The event has started, and we were protecting our kingdom throne. The people from other kingdom were in mood of taking over our kingdom. And the aggressive nature can be seen in KC(Kingdom Chat). We were defending our throne and they didn't expected the English and Chinese alliance will be cooperating together. Seems like they have send spy in our kingdom to get information but the information their spy gave to them was of no use now.

I have kept my troops(soldiers) in the throne and messaged in our Line Kingdom Group that I'll be going for dinner. When I arrived at dinning table, I still couldn't find dad and the servant told me that dad is having business dinner with his business colleagues. This was not much of surprise to me as this happens often. I took my tablet, opened Skype and videocalled my elder brother i.e. Asher.

Asher William is working as lawyer in New Jersey. He has his own law firm over there. And besides he and dad are at odd as Asher decided to pursue his own dreams and he didn't joined dad's company which made Dad mad at him. Hi Ash! What doing said Ray. The person on the other side of the screen has same skintone and has the same look like Ray only he is more mature and he wears flat specks which make him look strict. Also he has blonde hairs which he always tied in a man bun.

"I'm doing work like always, seems like dad is not at home and you are doing dinner alone" said Ash. Ray just simply nodded and chatted with his Elder brother for sometime he hang up the call and headed back to his room. Ray logged in on the game and saw that there was fight going on in KC. Ray couldn't read what the fight was about but he got to a point that Jack flirted with a girlfriend of the top alliance member leader of the attacker kingdom and he is angry with that. That's so typical of Jack came the thought on Ray's mind.

I laughed when I came to know about it because I know Jack he has very bad habit of flirting. I decided to enter the KC and stop the fight or soon the word fight will turn into individual fight which would damage the KVK event. "Flirting is good for health and besides he wasn't knowing that the girl is already taken" said Ray. As soon as I was seen in KC the others who were reading KC too joined and started supporting. One of the guy named Lucifer texted "Fuck you Silvery Flame" which is no one other than Ray.

Seeing this Ray was enraged in anger as no has said such thing to him and besides he was just defending his friend also he didn't said anything which is wrong. This only make him more angry and in anger he replied back that "He is not interested in one night stand if he wanted to fuck me, than get into a relationship with him and for that he has to be his boyfriend." The guy was taken aback by the boldness and bluntness and he disappeared from the KC for whole event, and people of our kingdom were making fun of him. While his alliance people were backing him. Though those who know Ray were shock by the thing he said in KC as it's not likely thing which Ray could say. Ray soon forget about his verbal war with Lucifer as he busy defending the throne and not letting the other alliance people took it. If they took the throne it will mean they gonna rule the kingdom and Ray thought it will be better to let Chinese alliance rule the kingdom than let an outsider alliance rule the kingdom. Time pass by as it was already past midnight and event got over which means we won the KVK.

Ray logged off from the game and opened Line Messenger only to find the screen shot of he and Lucifer guy's conversation in KC. Zeeshan was laughing while Jack was saying than I need to be your boyfriend to taste you. Ray immediately turned down Jack by saying that he is not interested in playboy. And Jack was teased by everyone in the group.

Zeeshan pinged Ray and said, "Your words were blunt but you did a good job." Ray replied back by saying that the Lucifer guy was aiming at him for no reason. Besides we still meeting on Saturday right. Zeeshan only send gif of nodding image. Ray texted Goodnight in the group and headed back to sleep.

The next day Ray didn't get time to see his cellphone as he was late for the university. The whole day Ray spend listening lecture, doing practicals and hang out with his classmates and ignored Charlie for what he did on the first day. When he returned home he saw his dad was back and was in living room reading a book. "Hi dad, you are back again" said Ray.

Mr. Williams only look at Ray with a smile and nodded. Ray was happy that tonight he and his father will have dinner together. Ray still didn't go online to game or checked Line because he wanted to spend some time with his dad. He freshen up, wore his Tom and Jerry pyjamas and headed downstairs for dinner.

The duo of father and son had dinner and he was informed that Asher is having some problem in his work. As dad didn't want to talk with Ash so he haven't call and he has told me so that I can call and ask the status. Ray called Asher for 3-4 times but he didn't picked up his call so in the end he told his dad that he will try again tomorrow.

When he headed back to his room, Ray dumped himself on bed, took his cellphone which was on bed stand and saw so many game notifications also two hundred plus Line messages which only made him curious as he opened Line Messenger only to see so many text messages in the group as well as in their alliance group. Some text were personal of Zeeshan & Jack. He opened the group and saw that he was tagged with a picture, the picture was downloading as Ray's mind kept thinking what would be that picture and how is it related to him? and when the picture was downloaded the words completed surprised and shocked Ray as it says, "Yes I'll be your boyfriend."