Breakfast And A Bet

Red and gold lights revolved around me. In the middle, I stood still as a dark luster shined on my body. I was floating in the night sky. There was no sun. There was no moon. There were no stars. It was just me and the revolving lights.

As the lights were growing dimmer the dark luster was growing more noticeable. Like they were afraid of being extinguished, the lights moved faster around me. Until…!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I felt drowsy. I turned over and groaned before hitting my alarm clock.

"Damnit. I forgot to turn off my alarm last night." That was super annoying. We all received an email from the school administration last night. All classes and electives were canceled today as the professors, faculty, administration, and board had an all-day emergency meeting.

"Serves them right." They might not have known just how despicable Celeste's extracurricular activities were. But they had a good idea of what kind of person she was. Of that, I was certain.

I fell back on the bed and looked up towards the ceiling. Last night started off great then it was one headache after the other. I really wanted to spend time with Rhea, but Celeste and her irritating devotion put an end to that.

It took hours before I gave Celeste her marching orders and kicked her out of my room. By then, I was wasted. I managed to shoot a text off to Rhea before going to bed at least.

I wanted to sleep in longer, but there was too much to do. Even without having classes, I needed to make some rounds.

Reluctantly, I crawled out of bed and headed into the shower. My stomach was growling. So, I quickly got dressed and headed towards the commissary. On my way there I ran into Lexi and Mira.

"Good morning, Kyah." Mira smiled in a friendly and good-natured way. I found it strange that a girl I've lived next to for all these years, and who has never spoken to me in the past, could look at me in such a friendly way.

Some girls wore more than one face. I knew that. Hell, I was no different. But with Mira, she came across as friendly and approachable. It was like she didn't have a care in the world.

On her left was Lexi. The librarian-like succubus donned her normal understated garb. But her thick glasses, makeup-less face, and baggy clothing couldn't completely hide the sex machine underneath. Fuck. It's only been two days since I wore that pussy out. I'm itching for another go.

"G-good morning, Kyah." After a slight stutter, Lexi greeted me too.

"Hey. Good morning." I couldn't help but stare at those deceptively shapely breasts and those lips that begged to be kissed.

I briefly wondered if I'd be this thirsty if I'd gotten off with Rhea last night.

Mira stood before me, a gym bag over one shoulder. "Going to breakfast?"


"Yeah? We are, too. Want to go together?"

At that moment, Lexi's face turned red. She shot Mira an accusatory glare. Mira didn't even notice.

I smiled, "Sure. Thanks."

"Okay. Let me pay though. As thanks for the dinner the other night."

Now I understood why Mira was suddenly so kind. I chuckled. She really was a simple girl. I fed her good food and now she wanted to be friends. If I'd known her loyalty was that easy to buy, I would've fed her years ago.

The three of us entered the commissary together. At the time, most of the seats were empty. You'd think that a bunch of teenage girls with a day off from classes would all be spending the time sleeping in, right? Well, that wasn't the case. Even if we have a free day, a girl's got to eat.

As promised, Mira paid for my breakfast. In addition to my hot breakfast, I might've splurged for the large extra hot mocha latte, but that's not my concern. I wasn't paying the bill.

For the first time since I arrived at this campus, I was actually eating in the commissary with another girl—two to be exact.

We made light conversation. It was the type you make when you and the person across from you have very little in common but you are still making the effort. Mira told me about her training routine. It was pretty extreme. I quickly realized that Mira was the competitive sort. It should've been obvious considering her favorite pastime was training and competing. But I guess I didn't put two and two together. She took a long, slow look at my physique.

"You look like you're in really good shape. Care to have a match?"

I laughed. "Aren't you training for the Olympics? What makes you think I'd stand a chance?"

"Come on. Don't be like that. I tell you what—I'll go easy on you. Just a quick sprint, okay? If you win, I'll buy you breakfast for a week."

Talk about bullying the weak. I hesitated because she was such an open book. But I eventually acquiesced after a certain change in terms.

"Okay. How about this. If you win, I will buy you whatever dinner you want for 1-month. If I win, you have to be my personal slave for 1-day."

Fancy meals for a month or a servant for 1-day. It was obvious what she'd choose.

