An Unwanted Guest

My room was cleaned. My clothes had been washed, dried, folded, and put away. All that I had left to do was put my feet up and relax. Unfortunately, my unannounced visitor had other plans.

Knock! Knock!

Whoever it was, knocked once more.

Despite the uninvited guest, I wasn't nervous. No matter what was on the other side of that door, I had the power to deal with it. No one could threaten me anymore.

"Coming!" I called out and headed to the door.

I pulled open the door without gazing through the peephole.

"Ms. Open-Cloud? I apologize for the intrusion."

The person on the other side of the door was of average height and build, if a bit on the fit side. She had short dark hair and dark clothing. She wasn't wearing her trademark sunglasses, so it took me a moment to recognize her. When I did, I huffed. Her eyes were softer than I would've thought possible. Especially considering how she was totally into doing dirty jobs for that neurotic little devil.

"Where's your entourage?"

She grimaced. She was one of Celeste's goons. She was the girl that followed me around the other day after 5thperiod ended. I never did catch her name.

"My sincerest apologies about that, ma'am. My name is Lily Carpenter." The girl from 5th period…or Lily, held out her hand in a friendly gesture.

Was she serious? I didn't want to waste any more time with her. So, I moved to close the door—ignoring her gesture completely.

While the door was closing, she jammed the toe of her boot in the doorframe. If I wanted to, I could probably close it, but she'd lose her toes in the process.

I thought, "God! This is so annoying."

I stopped closing the door and looked down at her. "What do you want?"

Understanding that I wasn't happy about her visit, I wanted her to get right to the point.

"Apologies, miss. I am here on behalf of Lady Celeste VanWalters. She requests an audience with you."

"Da fuck? Speak plainly! I don't need all of this royal pretense bullshit. Celeste wants to see me, right?"

"That is correct, miss."

"Tell her to go fuck herself. Okay? Bye!"

I tried to close the door again only to realize that her foot was still in the door.

I pondered in my mind, "How many toes does a person actually need in order to walk? Surely, I could remove 2 or 3, right?"

"Please, miss! Hear me out."

"Why should I? I don't know you. And I don't owe Celeste a goddamn thing! Get lost!"

"Miss. I understand that you are upset at how my mistress has treated you in the past, but…!"

It was at that moment that I lost what little cool I had. That simple sentence told me all that I needed to know.

I reached down and gripped her collar in my outstretched hand. I squeezed my fingers closed and yanked her towards me. She was halfway into my room when I lifted her off the ground with 1 hand and by her collar.

I knew there was murder in my eyes. But I didn't care.

"You piece of shit! You knew…everything! Didn't you?! You all knew! You know what kind of monster she is, and none of you have ever dared to stop her! Do you have any idea how many lives she has ruined? Do you know how many girls she's hurt? Now you come here, asking me for a favor. Asking me to waste my precious time on that sick little bitch?! Go fuck yourself!"

I felt the rage coming over me. I briefly considered taking this little tramp to Pandora and doing to her what I did to Celeste.

"…eathe. C—can't…can't…breathe." Her face was filled with real fear as I held her in the air. Her previously beige skin tone was now turning blue.

I took a moment to compose myself and then released her. She fell to the ground and immediately fell over, cradling her throat as she struggled to breathe.

She was worse than the girls and faculty at this school. They all knew how I was treated and chose not to do anything. That was horrible in itself. But this bitch knew about the much more horrid habits of her mistress and she didn't say a thing. Not a fucking thing!

The only reason why I didn't swoop her away to Pandora is because I didn't want to sully my creation with her presence. In my mind, she was even worse than Celeste. She not only knew about all of her misdeeds. She cleaned up after her and still had the audacity to speak and act in such a haughty way.

Destroying Celeste isn't enough. I need to take apart her entire family and their collection of willfully negligent servants.

"I'll give you 30-seconds. If you are still here after that time, don't blame me for being rude."

My eyes were menacing, and my voice was intimidating. She struggled to stand, and eventually, she did.

She slowly backed out of the room. Her face pointed at the ground.

"P-please. Ms. VanWalters has tasked me with bringing you to her room. If I fail, I will be severely punished."

"Like I give a damn. You can go and get beat to Hell and back for all I care. I won't lose an ounce of sleep over it."

She was shaking. I don't know if it was because of her fear of me, or the fear-induced from the anticipation of her impending punishment. Either way, it wasn't my problem.

When I went to close the door, she didn't put her foot in the doorframe again.

Instead, she hurriedly asked, "What did you do to her?"

I stopped. "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry. For the last couple of days, all she has done is ask about you. She ordered surveillance on you. We were to report the moment that you appeared. We couldn't locate you yesterday. But when we notified her that you returned, we had to sedate her because of her overwhelming desire to see you. I've never seen anything like it. She's normally more aloof but now is different. She's obsessed with you, and it seemed to have occurred overnight. So, I ask again. What did you do to my mistress?"

That was more information than I wanted or needed. Still, it was helpful to know that my efforts had such an amazing effect. The girls I found gossiping under the veranda had made mention of the commotion Celeste caused the following morning. But it was just hearsay. Now that I received this free intel from her own crew, I felt the source was much more reliable. It made me happy to know that she was in such a state, but it wasn't enough.

There was still another card in my possession that I needed to play. The only problem was that once I played it, I'd have no control over the consequences. This could be disastrous, and it could just as easily be a flop. The only way to know would be to show my hand and see how things play out.

I didn't answer her question. Instead, I growled, "Go away! You're fucking annoying me!"

I slammed the door shut and felt a feeling of elation in my heart.

Celeste's psyche was definitely altered by what happened to her in Pandora. Now, all that was left would be to take everything else away from her, as well as those who supported her evil.

I hated that my chill day had been interrupted. But now I could get back to relaxing.

Knock! Knock!

Once more, a soft knocking sound emanated from my door.

"You've to be shitting me." I turned around and yanked at the door. How is it possible that that little idiotic minion didn't get the hint? "I said, get the fuck out of here!"

Gasp! "Ah!"

Her voice was a mixture of surprise and confusion. To her, I'd just opened the door and unloaded on her. She was obviously surprised.

"Lexi?" My ire fizzled out immediately upon realizing what happened.

It was my neighbor, Lexi. She was standing before me in a criminally short, and outrageously attractive pair of torn jean shorts. Her full breasts were partially on display in her deep cut V-neck t-shirt. Her short curly hair was styled in a short bob. Her lips were a glossy pink, whereas a lavender eyeshadow made her brown eyes pop. Her warm ivory skin tone looked healthy and inviting. All-in-all, she looked absolutely amazing.

"Did I come at a bad time?"

"No. Sorry about that. I just had an uninvited guest stop by was all. Come in, please."

"Okay. Thanks."

She arrived empty-handed, but I didn't mind. The sight of her was more than worth her ignoring the social contract.


I grabbed her round behind and squeezed it firmly.

I felt my heart pound as my mouth salivated. Lust was pooling inside of me and screaming to be let loose. After being interrupted last night, I was left not completely satisfied. I planned to remedy that.

She looked up at me, and I could see the little seductress inside of her. "I'm glad to know that you didn't forget about our date, Kyah. I've been waiting for this." She licked her lips slowly and provocatively.

In truth, I did forget. I totally forgot. But I'm not going to tell her that.

Now that she arrived, I planned to use her body to satisfy my pent-up needs. My futa-parts were screaming for release, and her little body was going to bear the brunt of that need.

She was in for one hell of a ride!