Making The Most Out Of Your Time

"Harder, Goddess! Fuck me harder, please! Yes! Yes! Fill me up with your holy seed! Thank you, Goddess! Thank you!"

This seems familiar. The other night, in the woods, she got to this cum-drunk faze. She started calling me Goddess, and she fucked me like her life depended on it.

"Not enough!" I wrapped my arms around her throat and squeezed.

"N-no! Please, Goddess! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll try harder!"

"Try harder in Hell!" I was taking her from behind as I squeezed down on her neck.

Soon, like the 10-times before, she fell forward dead by the time her sweat-soaked and cum-covered body hit the bed.

How long have we been going at it? I'd lost track of time. I came inside of her numerous times, but it wasn't pleasurable. Something was missing.

After every time that I'd kill her and bring her back, she became more docile. She became more willing to please me. She became more desperate. She knew that it was only at my whim that she was able to come back to life. Without that, she'd be just another dead blonde.

I looked down at her prone frame and sighed.

"This just isn't it. What am I missing?"

As my seed spilled out of her vagina, I grew more despondent.

"I don't feel like I'm getting close at all."

I'd wanted to relieve my stress by fucking her. When that didn't work, I decided to kill her. But no matter how many times I came. No matter how much fear radiated from her when I took her life. None of it ever seemed to quench the thirst for blood in my soul.

Something was off…but what was it?

I waved my hand, and she breathed again.

This time, she didn't look at me with hatred. Instead, she looked at me with the gratitude a dog would show its master when the master offered it some table scraps.

"Th-thank you for rescuing me, Goddess. I'll do better next time. I promise."

Would there be a next time? What was the point?

As I stood there contemplating, she crawled over with hardly an ounce of energy left in her body. Like a good little cock-slut, she opened wide and took me in. Licking me from my balls to the tip of my shaft.

I didn't pay any attention to her. She was nothing to me at that moment.

What was I missing?

**Something is wrong with my Goddess. How can I help her? Does this not feel good? Should I do something else?**

As I stood there lost in thought, Celeste's voice appeared in my head.

I was shocked. It was unexpected. I had no idea why I could suddenly hear her thoughts, but I could. I stared at her in awe.

That makes 3 girls, now. Rhea. Kristi. And now Celeste. All three girls whose thoughts I could read. What made them so different? At first, I thought it had to do with sex. But I'd never had sex with Kristi, and I'm only able to hear Celeste's voice after having sex with her countless times. With Rhea, it was pretty much immediately.

What the hell was the difference?

"Here Goddess. Let me make you feel good."

Celeste turned onto her back and grabbed my shaft. She spread her legs wide and guided my cock into her wet depths. When I was deep inside of her, she moaned.

"I love it so much, Goddess. I'll never forget how you make me feel. Please, give me more. Please."

My hips were moving even without her moaning. I was stirring up her insides and making a sloppy mess out of her. She was panting like a lunatic as she roughly pulled and tweaked her nipples.

"I'm going to cum again my Goddess! Please let me cum again!"

This was nearly the 100th time she'd orgasmed. It brought new meaning to the term "multiple orgasms". She came so easily now. It was like all I had to do was look at her, and she'd squirt all over the place.

Oh yeah. That was something new, too. At around orgasm 74, she started squirting. It was like she couldn't control her own body.

The bed was soaking wet. Everything from the headboard to the footboard was covered in a light sheen of moisture, courtesy of Celeste.

She was looking at me with this soft look of devotion in her eyes. It sort of made me sick.

Since when did this turn into us making love? I wanted her to fear me. I didn't want her to want me.

This wouldn't do.

"You're getting kind of loose there, Celeste. Let's see if we can tighten you up!"

She glanced at me as I cocked my fist back. Suddenly the softness in her eyes was replaced by terror.

"Goddess, please! Don't!"


It was too late. I'd already delivered a powerful blow to her stomach.


And another one!

And another one!

Soon she was all black and blue from her mound to her breasts, but her pussy was squeezing tighter than ever.

"That's it! That's what I want! Wringe me dry, you little bitch!"

Pow! Pow! Pow!

The sounds of cracking ribs filled the air as I laid into her.

I finally realized what was missing. I'd attacked her out of my own initiative, but was it really revenge?

No. It wasn't.

It wouldn't be revenge until she felt the pain and desperation that I felt all of those times she bullied and hurt me. Now would be my turn for payback.

Once the realization dawned on me, I was like a different person.

I kept pummeling her while I pumped my meat inside of her.

"Last one! Take it well, whore!"

I gave her heart one final punch, while at the same time, I emptied myself inside of her.

Her heart exploded beneath my fist. She was dead instantly. Her lasting terror was etched upon her face.

I pulled out of her. This time, I didn't just stand there. I pulled my clothes on. I finally felt like I knew what I wanted to do.

After getting dressed, I looked at the corpse lying naked on the bed with fear and pain etched onto her face. I smiled.

