After dinner Mr. Morris looked at Ray and said, "I wanted to say something to you." Ray looked at him and said, "Yes Mr. Morris what is it you want to say?" He let out a breath and said, "Well I see that Samark is in love with you as I'm with her mother. And you have managed to make him happy, he smiles now oftenly, talks with us like a normal person usually he will just say a word or two.

And I've noticed that his anger has been decreased recently or mostly he will be angry on small-small things. He even used to hurt people because of anger. But now things are different and it's because of you" said Mr. Morris while smiling. Ray gave a smile and said, "I'm glad he has changed into someone good."

Suddenly Mr. Morris hold the hands of Ray and said, "So that's why I don't want you to leave him because I know when you will leave him he will become the worst of himself." Ray with a same smile said, "Don't worry I won't leave him for present as no one has seen future." Mr. Morris nodded and continued, "So that's why I don't want to hide anything from you, I don't want this to be the reason you leave him."

Ray was confused and didn't said anything he just let Mr. Morris continue. "We are businessmen but we are just not a simple businessmen we are gangsters under the label of businessman" said Mr. Morris. When he saw that Ray didn't have any shock or surprise expression on his face. Ray seemed to notice the reaction of Mr. Morris.

He said, "I came to know about Samark being gangster the very same night when we become official couple. And the second time it was Samark's ex-fiance." Mr. Morris looked at Ray in utter surprise he thought that he is not only young but smart also and he believes in Samark more than anyone. He then said,

" After knowing everything you still want to be with Samark. "

" Yes, because I love him and he makes me happy. Besides I didn't told Samark about it because I wanted him to tell me by himself. And I know Samark's ex-fiance told me all this because she wanted to break up. And I don't want to give her the satisfaction of that" said Ray.

Both Mr. Morris and Ray didn't noticed that Samark was standing out of the unclosed door and has heard everything. At first he was happy listening how much Ray loves and how much he believe in him but later he get angry of what Talia was doing. He knock on the door and walked inside the living room.

He told Ray that it's time he should head home though he won't mind him sleeping here. Ray stood up with his cheeks red in shyness and said, "I can't stay as I've to do packing too. Because I ll be going back home tomorrow." Hearing that Mrs. Morris said, "Then I won't be able to meet you, have lunch or dinner with you."

Ray laughed and said, "It's okay mom whenever I'm here we both could go on date." Mr. Morris look at Ray and said, "And what about me?" "Ofcourse Mr. Morris we both can go to father and son date too" said Ray. "Wait that's unfair you call Samark's mom as mom and why don't you say me as dad" said Mr. Morris. Ray hugged Mr. Morris and said, "Thanks for inviting me to dinner Pa."

He then hugged Mrs. Morris and said, "I'll daily videocall you and we both will gossip mom." Samark was jealous and he couldn't share Ray with anyone so he hold his hand in possessive manner and said, "It's time we both go home." and took him to the car. Ray gave a last glance to Samark's parents and smiled at them before entering the car.

As soon as they were away from Samark's parents place, Samark stopped the car in side and came to Ray. He started kissing him and whispered in his ears that he doesn't like him to be share with his own parents. Ray didn't like that abit and didn't said anything. When they reached home Ray step out of the car and looked at Samark in anger.

He then said, "If you can't control your possessiveness than let me go because I don't like to hurt other people." and with that he left for his home. Samark was angry hearing that and he called his right hand Adam and said reached the given address and bring some local thugs too.

On the other side Ray was upset with what Samark has said, he felt like he doesn't want Ray to mingle with anyone. He don't know why he think that but he will eventually change his thinking and by ignoring him for sometime can bring some senses to him than he will be doing this.

Ray headed to his room and told his friends about dinner and they all were happy as the dinner go good. Ray mentioned that he will be going back tomorrow so won't be online for some hours. That means Zeeshan has to take care of his castle in game. Sophia was laughing because Zeeshan has to manage her castle too.

She then text Ray saying, "You know Zeeshan is being a spy and for that he has a smaller castle with a lady name and comedy thing is someone is already head over heels for him." Seeing that Ray couldn't control his laughter and replied, "Let's tease him." And both the duo of brother and sister started teasing Zeeshan in group chat.

Later he said that he will remember this and will take revenge from them both. Ray perfectly knew what would gonna be happen so he was prepared for it. Samark was waiting outside the Talia's house when Adam came. He looked at Adam and said, "You've prepared what I've ask?" Adam has noticed Samark's anger so he simply nodded.