
Ray opened his eyes and find himself in not so familiar room. He sit up and saw Samark was sleeping on the chair which was next to bed. He look at Samark and his lips turn into a smile he look so peaceful and handsome when he is sleeping these was the thought in Ray's mind.

Realization hit him and he remember how Samark betrayed him. The betrayal of Samark filled his heart with bitterness as he stood up and headed out of the room without wanting Samark to wake up. He walked downstairs and his suspicion came true as he was in the house of Samark.

Upon reaching downstairs his eyes meet the old couple. Just by seeing them he was filled with happiness. He rushed towards them and hugged them saying, "It wasn't a dream you guys are back." Mr and Mrs. Morris chuckle and hugged back Ray because they were equally happy to see him.

They asked how's Ray feeling now to which Ray with a smile on his lips replied, "Yes he is feeling much better now." Ray asked about what happen with them. To which Mr. Morris explained everything that he was keeping an eye on Vicky and he was behind the accident of them. They pretended to be dead to let Vicky fall in the trap.

But they didn't expected Vicky will kidnap Ray and will plan to do such horrific things with him luckily when Mr. Morris was informed about Ray's kidnapping he with his men came to Vicky's secret house to rescue Ray. Everyone was happy as they all ate lunch silently.

As they all were sitting in the living room and was talking random things when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Mr and Mrs. Morris look at Samark and smiled. Samark returned the smile and saw Ray is sitting with his parents on dining table. When Samark opened his eyes and couldn't see Ray in bed he was scared and worried.

But he sighed in relief when he heard the laughing voice coming from downstairs. Samark sat down with everyone in the living room as Mr and Mrs. Morris look at Ray. They expected that Ray to hug him and Samark to make Ray sit on his lap like usual but this time nothing was happening like that. In fact Ray wasn't looking at Samark and Samark was trying to get Ray's attention.

Both the elders knew that something was wrong but before they could ask anything Ray's cellphone started ringing and he excused himself as he picked the call. "I'm fine Zee and Sophia will you guys calm down" said Ray as both Zeeshan and Sophia started asking questions. Ray gave a weak smile and said, "Sorry for ruining your engagement moment." Sophia laughed and said, "You didn't ruin it you make it memorable."

Ray was confused as Sophia chuckle and Zeeshan laughed and they both decided to explain him later. Zeeshan than said, "We had a huge adventure in finding you so how can we forget that." Ray gave a weak smile in return. Jack popped out of where in the scene and said, "We want to meet you. So you back to home?" Ray shaked his head and said, "He is currently at Samark's mansion will be leaving for his home by evening."

Jack than said, "Than we will see you tomorrow morning at your place and I want to eat lunch made by you." Ofcourse Zeeshan scolded Jack for saying that he want me to cook for him and Sophia couldn't help but laugh on the situation. Ray said his byes to his friends and hang up the call. He then look at Mr and Mrs. Morris and asked, "Where's Adam?" To which Samark said, "He is living at his place with Rosalie and said when you are awake you can call him."

Ray didn't look at Samark and just thanked him and call Adam. Adam sighed in relief when heard Ray's voice and said that he will come to pick him up. Ray look at Mr and Mrs. Morris and said, "Book ticket after dinner will that be okay?" Adam chuckle and replied, "I know you want to spend some time with Mr and Mrs. Morris so it's completely okay I ll pick you up after dinner."

After the call was hung up Ray look at Mrs. Morris and said, "I'll do dinner with you guys." Mr and Mrs. Morris smiled hearing that. And Mrs. Morris left in kitchen to instruct the servant what to cook. Mr. Morris look at his son and than at Samark and said, "What happen between you guys?"

Samark instantly said, "Nothing." But Ray let out a sigh and said, "We are over." Hearing this Samark stood up from chair and hold Ray by asking, 'What do you mean we are over?' Ray look at him and said, "I don't have to say it again it means what it should be meant." Samark was getting angry as he said, "We are not over you are not allowed to leave me like that."

Ray didn't said anything instead he sat down and pretended that he didn't hear what Samark said. Mr. Morris doesn't know what happen so he asked, "What happen?" Samark again said nothing to which Mr. Morris got angry and said in a voice full of anger, "Don't say nothing because I know something has happened."

He look at Ray with gentle eyes and asked, "Ray can you tell me what exactly has happened?" Ray let out a breath which he was holding and said, "When I was informed about you guys death I rushed here to be with Samark and when I open the door I saw Samark and a girl kissing."

'Thud!' echoed the slapping voice in the house which made Mrs. Morris to come out of the kitchen. Mr. Morris look at Samark and said, "Despite being in relationship you decided to go for it. I wasn't expecting that from you Samark. You disappointed me." He look at Ray and apologized for his son's behavior. Ray immediately stopped Mr. Morris and said, "You don't need to apologize. Our relation wasn't meant to be this much."

He silently ate dinner and waited for Adam. Adam called Ray informing him that he is outside. It surprised to see Mr. Morris that Adam too was feeling disgusted to be around Samark for his actions. Mr and Mrs. Morris watched Ray sit in the car and drove away from the house.