Seeing him and not being near him is pure agony,i love him but all i can do is stake and protect him from afar anyone who wants to harm him will die.
I can't get too close to him nor can he know about my existence i will bring him more danger.
I will have to stay in the dark see him getting married and having children and i will also protect them because of the love that i have for him.
I keep on tell myself to stay away but here i am trying to get into his house, his security is good but not the best i managed to get past his body guard and his guard dog.
I know that he is sleeping by now, i located his room window and i got in and there he is in all his glory.
I walked close to him and as i was about to touch him i was flipped over onto the bed and his silver eyes looking at me his eyes were cold and emotionless as always.
Him touching me is like i was being electrocuted, his touch set's my body on fire and it spreads everywhere in my body.
He is breathtaking handsome and fit,"who are you".
I could not answer him and then his bodyguards came into the room with guns out.
I could not let him catch me i removed the knife in my shoe and put it over his neck,"stay away and drop your guns or he dies". I am sorry love for treating you but you can't capture me i am so sorry.
I backed away with him to the window and as i got there i pushed him to them as i was jumping out of the window i was shot.
I dragged myself out of his house got on my bike and drove away, his men were following me but i managed to get away from them, me being shot was due to my own carelessness and this can't happen again.
I got home but before i could get inside i passed out and the last thing i could see was his silver eyes.