Riley was looking at his girl and then he saw anger look in Samark's eyes. And he instantly knew that something has happened to make Samark anger and he knew how dangerous Samark anger can be. The chick then look at Riley and said, "Your friend push me on the floor and then said to his men to throw me out of the house and they can do whatever they want with her."

Riley was looking at Samark in anger he then walk towards Samark and said, "What exactly has happened that you said those words." This time Samark gave a smile and shiver ran down on the spine of Riley with just a clap a laptop was brought and put in front of Riley.

Samark only said, "Play Video" only to Riley and then pat the shoulder of Riley and walk away. Before going upstairs he looked at his men and said, "Don't forget throwing the trash out of my house as for other thing you can ask Riley about it." With that he was off to his room. Riley played the video and saw that Samark was drinking water when his girl came and hug him from behind.

He laughed when he saw that Samark gave her a back punch. And then he watched how she tried to play innocent and seductive which she failed in front of Samark. Now Riley was angry with the girl he looked at guards and said, "Didn't you hear what Samark has said. And yes it's upto you to do whatever you want with such a cheap girl."

Now the girl panicked and find no other way to get herself free from this situation. She was thrown out of the house and guards gave a smirk and said," Even we don't want to touch such cheap girl. "Hearing that made the girl cry in embrassment and she started calling out Samark from outside. Hearing Samark's name Riley came out and told the girl to stop the act.

Soon Samark came in balcony and as soon as the girl was Samark she said she has something to confess. Samark gave a smirk and said, "How much money was given by Talia?"The girl was shocked and fear was written all over face because she couldn't imagine how did Samark find out about it. Samark didn't said anything and headed back to his room.

The next morning Ray was eating breakfast with Asher when Asher asked him about Samark? Ray gave a smile and told everything to Asher. He told him that they became official since last night. Asher pat the head of Ray and said, "If you are happy than I'm also happy." Both the brothers smiled and ate breakfast silently.

Asher left for office and Ray decided to check his cellphone. Luckily he has put his cellphone on charge when he woke up and it was now fully charge. He took the cellphone, and saw so many text messages from Line but what caught Ray's attention was Sophia's message. He opened it and saw that she wanted him to say something about Samark. Ray texted back by saying that he was busy and his cellphone was home so he couldn't check her text.

But unluckily Sophia was offline at that moment. Ray then saw Samark's text saying that he wants to meet him. Ray replied that he doesn't want to go home. As he want to spend his day being lazy. Samark gave a thoughtful emoji and then replied by saying that he can understand and will see him at evening.

Ray didn't get what Samark meant by it and he couldn't ask because he was offline. With nothing to do, Ray decided to head for shopping as he will be going back in two days. He visited the mall and was roaming here and there and looking at the stuffs. Some hoodies caught his interest and he bought them he bought a necklace for Asher and a ring for his dad.

Ray felt that he was being watched, he feels wherever he goes someone is watching him. He looked here and there but couldn't find the person at last he thought that it's his imagination, who will be stalking him. He headed back to home only to find Samark waiting at the doorstep. "Ah! I see you were shopping!" said Samark. Ray gave a smile and nodded.

Both of them enter the house and Samark was looking at the house very carefully as it was the first time he has visited his place. Ray gave Samark some water which Samark took it and kept on table and pulled Ray to his side. He made Ray sit on his lap and kissed his lips passionately. He whisper in his ears saying, "I miss you." Shyly Ray replied, "He miss him too."

Suddenly Ray felt something around his neck and find that Samark has made him wear an Italian Silver chain. He looked at Samark and asked, "Why does he give him chain." Samark smile and let Ray again sit on his lap and said, "So that you can feel it when I'm not around you." Ray gave a smile and stood up and said, "Wait a minute I'll be back in a minute."

Ray came downstairs and saw Samark was drinking water his Adam's apple throbbing up and down was a must look able scene. He came towards Samark and said give me your hand. Samark did so and Ray made him wear a gold bracelet with a letter R in it. Samark was smiling seeing that and suddenly his cellphone started ringing he excused himself and after sometime came back and said, "He has to go as there is work emergency."

Both of them hugged and parted away. Ray heard his cellphone ringing and saw that Sophia was calling him. He picked up the call and first thing he did was apologizing. Sophia chuckle hearing that and said, "It's okay she can understand that he is spending time with family." She said she wanted to say something about Samark and Ray replied that he too has to say something.

Sophia let out a sigh and said, "Samark is a gangster."