Change Can Be Messy

What in the actual fuck is this shit?

I'd just come back from the news station. I'd spent a little extra time there as I watched the late live broadcast. As promised, they made copies of all of the electronic evidence, and I gave them half of the physical evidence.

Heather Gooddive, the anchor, wanted to send the physical proof to her contact in Washington state. I didn't mind. Honestly, I would've given them all of it. But when I suggested it, I was subject to a long lecture from the experienced Ms. Gooddive.

It basically boiled down to me needing to learn to keep some ace's up my sleeve for a rainy day.

Thanks, I guess. Not that I asked to be treated like your apprentice or anything. But whatever.

The program aired about 30-minutes behind schedule. But that was to be expected.

It took time to prepare the video supporting the story. They had to blur out the face of the victim and choose the scenes that were titillating, informative, not too raunchy, and which showed the depths of Celeste's debauchery.

After the story aired, Heather personally delivered the proof to the express mail service. That was the last that I saw of her. We split ways there. I headed back to my dorm while she went wherever washed-up news anchors went. Of course, if this story became viral, her days of being washed-up may be behind her.

But that wasn't my concern.

The walk back to my dorm was uneventful. I decided to walk instead of run and halfway regretted it. I didn't realize just how far from my dorm I was. But it was fine. It gave me time to get my head on straight.

Then why am I standing in the entrance of my room, with my brows knits and a migraine beginning to emerge?

"My Goddess! You're finally back!"

Celeste's smile was as bright as the sun and filled with endless devotion that bordered…no let's just call it what it was…it was straight-up insane!

She went full-on crazy creepy stalker woman--white wedding dress and all. It didn't have a wide skirt, and as far as wedding dresses go, it was actually quite lovely. It had a long train and detailed embellishment that showed style and class. The only problem was…she was wearing a fucking wedding dress.

Wait. No. That's not the only problem!

There was also a dining room table where there shouldn't have been one. It was an elaborate affair with a 6-part candelabra, an ivory table cover, two glasses filled with bubbling champagne, what I think was a turkey on a platter, and two stainless steel plate toppers. God only knows what is underneath those toppers. In addition to all of this, there were rose petals spread about the place.

Oh! And did I mention that I locked the damn door before I left? No. Well, I did.

This little monster went and broke into my room.

Wait…is my room cleaner than it was before I left?

Well, I'll be damned. It was.

Should I be more or less angry that she cleaned my room for me? Well, whatever.

"What the hell are you doing here, Celeste?"

She beamed when I spoke to her. I guess she just disregarded my angry tone. She happily pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit.

"Where else would I be, my Goddess? Please. I've had my people prepare a marvelous meal for the two of us. I hope it is not too presumptuous that I dine with you. It has been a lifetime since I last laid eyes on you. You're even more radiant than I remember."

I felt like throwing up in my mouth. Why was she talking like that? Shit. Did I go a bit overboard when I broke her apart?

She was staring at me expectantly. Her eyes shined like a person in love or a fool. You pick.

I was kind of hungry, and the food did smell good.

I considered the possibility that she poisoned it. But one look into those baby blues and I knew better. If I asked her to cut off her hand and give it to me, she'd do it without hesitation.

"Fine." I sat down and she smiled in satisfaction. She pulled out her own chair and then clapped.

Two women, in tuxedos (for whatever reason), came out of my bathroom. I was over being shocked at this point. Just what the hell?

One lit the candelabra while the other removed my plate topper with an unnecessary flourish. But when the smell of the roasted potatoes, steamed artichoke, and asparagus cooked in butter hit my nose, I forgot about all that unnecessary stuff.

The woman who lit the candelabra expertly carved the turkey and sat a heaping portion of white meat on my plate. The second woman pulled a surprisingly big pile of dinner rolls seemingly out of thin air. I took one and bit into it.

My eyes widened. It was piping hot!

What kind of witchcraft is this?!

"Heh! It seems you like your dinner, my Goddess. I'm glad. May I have permission to dine with you this evening."

"Only if you stop talking like that."

"As you wish."

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything else.

The food took up most of my attention. I was just getting ready to dig in when I paused. Crap! At this rate, I'd be no better than Rhea.

Oh, who cares? I'm hungry, and it's free. I'm going to eat.

As I was considering what to start off with, Tuxedo-Goon #1 put her hand up to her ear. I noticed that she wore an ear peace like one of those special agents. Fancy.

"Mmhm. I see. Yes, ma'am. Right away."

