More Powerful…Er Potent Than A Locomotive

I felt like the world came crashing down around me. He said that I could impregnate women. How does that even make sense? I'm a woman!

"You're a Futanari."

"What the fuck does that mean?!" I was so shocked that I found myself cursing at an actual God. Thank the heavens that I wasn't struck dead by a bolt of lightning.

"In your case, it means your super power is the power of sperm!" He suddenly got all fired up for some odd and disconcerting reason. His previously dark eyes suddenly contained a burning fire. As his nostrils flared, and he clenched his fist.

Is this really what it took to get the life pumping in that decrepit body of his? Was he really just a huge old pervert?

It was cringe. It was totally and completely cringe.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you serious right now?"

"Sorry. That was a bit too much. I thought I'd take a page out of the Goddess of Love's playbook. But it really doesn't suit me. Let me be a bit simpler. My blessing gives you the ability to produce offspring. You still have the same physical functions of a woman. So, you're able to get pregnant. But you're also able to get other women pregnant, too. And because that blessing came directly from me…you're incredibly potent. I'm saying that you can get a woman pregnant any time you desire."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Are you telling me that anytime I have sex with my…umm…penis? Are you telling me that I'll get someone pregnant? Holy flying fuck! I'm not ready to be a mom—er, dad. Umm. Whatever! I'm not ready for it!"

"Calm down. Calm down. That's why you're here. I had a feeling that silly Goddess wouldn't take the time to explain in greater detail. She probably wasn't even listening to me when I told her the first time. That is why I set it up so that before you blew your first divine load into a human female, you'd be summoned here first. That way we can have a little chat."

"A chat? A chat! It's too late. I've already...I mean…I am in the middle of…well, you know! Holy fuck! Holy shit! I didn't think any of this was possible. What do I do? I'm only 18!"

"First things first. Breathe. After that, try to pay attention. I said you have the ability. I never said it was a forgone conclusion. You are a vessel of 2 gods. Do you really think that you don't have something as minuscule as free will?"


"Whether you decide to impregnate or not is up to you. That's why I brought you here. To teach you what you need to know. Believe me when I tell you, if you don't take care and sire a bunch of offsprings, those little demi-gods would grow up to be a gigantic headache. Only by controlling yourself and making the decision to cross that line with the right person would you be able to develop off-spring that is worth half a damn."

There was a bitterness to his expression. It seemed like he was remembering something painful. I decided it was better not to press for details.

After hearing his words, I was able to calm down.

"So, you're saying that I won't get her pregnant?"

"No. Not if you don't want her to be."

"Okay. What if I wanted her to be pregnant but she's not ovulating?"

"Little Cloud, what part of being the God of Fertility is lost on you? Do you honestly think that I work based on your biological clock? If you want someone pregnant, they are pregnant. That's just what it is."

"Sweet damn." What a bizarre and overpowered power. I felt like Superman…well Superman of Between the Sheets Lovin'.

"Okay. Let's take a look at where you left things."

He waved his hand and in the middle of the sky was a 40-foot large screen. Displayed on that screen was 2 females. One was biting her lips, her soft skin flushed as her lithe figure was wrapped around the other woman. The second woman was darker of complexion and looked strong as her shoulders and back flexed. She had her eyes closed as she drove herself deep inside of the woman beneath her.

Neither were moving. It was like someone had pressed pause on the disc.

"This is what's happening in the world. Right now, you are right at that glorious edge. You're about to have your first contact with flooding someone's insides."

Okay. Gross. But whatever.

"If things continue as they are, that girl will get pregnant. Is that what you want?"

"Huh?" I looked at Kokopelli. He was watching me with this enigmatic look. He wasn't giving anything away.

I looked at the screen. I liked Rhea and everything but I didn't want to be tied to her like this for the rest of my life. Besides, how would I explain any of this to her? It was more trouble than it was worth.

"No. I don't want her to get pregnant."

"And there you have it."


Kokopelli was looking quite pleased with himself. It was like he'd given away the key to the universe or something. All I did was speak my honest feelings. That didn't mean I was really solving anything.

"Let me let you in on a little secret. The connection between desire, actions and outcomes are on a very narrow street. You can't skip over or sidestep one without affecting the other. So, when you have a desire and that desire leads to an action, the outcome tracks back to the original desire."

"But what if you fail? Just because you have a desire and that leads you to take action, that doesn't mean that the outcome will be what you want."

"True. But have you ever really desired something with abandon? Giving in and putting 100% of yourself into your desires and actions are nearly impossible for a human to do because you're hardwired to survive. Even your subconscious is always looking for an escape route. Because you're looking for a way out, it's impossible for a person to give 100% of themselves to their desires. But you are different. When it comes to this, you're able to jump right over all of the hurdles and have your desires transform into outcomes."

"That's incredible. So, you're saying anything that I want I can have?" I was imagining the possibilities. Wealth. Fame. It would all be mine if I wanted.