"Wake up."

I waved my hand again, and she was as good as new. Even the bruises were gone.

When she got up, she looked at me. Worship didn't come close to the look in her eyes.

"Thank you, Goddess! Thank you for saving me!"

I glared at her. "Don't thank me just yet. We're not done."

"I don't understand, Goddess. How else can I pleasure you?"

"I don't want your filthy body anymore."

She shot out of the bed like a madwoman. Her hands were tearing at my clothes as her body trembled with fear.

"No! Please don't abandon me, Goddess. I'll do anything. Please don't leave me!"


I hit her hard enough to dislodge a couple of teeth. She fell onto the floor but didn't utter a word of complaint.

"Do you know why I struck you?"

She shook her head, looking down at the ground. "This one does not know, Goddess."

"It's because you dared to question me. You dared to question your Goddess. You don't question me, and you don't make demands of me. Do you understand, slut?"

She nodded. "Yes, Goddess."

"Good. Now on to more pressing business. I think it's time that you get a little taste of all the things you've done to me over the years."


"Shut up! You've beaten me. You've bullied me. You've nearly killed me too many times to count! But don't worry. I've remembered every single occasion. I remember everything that you've ever said and everything that you've ever done to me. Now I'm going to let you feel every bit of that humiliation and pain. Only this is going to be much worse."

She was trembling on the ground as a red light luster covered my body. It was my rage. It had awakened again. Good. I didn't need the fragility of kindness. I needed cold, hard rage.

"2,192 days.", I said. "That is how many days I've had to endure up until now. Do you know how many of those days I've been beaten and battered by you and your little cronies? Nearly every single one of those days. Morning and night, when you found me, you'd do horrible things to me. You attached me physically, psychologically, and emotionally. In that time, I've been beaten by you, specifically, 4,241 times. I've had bones broken. I've had concussions. I've lost hair and had my dignity as a human shattered. Now I'm going to do the same thing to you. I'm going to make you suffer every pain that I've felt over the years."

"No…please Goddess. Don't!"

She was trying to back away. When she saw that I wasn't going to back down, she got up and decided to run. She made an attempt for the door, but she should've known better.

"Let's start with your leg." Like I was crushing a bug, I kicked out and shattered her well-trained musculature—ripping through her thick thighs and bombarding her bones with my power. Her leg shattered, and she fell to the ground crying in pain.

"What a nice sound." I stepped on her shoulder. "How about this?" I ground her bones into dust.

There are 206 bones in the human body. I broke every last one of them.

Of course, she didn't stay conscious for this. She'd pass out, and I'd wake her up. Then I'd crush her again and again.

When her bones were shattered and then healed over and over again, she became a psychological mess on the floor. But I wasn't done.

She'd also cut me before. She'd hit me with things. She even shoved something up my butt once.

I'd repay her kindness with my own. I had all the time in the world, and I planned to make the most out of it.

Destruction and healing.

Healing and destruction.

It was a vicious and endless cycle that didn't end until she experienced each and every one of the 4,241 tastes of torment she'd put me through.

When I was done, she was no different than a pile of dirt on the floor.

She was a drooling mess. I watched her and felt such catharsis that it was impossible to describe.

That was what I needed. It was what I wanted. This was justice!

"G-G-G-Goddess. Help me. Please."

She was a pile of blood and broken bones on the ground. The only thing about her that resembled the girl from before was her hair.

I'd made a mess out of her, and I didn't feel an ounce of sympathy towards her.

**Goddess. I'm sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me.**

Her voice in my head let me know that this time it wasn't just a game. She'd finally truly been broken. My very own broken steed. How lovely!

I looked around the room one final time and smiled.

I then glared at her. "This is the last time I will show you any kindness. You cross me again, and it is the end for you. Understand?"

Her bloodstained lips barely moved. But she still uttered, "Yes, Goddess."

I nodded in victory. "Very well." I waved my hand one final time, and a bright red light appeared. When it was gone, the room was back to normal, and Celeste was now lying on the bed. She was completely naked but totally healed.

Her eyes were closed like none of this had ever happened.

I smirked and then turned to leave.

I grabbed the earlier video evidence I'd left by the door and headed out of her suite. I took the stairway down and made it out of the building without being accosted.

I looked at my watch. From the moment I entered Celeste's suite till now, only 10 minutes had passed.

I laughed as I headed towards my dorm.

"Pandora is such a marvelous place. I might not be able to bring her body with me, but bringing her unconscious spirit with me and breaking her was no problem."

That was the secret I'd held onto when the golden and red lusters implanted those memories in my mind. I'd learned how to bring someone along with me into my Pandora. It was just the perfect place to punish someone like Celeste. There I could break her an infinite number of times and then piece her back together. There was nothing I couldn't do in my Pandora. There, I was a goddess. I was omnipotent, and it was fascinating.

As I entered my dorm, I smiled. "I wonder what tomorrow will bring."