Let's Get It

PREVIOUSLY: "You're gonna teach me by doing it to me?" The brunette's voice shook just a enough for his lover to notice and draw him back into another kiss. "No love, to myself. If you don't want this, all you have to do is say stop and I will, baby, no matter what, alright?" The light brunette nodded at the mint haired males words. He trusted him. "I need words, baby. Do you want me to keep going or stop?" "Don't stop."

******* ******* *******

Min Suga's P.O.V.

At this invitation I rolled us over and hovered over the younger on all fours, cupping a flushed cheek with my pale hand and rubbing my thumb gently over my lovers bottom lip I asked for entrance to his mouth. His eyes held a shadow of doubt but he opened for me and I put three fingers into his mouth.

"Suck," I told him, though seeing a sliver of fear flicker I realized what Mitzuki may be thinking and wanted to correct any misunderstanding.

"For me, love, not you." Cautiously watching his reaction I was pleased to see the fear trickle away, I didn't ever want him to think I would be like his ex boyfriend. The way he held my hand and began sucking my fingers I could imagine it was his tongue teasing my cock, I couldn't help but lay my naked body on his and grind against his thigh to try and get the friction I desperately craved, moaning at the way his hot tongue lathed saliva between my fingers. When he pulled my hand from his mouth there was plenty of liquid coating them, drawing away I moved to turn around though before I did Mitzuki pulled me in for a lusty kiss that fried my mind for a hot minute.

"What next love?" Mitzuki asked in a thick voice.

Getting my bearings back (sort of) I turned around and faced my ass to him and looking over my shoulder to watch his reaction, I teased one finger around my rim then gently eased it in, hissing a little at the familiar intrusion. A few breaths later I began moving my finger in and out, preparing my hole for the bigger intrusion to come.

Mitzuki's pupils dilated further and the tip of his tongue poked out cutely as if he's trying to memorize what I'm doing. The look in his eyes made my cock twitch with anticipation and I couldn't resist the urge to touch myself; wrapping my free hand around my length I began stroking myself and teasing the slit on my head, with my head falling back I released short shaky breath, trying to relax into the feeling of a finger in my ass and on my cock.

I pushed a second finger through the tight muscle and didn't hold back the whimper, scissoring my fingers open and closed my hips jerked at the sensations building over my skin. The sensuality and breathy quality of the voice whispering next to my ear had me trembling with delight.

"I want to help."

"Let m-me su-uck your fi-fingers," I stuttered. He nodded and put his fingers to my lips which I opened immediately, returning his favour from earlier I sucked on his fingers. Licking and winding my tongue over his fingers like I would do if it was his cock in my mouth I heard a deep throaty groan in reply to my tongue technology.

My body trembled as I felt his long fingers enter me, two knuckles deep and he had me gasp for air, his fingers were longer than they looked and felt like they were touching every piece of me, he was rewarded by a flex of my hips at the feelings he was stirring in me. Still behind me he wrapped an arm around my stomach to steady me and as he thrust his fingers into me I swear I saw stars; when he entered a third finger and brushed the bundle of nerves that had me bucking my hips and panting like a bitch in heat I felt him kiss my shoulder blade.

"Mi-Mitz-uuki," his name was drawn from my lips the way a dying man draws his last breath, long and shaky.

Hearing the mewling whimpers escaping my throat I couldn't care less about, my body and heart exposed to the only person who had a true hold of me, I feel the heavy pit in my stomach contract as Mitzuki plays my strings like he's been doing this for years, my breath escapes me and I can't seem to catch it as the orgasm hits I feel what air is left in my lungs escape as I scream out his name.

My body shakes violently with ecstasy and endorphins flooding my body; toes curling, back arching and fingers digging into the flesh of his thighs as tears escape from under my eyelids. He withdraws his fingers from my swollen hole and I feel my love gather me in his arms, kissing me gently as he tucks a stray hair off my face behind my ear. I collapse back against him, chest heaving as I dragged much needed oxygen into my lungs, cracking my eyes open and looking to the side I saw the prettiest thing I'd laid my eyes on - he smiled and kissed me hard enough to steal whatever oxygen I'd pulled in.

"You okay?" He asked worriedly, searching my face for signs I wasn't okay.

I nodded and I think I smiled at him.

"My Mitzuki, I am perfect. You are perfect." I reverently whispered.

Turning myself around I drew Mitzuki back into the passionate kiss, battling for dominance and control. I straddled his legs and grinding against each other I maneuvered so the head of his stiff rod was pressed against my puckered star, moving my hips to the thrusts of our tongues I felt the rumble in his chest as he moaned with lust. I reached down with one hand and guided him to plunge firmly into the moist hole his fingers had just stretched.

It was Mitzuki's turn to gasp as I wrapped my legs securely around his hips and bottomed him out inside me for the first time (but not the last). My breath left me because the feeling of his throbbing cock being sheathed in my hot ass drove the air out of my lungs again, my lust filled gaze connecting with Mitzuki's pretty chocolate eyes and I felt his hard length twitch. I held my love in place while I adjusted to his girth. After I had adjusted to the new fullness I nudged him to move.

" 'Y can move now baby," I encouraged, panting a little. The kid raised an eyebrow at me and I responded with a nod.

