Chapter 18: The Dispersal

The Emperor went back to the things he needed to do after the celebration. He went down to see the troops that would be sent not only to raid the empire's safety but to bring the things needed without being stolen.

He went in wearing a common and dull-colored attire with a hood that covered his head so that he wouldn't get too much attention since he is not someone that you will ignore when you see him in a place. No matter whether you know him or not,

He doesn't make any announcements since he knows that they will make it flawless if they hear that he is coming to check.

A sudden, crashing sound was heard from a distance. The emperor stops and turns around to see where the sound came from.

Soldiers are all roaming around the place, just speculating.

He went passed people and saw a young man on the floor drenched with stinky water. The sound of the crash was weapons that were scattered all around the area.

His specially made high-quality weapons, which he ordered from Fidelphia, were all scattered on dirty ground by these id*ts.

A group of newly hired idi*ts are bullying someone weak who is working inside the armory.

But none of those mighty soldiers that he had there had the compassion to help this poor man. What kind of soldiers does he have under his empire and are they those to be sent to help his people in the crisis?


"What a shame! An eyesore," they continue to mock him as the poor man limps on the floor.

"I said you cannot take stocks that are meant for poor people and distribute them initially and double for the noble families just to be favored by them," he stated.

Stephen wants to utter words to the emperor but the emperor signals him to wait.


The young man pulled out his dagger and ran to him to slit his throat.

Since he was thin and light, he was dragged like a sack and thrown on the pile of things that were waiting to be loaded and transported.

Their leader, a muscular and huge guy, was very pissed while applying pressure to the bleeding wound on his neck. A perfect spot for an easy death.

They got him and circled around that young man to beat him to death.

However, there is no fear in his eyes while receiving those punches that leave marks on his face. He would really die fighting for what he knew was right.

'How dramatically honorable,' the emperor thought sarcastically. He always encounters id*tic people with principles but that makes things a little saucy and exciting, just to cut the lame, obnoxious act of systematized flow of natural toxicity that takes common ground in his life and society.

Finally, the emperor barges in.

He hit the other one and it fell dead. He hit the back of its head. 

He knows the fatal part of being hit for easy death and that may be something he finds amusing about that weakling. Aside from not being scared of death and getting beaten, not only for being an honorable fool but also for being aware that he is weak, he gambles on a single attack that will surely kill his opponent. Because he knows that if the enemy survives, he'll die.

He killed all the others but left the leader on his knees and from that time on, the higher-ranking soldiers began to move and try to stop him. 

"You've got to be kidding me," he muttered with a sarcastic smirk on his face. So he beat all of them, limping on the ground.

Everyone was stunned by terror.

"You," he called for the guy who was bullied, "What is your name?" he asked with his cold tone and intimidating aura.

He kneels on the floor and sticks his face to the ground. "Oran"

Led by Princess Beatrice and Prince Orion, they came rushing because they had heard the report.

Like the young man, they start kneeling on the floor.

"Disappointed that it's just me and not another soldier with potential?" Evan stated.

"You should bear your face to the ground as well, ASHAMED, I was not pleased when I saw my military forces undignified and non-humane." 

"We have new recruits in the area, Your Highness. They are not disciplined yet," said Princess Beatrice.

When the people saw the officials, they also fell on their knees, realizing who that strong man was.

"Are you hearing your words? So that means all of them are new and undisciplined? Even your old high-ranking military doesn't know what to do in times of ruckus? Are you telling me they are new and lacking as well?" he stated coldly with his attitude.

"Maybe I'd rather punish the two of you shamefully or remove their positions since they are unworthy idiots," he demanded.

"No one will take charge of the dispersal," she reprimanded.

"Then be responsible enough to solve that problem that was assigned under your branch of the empire," he insisted.

The princess apologizes immediately for the mistake she made. The emperor ignored her and went commanding 

He took his hood off, showing his bare face.

"T-the emperor," they muttered, concealing the regret and pissed reaction on their faces. It is almost the same image as the previous one, indeed.

"Clean this mess," he ordered, and healed him at once and then bring him to me," he added, telling his butler to call for a healer and heal the young man named Oran.

He wished to speak to him.

When all was settled, he was brought to the emperor. He dined with him at lunch with the chief priest.

"Thank you for protecting me, my emperor, but I am not worthy of such special treatment," he uttered with a hoarse tone.

"Do you prefer eating on the ground like a dog?" he suggested, making an undignified offer, that he was sure that this young man's pride would never accept. 

He was silenced and Kal's laughter was all that was heard at the silent table.

Evan was a murderer but he saved lives, like how he adopted Alas.

"Follow me," he commanded. "It has been years since the last time I saw those avenging eyes that will embrace death and undoubtedly kill without hesitation," he said, referring indirectly to Alas.

"What land did you come from?" he asked.

"I'm from an island in the western region. I am a tribesman." he answered.

"So you are sent here to the castle to work for your family?" he asked.

He shook his stooped head. "I don't have a family anymore. My family was sold to die like lambs for slaughter by my father's best friend when my tribe was wiped out. I fled to the Capital to work four years ago," he said. "I met some people then they recommend me to work here in the Center Kingdom. " I had a wife but she died with our first baby before I agree to work here,"

"So you don't have any reason to live?" he said sarcastically.

The young man nodded.

"Then live for me," the emperor said. "It seems you are unaware that you are a threader. You are useful," the emperor stated.

"I am?" he repeated with unbelief.

"You don't know?" The priest spoke as he used his sacred gift to see it through.

With a regretful reaction, he sulked, "If I knew, I would have saved my family."

"That won't do, your sacred weapon is 2 years old, which means it was implanted just 2 years ago," the chief priest stated.

"I accept your offer and I give my allegiance to the emperor," Oran stated as he stood up and kneeled down on the floor.

After the meal, the young man was taken to another place, providing him with more promotions he was unaware of.

"I didn't know that you were obsessed with loyalty, honor, and principles," the chief priest teased his friend.

He just shoved him off, leaving him to go to his chambers to rest.

"Mean," Kal chuckled.

Assassins are a vital part of the emperor's army. They are someone who freely moves in many aspects. Unlike the soldiers, who only move according to their position,

The front liners, the second-in-line, the backups, and so on.

"Train that child," he said as he entered his room. He had summoned Alas.

"He's a threader? What exactly did he do?" Alas asks as he reveals himself to the emperor.

"He has a complex weapon; he brings confusion to his enemies," he stated. "Although he is a weak vessel and unable to use it yet properly, he can be nurtured and trained well for good results.

He lowers his gaze and apologizes.

"I beg your pardon, my Lord."

Evan chuckled. "You didn't notice either," he said.

"He has a sacred weapon that inhibits the possessor's strength and stamina while causing confusion. It is a deadly, formless, draining weapon," he said.

"He'll be my new vassal sent under my name to overlook the movement in certain areas," he stated.

Alas nodded his head and left.

He already know what to do next. He is his Lord's right hand, the assassin who does most of his misery work. He had already planned the next steps.