Bets and Bargains


"What the fuck are you doing here? Was the Restraining Order we got out against you not clear enough to let you know we don't want you near us." Nie Seokjin was glaring at the other male, hands on hips and his aura was dark and stormy, the kind you don't want to mess with - ever. The tied brunette smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know, Princess?"


Min Yoongi's P.O.V.

Seokjin was getting so fired up that the damn bastard was here. I knew his face but I didn't know his name, I couldn't remember if Namjun had told me his name when he'd been talking about someone who had been harassing him and Seokjin.

I so wouldn't want to be on his bad side... Ever. This bastard had made both my cousin and his husband's lives so difficult and I'd had a couple of run-ins with him myself where I'd left him with more than a few bruises. He was a slimy mongrel and I was glad they'd finally listened to reason and gotten that restraining order on him. But here he was - hundreds of miles from anywhere and it pissed me off they couldn't even catch a break at this cabin in the middle of nowhere.

"Anygays," interrupted Jeongguk, "I found this bastard loitering out the side of the house trying to pick the lock. He had this camera with him and I'm probably only a day behind him so I don't know what photos he's got," Jeongguk tossed a really expensive looking camera to the angry blond like it was a kids plastic car earning a yelp from the stalker but he ignored it like he didn't hear it in the first place before continuing.

"I don't know how long he's been in front of me but I noticed him hanging around the cafe you guys always go to about a week ago. This bastard slipped away from me but I finally managed to trace his laptop and follow the GPS but as I said, he had at least a day or so head start on me. Do ya want me to take him out the back and bury him or something? That'll stop him from fucking around with you guys anymore."

Nie Seokjin was not someone to be messed with, under any circumstances. I wonder if this stalker was going to learn his lesson today? It looked like today might just be the day he lost his gamble against Seokjin. I watched as blood spurted out from under Seokjin's nose and Namjun and I both laughed at the look on the intruders face as the angry blond smashed his tightly clenched fist into his nose.


Kim Seokjin's P.O.V.


I felt Ru Youngjae's nose break under my fist. I'm pretty sure the warmth on my hands was the blood pissing out of his nose.

I stepped back and cradled my fist in my other hand cursing loudly, Namjun scrambled from the bed between Mitzuki and Yoongi to come over and check my hand was okay. There was a definite sense of satisfaction that went along with the hit to his face. I was so sick of this bastard trying to steal my husband and constantly interfering in our marriage.

"Fuck you. I need you to stay the fuck away from my husband and I need you to stay the fuck away from me." I demanded. "What the fuck are you doing here anyway? How the fuck did you even find us? This place is literally off the grid."

The guy whose nose I'd just broken had a sleeve of his shirt pressed against his nose to try and stop the bleeding. He looked like he wanted to talk but the amount of blood coming from his nose was actually pretty impressive. "You got some ice for my nose before I talk?" He spoke, words muffled from the shirt over his face. "Sure. Downstairs in the chest freezer on the left in the kitchen, bag of ice is on the left at the top. Jeongguk, get it please for him, pretty please?" Kim Mitzuki flashed such a pretty smile at my cousin-in-law, who must have been blinded by it or something because he moved to do so immediately, "Oh, and a cloth from the bathroom on your way back as well, thanks. I don't wanna clean more blood up off the floor."

Kim Mitzuki was one hell of a guy, Suga had certainly found his match. I hoped what we were doing was enough to save the both of them. Namjun took me to the bathroom to rinse Ru's blood off my hands, after drying my hands my red headed husband gently kissed my knuckles and with a sincere look in his eyes he spoke in a quiet voice. "Thank you. Thank you for loving me and thank you f-" "What? Breaking his nose? You're welcome Joon." He stared a moment before laughing, his dimples so deep that I wanted to poke them (I did it, I poked his cute dimples) but his laughter was infectious so I ended up laughing with him.

When everyone was back in the room and settled; a bag of frozen corn kernels on my fist, a damp hand towel with ice wrapped inside it pressed on Ru's nose and he'd been cleaned up with the wet cloth Jeongguk had brought back with him. I looked at the others and Suga and I had a silent conversation. Body language mostly.