
Ray looked at Samark and made a very innocent face, he even pouted his lips and said, "So you won't be coming with me together." Adam laughed seeing the cuteness of Ray and said while laughing, "Omg.. Haha.. This is.. Haha.. Cuteness.. Haha.. Overloaded." But Ray simply smiled towards Adam and was innocently looking at Samark.

Ofcourse Samark was tempted to kiss Ray right at the moment so he slowly walk towards Ray and put his hands on Adam's eyes and took Ray's lips in his and was kissing him. When he pulled back from kiss he removed his hands from Adam's eyes and said, "Ofcourse I'll go with you baby."

Adam chuckle hearing that and asked, "Why did you close my eyes while kissing him?" Samark gave a thoughtful look whereas Ray immediately fled to his room saying that he need to get dressed. Ofcourse both the guys know that Ray was shy and this was his excuse. But no one said anything. It was then Samark looked at Adam and replied, "I did that because I don't want your single ass to get jealous seeing us being lovey-dovey."

Adam showed his middle finger to Samark and go back to the sofa to complete his sleep. Ray came downstairs and saw Samark was waiting for him. Both the guys headed to the church. The took blessing from Jesus Christ and prayed and were coming back to home. On the way Ray meet some familiar people and wished them Merry Christmas and headed back to his home with Samark.

Upon reaching home he videocalled Charlie's parents and wished them "Merry Christmas". He then ask for Charlie and was told that he said, "He will be spending his Christmas with one is his girlfriend." Charlie's dad said, "We all know how he will be spending his Christmas." And everyone started laughing. Ray hang up the call and texted Charlie wishing him a Merry Christmas.

He saw Samark was working on his laptop and Adam was busy on his phone. He then go to his room and came back with two gift boxes in his hand. He first gave gift to Samark and then headed towards Adam. Adam look at Ray and asked, "Do he need something?" Ray shaked his head and handed him a gift box with a smile on his face. And said, "Merry Christmas."

Adam was surprised and moved by this sudden response from Ray. He opened the gift box and saw that it was having a mufler and gloves. He was moved by it and said, "Thank you." Ray smiled and said, "Don't go without these when you are outside it's cold and I don't want brother of mine to get affected by cold."

Adam stood up and hugged Ray. Samark look up from the laptop and was dead jealous when he saw Adam hugging Ray.

He immediately kept laptop on the table and rushed towards Ray side and pulled them from hug and take Ray to his side. He was glaring daggers from his eyes to Adam. And Adam couldn't help but say, "Jealous bastard." And both Ray and Adam started laughing. Samark pushed his lips on Ray's lips and was kissing him.

This kiss was different from the previous kisses. This somewhat felt like possessive kiss. Before pulling out from the kiss, Samark bit the lower lip of Ray and tasted his blood. And when he pulled back finally Ray's lips were swollen. He then look at Ray and said, "You are mine and I don't want any other guy to touch you." Ray was startled by Samark's sudden possessiveness.

And he noticed that his lips was bleeding so he immediately rush to his room to first aid it. Adam look at Samark and said, "Try controlling your possessiveness or else it will ruin everything and I was hugging Ray because he showed the care which I deserve as his big brother." By saying that Adam walked out of the house because right now he wanted to punch Samark on his face but he decided he wouldn't because his words were like dagger to his heart.

He go out of the house and started smoking his cigarettes. He don't want Ray to see or else he will be mad at him for smoking. On the way to the pub, Adam saw a girl looking at him both of them were attracted towards each other instantly and Adam throw the cigarette and crush it with his legs and headed towards the girl with a smile on his lips.

Samark knock on Ray's room and entered therein. He saw Ray was sitting on the bed and was doing something with his cellphone. When he saw Samark he gave him a smile and Samark felt guilty for what he did downstairs. He sat next to Ray and looked at Ray's lip while his fingers were caressing his lips. He lay down on Ray's lap and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what happen to me downstairs I guess I was jealous and you know how much I'm possessive for you."

Ray smiled and replied, "I know you were possessive downstairs and I somehow like your possessiveness. But please don't judge me and Adam bro relationship." Samark then promised, "I want let my possessiveness hurt you ever again". Ray nodded and Samark nuzzle his nose on Ray's crotch. Ray was startled by that and asked, "What are you doing?"

Samark only gave a smirk and he pulled Ray's shorts down and was glad that he hasn't wore any inner he immediately took his member in his mouth and started sucking him. Ray felt immense pleasure entering his body as he moaned and said, "AAH Samark.. Stop it what if Adam bro see us." Samark pull out his mouth and said, "He is out of the house so now it's only us." And with that he came on top of Ray and said, "Let me fuck that beautiful mouth of yours baby."