He laughed. "I'm not the God of Indulgence and Commerce. I'm the God of Fertility. When it comes to things fertility related, because you are my vessel, you're able to achieve these feats. Don't get ahead of yourself, Little Cloud."

"Well damn!" I couldn't think of anything else to say. I had thought I'd just found my genie in a bottle but I was wrong.

He was right. I was being greedy. Effectively, I've been reborn. I'm talking to an actual God. Me wanting more is just selfish. I nearly lost myself in that moment. I felt ashamed.

"As long as you know, Little Cloud, that is enough."

That one sentence made my face burn. I felt like I'd been slapped. It wasn't a mean slap. It was one to remind me to stay humble. I was embarrassed because I was, even for a moment, lost in greed.

"Thank you, Kokopelli. I will not forget this lesson."

He nodded approvingly. "Good." His heavy eyebrows looked even heavier in that moment. "Let me tell you a little about this place."


"Mmhmm. What is the first impression that you had about this place when you arrived?"

I could tell he wasn't asking so that I could give him a frivolous answer. So, I closed my eyes and tried to remember to the first moments when I arrived. After several minutes of thinking, only one thought came to my mind.


When I spoke that word, Kokopelli's eyes lit up. "Honestly. I didn't think you'd come out of the box and hit a home run your first time at bat! Impressive, Little Cloud. Impressive."

I don't know what it was, but I felt like I'd just won a major award. I was all bashful and everything.

"I said that, but what does it really mean?"

"Chaos and Order. Chaos is flexible, impertinent, ever changing and all of the other synonyms you can think of. Chaos can't exist in the real world because it breaks the rules of reality. But as you already know. Sometimes reality is worse than the hottest Hell."

"So, this is what? An escape from reality?"

"Not an escape, per se. It is an area outside of time and space. It is where We come to create. To destroy. To contemplate. To rest. To be. The Primordials created Pandora before Order. It was their playground. Now it belongs to us, the Gods."

I'm I the only one that still thinks this is just a secret vacation spot of the Gods? No? Well good.

"I still don't understand. What's so special about it? You're a god. You can make the world into anything that you want."

He shook his head wearily. "We're not omnipotent, Little Cloud. There are things that even our ancient lives can't penetrate. Besides, living in the world is exhausting for its own reasons. Here, we can control time and space. In this space, we can exist without restrictions. Yes—we can hide away from the world. And there are some Gods who decide to live this way. Ultimately, Pandora is the land of the Gods. There are as many Pandoras as there are Gods. However, Pandora is still one place."

My head was starting to hurt.

"So, Pandora is filled with Chaos and Gods make this their home?"


"But I'm not a God. How can I be here?"

"You're not a God, but you're a vessel. It's like having a VIP card."

"So, that's how it works." I was satisfied with that answer.

Seeing that I was comfortable with what he explained, Kokopelli smiled brightly. "Now, that this is settled. Let's get you home."

"Wait! If I want to come back, can I?"

He watched me closely before shaking his head. "Sure. But not any time soon. You're still too fresh. You don't know how to control your gifts yet. But in time you will learn and when you do, you'll be able to create a Pandora that's not all doom and gloom like your initial one. Any other questions?"

I shook my head. "No. Thanks again, Kokopelli." Of course, I had some questions but there was already a lot to digest.

He nodded in his sage way and then waved his hand. "You're welcome, Little Cloud. I'm expecting great things from you. Don't let me down."

I didn't know what he could possibly be expecting from me. Regardless, I owed him a lot. If he needed me, I would do whatever I could to help.

He waved his hand and my vision was flooded with light.

I was floating in that dark miasma from before. But this time was different. When I first arrived, I didn't know if I was moving or if I was standing still. Now I could feel myself being propelled in a dozen directions if I was going in 1. It was an odd set of sensations.

Suddenly the miasma was gone.

I was drenched in sweat. My body was being squeezed by the strong but thin thighs of the incredibly sensual Rhea Merrill.

She was panting, covered in sweat with drool falling down the side of her face. Even with the blindfold on, she was a beautiful mess.

The air vibrated and I felt a pressure suddenly strike and then release me.

In that moment, time started to flow and I picked up right where I left off.

"Holy fuck!" I screamed as I felt wave after wave of semen rush down my pipe and slam into her walls.

"W-w-w-what the fuck?! What is this! It's sooooo goooooddddd! So fucking good! Haaaahhhhh!" Rhea's head was shaking as my hot spunk made a mess out of her and she came once more.

At that moment, she pulled the blindfold off and looked at me. "I don't know where you got that dildo but I want it!"

It was the last thing she said before kissing my lips. While her lips were firmly pressed against mine, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

My first [human] lover was spent. My first time with another [human] woman was fun, passionate and included a detour to a chaos realm where I met and talked to a God.

Yeah. I'd say that it was a pretty standard experience. Right?