He lifted me up, unsheathing himself agonizingly slowly before pulling me down quickly, sheathing himself again. Before I could comprehend what was going on he had switched our positions and I was on my back, as my lids closed in a daze of passion and pleasure he repeated the action. After a stuttering start Mitzuki set a fast and harsh rhythm, his hard rod pounding against my prostate each time he thrust into my tight passage.

Mitzuki was an exceptional lover; attentive, loving, demanding and giving. For a man who said he had no experience in making love as the dominant male he drew three more orgasms from me, tears at the sensations overloading my system, whimpers, moans, cries and screams as he plundered not only my body but my heart and my spirit too.

Feeling his hard length thrusting inside me I begged him to fuck me harder, faster, more. Mitzuki increased his tempo and the heat bubbling in the pit of my stomach began to rise again.

"Baby, I- I'm gu-gunna caaaahhhh-" The white liquid of my lust spurted between us, onto our abs, I screamed his name again I felt the exquisite pulsing of his own juices being emptied into my tenderized passage as he also called my name, collapsing on top of me and nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"That... You...." I'm pretty sure my brain had shut down after the most mind-blowing sex I'd ever had.

"Fuck... Baby, you, awesome.. Love you baby.. Mine, my baby, my love...." I don't know if Mitzuki understood what I was trying to say but the tired boxy smile I received said he knew what I was trying to say.

"Yeah." He pressed a gentle kiss to my lips conveying the love between us.

"You're mine. I'm yours. Always."


*** MANY HOURS LATER - 03:30 ***

3rd Person's P.O.V.

As one pair of exhausted males slept snuggled into the blankets in a bedroom on the second floor, the mint haired male stirred but didn't rouse when sounds from outside and downstairs became louder when another couple entered the cabin that belonged to Lan Yibo and Lan Wuxian.

Car doors opening and closing, a boot-lid slamming shut, the musical jingling of keys and the click of front door lock opening. The crisp rustle of plastic bags being placed on the floor in the kitchen and muted thump of large overnight bags being dumped on kitchen tiles.

They entered the cabin, putting cold groceries like milk and eggs in the fridge, laughing and talking together. After a cup of hot tea they chose to retire to one the downstairs bedroom with an ensuite attached - unknowingly directly under the one occupied by Min Suga and Kim Mitzuki.

"You sure your cousin won't mind us staying for a few days?" The redhead asked his partner unsurely, softly.

"I'm sure babe. That's why he gave me a spare key, you know, so I can get away when I have to. You're with me so I know he won't mind you being here and we'll go visit them at Wáng Jí in Liánhuā Hú after a few days if you want. I want to introduce you to my cousin and his husband," came the reply just as soft from the tall blonde. A tired smile graced his features.

"Let's head for bed yeah?" The redhead said, flopping backwards on the bed and motioning for his lover to join him.

About an hour later a particular mint haired male woke up needing to take a piss but what he heard was definitely not the quiet he and Mitzuki had become accustomed to over the last week at the Lan's cabin... He listened while he was using the toilet and tried to work out what the noises were and if he ought to wake his lover who was still sleeping restfully in the bed.

Waking his sleeping beauty, they poked their heads out of the room and quietly padded down the hall runner, slowly down the wooden staircase and stood on the bottom step while Suga worked out where the noises were coming from. Lan Wuxian hadn't said anything about someone else coming to stay, he'd have to call and talk to him about this.

Smirking to Mitzuki and shaking his head the brunette and his bodyguard whispered a plan to frighten the newly arrived couple. Silently padding to the bedroom which they realized was directly under the one they were sharing, Mitzuki snickered creepily.

"We doing this?" Half whispered to Suga over the sounds of sex from behind the door. Nodding he took a deep breath, raised his fist and bashed loudly on the door while yelling.



Laughing at the sudden screams from inside the room, the brunette and mint haired males bolted into the lounge room and hid behind the large sofa, giggling and peeking over the edge while they waited for their 'guests' to come out.

They didn't have to wait very long before a redhead and tall blonde came out looking like a cat had dragged them out of the bed. Yoongi's demeanour changed and he pressed Mitzuki to the floor straight away whispering for him to stay put for a minute. With a confused look Mitzuki acquiesced and lay flat. The mint haired male stood up with a huge (fake) smile, laughing at the pair standing stunned in the doorway staring at him.

"What the hell are you two doing here? Don't you have anything better to do than stalk me around the countryside?"

The mint haired male asked them in an emotionless voice. Their jaws dropped when the pair realized who they were facing. A pregnant pause filled up the silence before the blonde extended an open hand to the solo male.

"Min fucking Yoongi?" He inclined his head and though the mint haired male would never admit it but Nie Seokjin and Nie Namjoon had saved his life more than once and he owed them his life... and that of Kim Mitzuki.

"What are you assholes doing here?" Suga asked again, with genuine curiosity this time.

"This is my cousin's place, I've told you about it before." Replied the blonde, tilting his head he asked a second question.

"What are YOU doing here Minni?"

"Protecting me." Three heads turned to the new voice. The redhead ran to Mitzuki, bowling him over with a hug and making the younger laugh aloud.

"OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! You're alive! You're really alive!" He screamed into the brunette's shoulder as he burst into tears.