She lowered her hand and then motioned to her colleague. They conferenced for a few seconds before her colleague pulled out an insanely large needle seemingly out of thin air (again). She walked behind Celeste who was too busy staring at me with stars in her eyes to notice. Suddenly, the needle was jammed into her neck, and a few seconds later, it was lights out.

Not that I cared but…"Aren't you worried that stuff is going to give her brain cancer or something?"

"Apologies, ma'am. This is just a mild-sedative. We will take Ms. VanWalters and depart. Have a good evening."

Wait. Huh?

Before I could properly voice my thoughts, they scooped up Celeste in her wedding dress and flew out of my dorm.

Wait a minute. "Hey! Get back here and take care of this damn table! Hey!" It was too late. They were already gone.

There was a lot of food. Too much for me to eat. Should I call Rhea over? No. If I did, I'd have to explain all of this. Knowing her, she'd get the wrong idea and think I was proposing or something.

I decided to invite my neighbors instead. First, I quickly cleaned up the rose petals because…cringe. Second, I went into the bathroom, only to find the entire nerve center of this affair stuffed inside.

I unplugged the convection oven and hot plates. Then I cleared off some space. Once that was done I was ready.

I knocked on the door and after a few moments, the door opened slowly.

"Yes?" Dressed in a comfortable pair of sweats, with her hair brushed back and held in a few barrettes, stood Lexi. She wasn't wearing any make-up, and her glasses were on. She looked like her normal bookish self. She was still sexy in her own way though. Just the thought of how rough I gave it to her made me salivate.

I think we had different opinions on that though. Because when she noticed it was me, she nearly closed the door on me, subconsciously placing her hand above her abdomen.

Come on. I wasn't THAT rough.

"H-hey, Kyah. What's up?"

"Not much. Is Mira around?"

She paused for a moment before meekly nodding. "Yes. She is. Why?"

I smiled. "Don't worry. I'm not going to eat you guys. I just wanted to invite you over for dinner."


"Yeah. I had a few unwanted guests. But they ended up bringing a crap-ton of food. It's too much for me to eat alone. So, I figured I'd invite you and Mira over. If you want." I said the last part with a salacious grin. She knew what I was thinking about, and from the look on her face, she was slightly afraid.

"Umm. Let me ask Mira."

"Ask me what?" At that moment, the tall and sporty Mira appeared. She was also dressed down in a pair of shorts and a revealing camisole. Just a single glance and you could tell she played sports. Her muscles were taut and expressive. She still had a softness and roundness that made her look feminine. She didn't look like some jacked-up steroid abuser. She just looked young and fit.

When she saw me, she smiled in relaxed manner. I guess Lexi didn't tell her what went down earlier. No matter.

"Hey, Kyah. Need something?"

I explained to her the same thing that I told Lexi. She agreed immediately. As a matter of fact, she ran from her room to my room without pause.

Umm…okay. Well, I did invite her.

I glanced at Lexi. She was slightly smirking. "You get used to it."

I nodded. "Whatever you say. So, are you coming? Or are you afraid your little kitty can't take it?"

I backed her up against the doorframe. From this vantage, she looked so vulnerable.

Her eyes contained slight fear, but there was also resignation. She knew if I wanted to take her, she couldn't stop me.

"Pl-please. I'm still too exhausted."

"You said you wanted to know what it was like. Now you know. Do you regret it?"

She nodded yes but her mouth said, "Not at all." I doubt she realized the dissonance in her actions.

"How about this? Next time I get the itch to tear into that fine little pussy of yours, I'll be gentler. Unless you want me to leave you a quivering mess on my floor. If you're into that sort of thing then I would be more than happy to oblige."

"N-no. Umm…how do I say this. I liked what you did. I'm just a little surprised and really sore. B-b-but next…next time. Umm…"

I saved her from any more hemming and hawing. "Let's go eat. If there is a next time, we will deal with it then. Okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

She closed her door and then walked the short distance to my room. She walked like she still had me inside of her.

Watching her cute butt bounce, I thought, "I wonder how receptive her ass would be."

As if she heard my thoughts, she looked back at me warily. "Wh-what are you doing, Kyah?"

"Oh, nothing. Let's go."

I followed her into my room. Mira was sitting at the table with stars in her eyes as she drooled over the spread. At least she had enough manners to wait for us before she dug in.

I have to admit that the food was delicious. The company wasn't half bad either.

All-in-all, it was a productive day.