
Ray forgot about his and Samark's complication when he woke up next morning. He was excited for Zeeshan and Sophia's wedding. He showered wore his casual clothes and headed downstairs to prepare sandwich before leaving for airport. When he get downstairs he saw Adam smiling towards him and greeted him morning.

Ray smile and greeted him back as he headed to kitchen to make sandwich. Adam was happy seeing happy because Ray smile is like sunshine which warm everyone. And now he realize why the cold hearted Samark is madly in love with Ray because his smile is soo peaceful and attractive.

"Adam! Breakfast is ready" came the voice of Ray as he was now sitting on dining table with a smile on his lips. Adam walked towards the dining table and saw the sandwiches in front of him. As soon as he saw that his stomach growled in signal that he is hungry.

Adam with a embrass look sat on the dining table and started eating the sandwich prepared by Ray. To be honest he is now addicted to Ray's food. Ray look at Adam and look here and there and asked, "Where's Rosalie?" Adam smiled hearing his girlfriend's name and replied, "She will join us at airport."

Both of them after breakfast headed out of the home as Adam keep the bags in backseat of car and drove to airport. Ray called his brother and informed him about leaving to London for Zeeshan and Sophia's engagement. And told him to let dad know about it. Adam saw excited expression on Ray's face and asked, "You excited about their engagement?"

Ray laugh and replied, "Yes they have been together for so long and we all wanted them to settle. And that day finally arrive so yes I'm excited and happy for them." Adam smiled and felt happiness in his heart seeing Ray happy. For Adam, Ray is a little brother he never had so he deeply cared for me. After a short drive they were at airport.

And both the guys were looking for Rosalie and when they find Rosalie rushed towards them and hug Adam as she gave a smile to Ray and thanked him for inviting them on his friend's engagement. Ray laugh and said, "I guess you both need a little vacation too so enjoy the time in London." He winked to the couple and Adam look here and there whereas Rosalie blush in shyness.

Someone from far away clicked the pictures of Ray without his notice as Ray was laughing by seeing the reaction of Adam and Rosalie. And with that everyone headed inside to board the flight. Adam and Rosalie were sitting together whereas Ray took a window seat in next to the seat of Adam. Ray watch as the airplane took from and soon they were in air.

After a long flight Ray landed to London. It was afternoon when they came out of airport. A guy was holding a name banner of Ray as Ray walk towards him and ask, "Have you been send by Zeeshan and Sophia?" The man nodded his head and headed Ray, Adam and Rosalie to the car.

Adam saw Ray sitting in the car and said, "Call me when you reach the place also we will be meeting here tomorrow evening to go back." Ray nodded his head and said, "Enjoy your time here and don't worry about me." With that he said his bye while smiling towards Adam and Rosalie as the car started to move to its destination.

Ray checked his cellphone to find Samark's message but he decided he want see it as it's big day for Zeeshan and Sophia and he don't want to spoil it by his grievance matter. Ray let out a sigh and calm himself as the drive drove. He saw the London view as he was passing by and in a hour the car stopped and driver informed Ray that they have reached.

Ray came out of the car and thanked driver as he was taking his luggage to the mansion. He smile as he rushed towards Zeeshan and hugged him. Zeeshan was happy to see Ray and he introduced him to his family members and they were happy to meet Ray.

Zeeshan than show Ray his room and tell him to rest as he will call him at lunch time. Ray called Adam and informed him about his arrival at Zeeshan's place. He texted his brother about the same too. And than he headed to shower and came downstairs being fresh. He ate lunch with Zeeshan's family and helped everyone for evening arrangement.

And than he headed back to Zeeshan's room to help him get ready. He then excused himself as he want to get ready. He then headed to his room and wore a white tuxedo. He let his hairs undone and walk out of his room. He came downstairs and saw Zeeshan was already there. He smile and walk towards him. And soon Sophia came with a green gown she was looking truly like a princess.

Ray gave a warm smile and headed towards her way. He said, "May I?" as he extend his hand for Sophia to hold. Sophia was nervous but as soon as she saw Ray she smile and seeing Ray's smile her nervousness wear off. He walked her to Zeeshan and soon the couple smiled towards each other.

And after a while they exchanged rings. Everyone clapped and happiness was seen on everyone's face. Everyone congratulated the newly engaged couple. Ray walk towards them and congratulated them and gave them their engagement gifts. With that Ray walk off to meet his other friends. He chatted with his friends and was teased by Jack.

He was prepared for Jack's teasing as he counter attack him. And after some moments of teasing he walk towards the garden area to explore. Suddenly out of nowhere his face was cover and he could see only darkness and he couldn't find himself scream as he started losing consciousness.

The last thing he knew before losing consciousness was that he was being carried..