The Intruders Identity

"My name was Jin Lang, courtesy name Jin Yonghoon. Jin Ling is my youngest brother." Tears welled again in his eyes. "I was disowned and thrown out of my home when I was fourteen because I learned that I liked the same gender. Our father beat me, threw me out on the street and told me to never return... Apparently I am a disgrace to the Jin reputation and 'the good family name'. I was never to appear before his eyes again and I was never to contact my brothers or sister again. I lived on the streets for six years, I mostly stole to get by. The only person who ever looked twice at me or helped me was Jeon Namjun.

"He gave me money a couple of times, it wasn't much but it was enough to get a hot meal or go to a bath house so I could clean up. One time he gave me a jacket because it was raining and the last time I saw him back then he gave me his camera, Namjun said he thought I'd take pretty pictures because of the way I saw the way the world for how it is. After that I didn't see him again for two and a half years. By then I'd managed to submit a few photographs to newspapers and get a paying job with them, then one day I saw the person who'd meant the most to me in my whole life, the person that it didn't matter to him who I was, where I was from, my skin colour or my gender identity.

"He saw me for who I was and I loved him for that. I wanted to have him for myself and I didn't think of anyone but myself." Jin Yonghoon stopped here and took a long swallow of his water, looking at both Namjun and Seokjin he moved off the sofa and fell to his knees in front of them clasping his hands together. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking of anyone but myself. I'm sorry for everything. I don't expect you to forgive me but I need to apologize to you both for everything I put you through." Namjun and Seokjin were surprised at the apology.

"I really hope that you will stop all of this following my husband and me, dealing with your bullshit over these last years has been exhausting." Seokjin's voice was bitter enough that Namjun even looked at him in surprise, but he spoke up as well, "I never meant for you to feel like I had feelings for you or that I was leading you on. I was only doing what a good person ought to do and helping someone who needed it. If you'd paid attention all those hours you were following me you would have noticed that I help everyone I can, if I'm able. It disappoints me that you could never see that. It's not that you aren't important because you are, every person is here for a reason, but you will never be as important to me as my husband. Nobody will ever love me like he does and I will never love anyone like I love him. What you feel for me is toxic and you need to let it go. Really, it's time. Seok will kill you if you don't stop this, and I won't stop him." The red-headed male looked slightly apologetic as he made the last statement but gripped his husbands hand tighter regardless.

Jin Yonghoon cried. "I'm really sorry. I didn't- I-I won't bother you anymore, you don't have to worry about me being anywhere. I'm so sorry." Surprising everyone in the room, Seokjin was the one to step forward and pull the crying young man to his feet. "Ru Youngjae or Jin Yonghoon or whoever you are or want to be. I will forgive you but I won't forget and I don't trust you. If you need to talk, you call or visit us. I know you have our numbers. Stop your creeping." When he finished he brought the younger into a hug. Nobody moved for a full minute until Namjun sprung up from his seat and hugged both his husband and the crying Youngjae.

Jeongguk looked so confused. "What the fuck is going on? You're just going to forgive him? Just like that?" "Jeon Jeongguk! Just leave it be for now." Suga scolded his little brother, throwing a roll of bandages at him. The three separated and Jin Yonghoon wiped his face on his sleeves. "Please can you let me help my brother? Please? I want to show you I'm not a bad person, I'm not." Suga stood with the help of his step-brother, clearing his throat he got the attention to himself. "How can we trust you?" Suga asked him with a pointed look, "and do we call you Jin Yong Hoon, or Ru Young Jae?" Jin Yonghoon clasped his hands together, as if begging, "I promise you can trust me, I swear it on- on my camera. And I'd really like it if you could, maybe, call me Yonghoon? I... I haven't.. Nobody's called me that in a long time."

Jeongguk shot him a dirty look, while my Suga moved over to him and held his hand out. "Then let's start over. I'm.. Ah.. Hang on, fuck," he paused, looking at Seokjin. "Who am I?" Jin Yonghoon snorted before slapping both hands over his mouth as he tried not to laugh but when Jeongguk stared at him, a smile cracking his own face - he let loose and they both cackled like they'd completely lost the plot. Seokjin and Namjun laughed as well, Suga had a very disgruntled look on his face and I tried to disguise my laughter (at their laughter) by coughing a few times getting their attention. "In all fairness," I accused, "we were interrupted before you told us who we are now that Min Suga and Kim Mitzuki are dead. Nie Seokjin, can you please introduce us?" Jin Yonghoon raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Nie Seokjin looked at us with a smile still on his face and nodded. "Jin Yonghoon, I'm Nie Seokjin and this is my husband, Nie Namjun. The other gigglepot next to you is my husbands cousin, Jeon Jeongguk. Since you witnessed the deaths of Min Suga and Kim Mitzuki, I'd like to introduce you to my mint haired cousin Nie Yunge, and his fiance Lan Taehyung." Each of us held out our hand for him to shake. Taehyung, I mused, I like it. Lan Taehyung. I felt the smile stretch my lips, though I didn't notice my future husband staring at me like he'd won the lottery.

A voice came from the doorway, surprising us and scaring me making me yelp. "Don't forget about me A'Seok! I'm here too!"