She smiled at me like she'd just traded in a used Ford Fiesta for a brand-new Lamborghini. She challenged me to a 500-meter dash with absolutely no inkling that she could ever lose. I was sure that if I'd been my old self, I'd fall into spasms on the track before I even sprinted 20-steps. Unfortunately for Mira, I wasn't old-Kyah. My new body could perform better than the fastest Olympic sprinter.

Hey! Don't look at me like that. I'm not the one that made the suggestion. Okay? All that I'm doing is taking advantage of my [new] average vessel body. It's not my fault that she doesn't know what she's getting herself into. She should've checked under the hood.

The big question is what am I going to do with her tight little body when I win. It might be easier to think of what I wouldn't do, instead.

She sat there champing at the bit as she imagined the things she'd make me buy her over this month. Poor little thing.

I didn't think about it anymore and turned my attention towards Lexi.

She looked at Mira with a slightly annoyed expression. She didn't seem worried that her friend would lose. So, then why was she looking like she was so put out?

She noticed me watching her and her posture changed slightly.

I went back to eating my food but kept her in my periphery. Soon, the silence became too much to bear and Lexi asked about my parents.

"Not much to tell really. My mom is an archeologist and my dad is a carpenter. They are off exploring some ancient sites in India." I gave just enough information to seem like I was being open and sharing a part of myself. I read someplace that that was the proper conversational etiquette. But I refused to share more than that. At least, not right now.

"Oh. That must be hard. Do you speak to them often? What are their names? Are they coming for graduation? Where in India is the worksite?"

Lexi leaned forward when I started sharing. Her eyes held a twinge of excitement. It seemed like she was interested now that I'd opened up. I guess those self-help books really are worth their price tags.

I was trying to decide on how to word it. These types of conversations didn't come easy to me. I figured I could at least tell her their names. Right? That couldn't really hurt.

I opened my mouth and quickly closed it. I turned my head to the side and saw her walking towards us.

Her eyes were filled with malice. Her resting bitch face was strong today.

〖What is this bitch doing here? The help should eat outside. I don't want to share the same air as her.〗

Kristi and Crystal arrived. Kristi was staring in my direction. I heard every one of her hateful words, but I didn't let it bother me. I could care less about what she thought about me anyway.

I turned back around. Because Kristi was staring daggers in our direction, both Lexi and Mira were staring down at their plates. I guess they figured that if they made themselves a small enough target, the predator wouldn't pounce.

They were wrong. She wouldn't care. She'd pounce if it brought her an ounce of pleasure.

I continued eating my breakfast. I was unfazed by her ire.

A minute later, I heard the clicking of fancy shoes over tiles.

I felt as much as heard her approach. I wasn't bothered though. If she wanted to start something here, then I'd skip right to the finale and destroy her in front of everyone.

"Student Council room. Five minutes."

Her voice was as cold as ice. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that I'd just stepped outside in the depth of winter.

Her voice was categorically different from Kristi's. I looked up to see a pretty girl with long black hair—the color of the darkest night. She had porcelain skin and eyes the color of blue frost. Crystal VanMeter was standing beside me, glaring at Lexi.

She saw me staring and offered me the slightest of glances before turning her nose up and walking out of the commissary with her breakfast in a to-go container.

I looked at Lexi. She was shivering like she had a bad case of hypothermia.

She gulped but her throat was dry so it made this grating noise.

She pushed her chair back and stood up shakily.

"I-I'd, umm…I'd better go."

She didn't say anything else and headed for the exit. Mira watched her leave with pity and worry in her eyes.

She turned to me. "Sorry about that. Lexi is the assistant treasurer for the Student Council. They really work her to the bone. I don't know how she manages it."

I thought back to our time together the other day and had a pretty good idea of how she managed the stress. Of course, I kept that to myself.

Mira grabbed her and Lexi's trays and stood. "I've got to get to the gym. Let's plan on having our race this weekend. Okay?"

I nodded, "That's fine. Thanks for breakfast."

"Sure thing." She cast one more friendly smile and then left.

I wasn't finished eating. So, I didn't rush to leave. I had no idea that Lexi was on the Student Council. Honestly, I didn't know much of anything about her at all.

Finally, I was finished.

I got up and took care of my tray and then headed towards the exit.

As I passed her table, Kristi didn't say anything to me.

At least not out loud.


I ignored her. She wasn't going to ruin my day.