MoC 131


The soldiers stepped in and clashed with Christopher. They were Intermediate and they didn't detect anything in Christopher, still, they decided to attack simultaneously to kill him fast. They were not sure if Christopher was dangerous or not that was why they decided to end this.

Christopher saw their movements, since these people were going to die anyway, he didn't hesitate to transform. The Lycan had high mobility while the Troll had high healing power, Christopher chose the Troll this time. Fighting multiple opponents was going to be hard so using Troll was the best, besides his Troll was Sui Generis.

The first soldier swung his blade, Christopher evaded the attack, his fist became greenish and two colors of tattoos were showing off. He grabbed the soldier and stabbed his heart out.

"He's an Awakener!"

"T- That's the Gift of Abomination!"


The soldiers reacted when they saw his transformation, Christopher became a Troll that had two tattoos of red and blue. He dashed into them and spread his arms, he roared and started his attack.

The soldiers put their defense, they parried the slashes the Christopher did, however, they realized that their weapons were engulfed by flames. Christopher's fists were burning, he charged again and attack the soldier who was closed to him.

The soldier won't let it be, he lifted his weapon and sliced him, the blade touched his body and its flame crawled into the soldier. He tried to release the sword but it was too late, the flame reached him. Christopher's blood had great fuel so the fire won't die easily.

He didn't even look at the soldier because he knew that he would be dead within a second. The wound that he got disappeared and he moved again.

Christopher smirked and started the massacre.



The lackeys and the King were shivering, some of them tried to run away but a wall of fire encircled them. Someone tried to leave and jumped to the other side, the fire touched him and he died. Nobody tried to copy what he did after did.

They couldn't do anything except how Christopher killed the soldiers one by one. Honestly, the soldiers were strong but they couldn't put any wounds, or rather the wounds quickly healed. The soldiers realized that Christopher had healing power but it was already late, all of them died.

The King kneeled, he was touching the ground, he didn't know how he was in this place where gravity of despair was on top of him and he couldn't move. He wanted to scream, he wanted to call for help but it was futile. The thoughts of calling the Archbishop entered his head but he remembered that he was forsaken by the followers of True Apostle.

The fire started to subside, the King and the lackeys saw that Christopher was gradually going to them.


The lackeys wanted to escape but drops of blood rained on them, fire started to eat them. The lackeys cried in pain, they crawled or rolled on the ground. They were crying but their tears evaporated because of the fire.

The King watched how his men died, he was sweating and he peed in his clothes. He was convulsing because of fear, a large shadow covered him.

Christopher faced then King of Rambaldon, the pupils of the fat King were trembling. He shook his head.

"No no no no nononono"

He touched Christopher's foot and begged, he was kowtowing.

"P- Please let me live! I will do everything, just let me live! T- This treasures, y- you can have them! Ye- Yes, all of these are yours. Just let me live, please, I- I'm begging you!"

The King held his foot tightly, he rubbed his oily face on his foot. Christopher felt his tears falling on his foot, he was disgusted.

"Please please…"

The King didn't look like a King anymore, he was just a man who was begging for his life.

"Ugh! "

Christopher kicked his face, the King crashed into the ground. He looked up and saw that the Troll had face disgusting expression. Even though this was the first time the King saw a Troll he could tell that it was disgusted.

"You kill the woman that I loved."

… Well, it didn't happen. Aria was saved before she was taken to the Forzin Kingdom, so Christopher's allegation was fake. Anyway, for Christopher, that thing was not important. The truth that the possibility of Aria being raped by this man was written on the Auburn War, Christopher was furious just by thinking that there was a possibility of that happening. Since he read that this King raped his woman in the novel, he already promised that he would kill him no matter what.

"W- wha! No, no I don't know that!"

The King screamed. He wanted to say that he was innocent. Although he knew inside him that he did rape many girls, he raped and killed them after he lost interest in them. His eyes widened, perhaps he really did kill the woman that Christopher loved. Still, he lied to live.

"I'm innocent! I don't know what you're talking about!"

The King crawled, he used his everything to escape. He understood that Christopher had no intention of letting him live. He didn't know who was the woman and he didn't care, all he wanted was to escape.


The King cried and stood, his shaking knees took a step, he wanted to live.

"You said that I can have your treasures but I can take it after I kill you. Besides, you lied, I know that you have a ring that contained treasures too. "

Christopher watched the King stumbling and trying to escape.

"H- Help! Somebody, help me!"

The King turned hysterical, he knew that death was behind him. He called for help, he hoped that someone would hear him.

"Please, somebody."

He knew that this place was hidden, still, he hoped that someone would hear him.

Christopher decided to end this now.


The head of the King flew and a puddle of blood rained down.

