arose inside her, it spread and rushed to Yuusha. Two forces collided, after a few seconds, only one power remain. Yuusha was still weak to clash with a Goddess.

He fell, his body was bloodied and charred. It looked painful.

The Woman of Abomination, snapped her fingers and Yuusha returned. She didn't want any trash around her place.

Now, she and Christopher were alone again. Her eyes were glimmering, she looked at Christopher with longing.

"I miss you…"

Christopher was panting, he already died twice but he still wasn't used to the feeling of being torn apart. He gasped for air, he needed time to recover.

Abomination slowly came to him, she touched his cheek. She smiled, only weeks passed but she missed Christopher so much. Abomination was stranger to this feeling, she knew it but this was the first time she felt it.

'So this is the feeling of yearning, I think I know the reason why Light became crazy, she really loved the first Hero, so much that she even tried to kill Death.'

She wasn't sure why she had these feelings. Though she liked it, she loved this feeling. She lived since the start of the world but this was the only thing that excited her. She had many toys but no one gave her this sensation. Only one, Christopher.

'Nobody accepted me for what I am… except you. You didn't see me as a Goddess, you see me as a woman. I couldn't read what you're thinking but I know that you didn't feel disgusted about me. Thank you.'

She hugged Christopher. The man regained his composure, he realized that Abomination was hugging him.


The woman giggled.

"Christopher… Do you know that nobody called me Pariah? Even my Bishops don't call me Pariah easily. They only call my true name when they wanted to destroy something. They only say my name when they use The Calling of True Name. Even here, in my space, they were afraid to say my name."

Abomination spoke, at first, she wanted to have this man because he was entertaining. Then what happened? What changed? She didn't know, even the Auburn War didn't know. But… Pariah was joyous that Christopher was not grossed out when he saw everything ( her past).

Abomination realized that she smiles whenever she thought of Christopher.

"Pariah, I… "

Christopher paused, the reason why he called her Pariah was because he wasn't afraid of her. He knew her, he deeply knew her. He didn't feel any fear because he was the author of this story. For him, Pariah was just a normal woman.

"Un, I know."

Abomination nodded, she understood that Christopher must return to the mortal world. The time here was different from the mortal world.

She hugged Christopher tightly, she wanted to feel him before he returned. Christopher hugged her too.

"Christopher, say my name."

Christopher started to open his mouth.

"I call thy Name. Thy mother of Demon Beasts, thy envy can never be measure. I call thy Goddess Name, Pariah!"

Christopher's started to vanish. Abomination kissed his lips, she wanted to taste his lips. Christopher returned her feelings. Their lips separated and Abomination had butterflies inside her stomach.

"Did you saw it, my life?"


Christopher replied, his limbs were already gone.

"What do you think?"

Her heart was beating fast. She was afraid of Christopher's answer.

"You are beautiful."

Christopher unhesitatingly said. Something exploded when she heard his answer. Abomination was blown, liberated by the emotions that burden her.

Christopher completely disappeared, he returned to his world.

Abomination happily cried. She covered her face who had tears of joy. She realized that accepted her in the midst of her destruction.