Come Back Home [1.2]

Jin Yonghoon's P.O.V.

I was relieved when all the drama between myself and the others had eased since I'd had my breakdown earlier and been given the chance to explain my story to the Nie's and their family. Looking down at Jungkook, I admired how classically beautiful he was, and his mole was so cute. 'You know, you're really pretty when you aren't being an asshole,' I thought about the male in my arms. It's been so long since I took interest in anyone and I certainly didn't expect it to be the abrasive guy in my arms. I've been so obsessed with Namjun I never really took the time to get to know other people beyond the superficial details.

When Jungkook described his passion for photography and film it caught my interest and attention, and I wondered if the younger would be open to doing a project with me sometime. I hope he'll give me a chance to get to know him because I think he's pretty specia-

"I'm always an asshole." A quiet voice came from my shoulder. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked him quietly, trying to not disturb anyone else who was staying at Wàng Jī, he nodded sleepily. "Yeah," Jungkook replied, "you did, and I know I am."

I snorted a laugh. "Yeah, you're pretty when you're quiet, but you're beautiful when you talk about your passions like you were earlier." I admitted. "Will you let me buy you a drink or something sometime? To get to know each other, not like a date or anything!" I tried to backtrack and not sound like too much of an idiot. I couldn't help the blush that crept over my cheeks but I was going to blame it on the alcohol if he said anything about it. He fell quiet and I thought he'd fallen asleep again, shrugging my shoulders I found the room number that matched the key and unlocked the door.

I carefully put Jungkook down on the bed making sure not to wake him up, pulling the blanket over him I brushed a hair off his face. I smiled to myself and grabbed a spare blanket from the linen cupboard, tossing it on the sofa I then poured a glass of water and put it on the bedside table next to him. Laying on the couch I pulled my own blanket over myself and went to sleep, but just before I drifted off I imagined hearing a voice say, 'it's a date.'


At another place, the following day

Jin Rulan's P.O.V.

My father's goons forced me to go with them after I finished classes at University four days ago but none of the usuals have been sent to guard me, the ones here won't tell me why they've taken me. I hope my father doesn't try anything to hurt A' Yuan- it wouldn't surprise me if he tried, but Uncle Wei and Lan Yibo won't let anything happen to Yuan so I pity the hapless goon my father sends. Ha! A Jin beating a Lan? Not a chance.

"Hello? Anyone there? Guards! I'm hungry. Bring me my usual lunch order from Línghún Shíwù on Bangtan Avenue," I yelled through the door, "Tell them it's for Jin Rulan and add a serve of Special 11- they know my order!" I figured since father was keeping me that he might as well feed me well too. It should be Saturday so I knew how long it would take for the order to be made and depending on when the guards gave it to me I could work out which of my father's holdings I was at.

I snickered to myself, though they'd confiscated my electronic devices from me I knew they could hear me perfectly well. I didn't get my order until about an hour later, the Granny who worked there had me laughing at the note she'd written to me. 'Young man, I hope you are looking after that sweet Yuan of yours. You must come together and visit us soon, Granny misses your handsome faces.' I'm pretty sure a blush was on my cheeks when I thought about our last visit to Línghún Shíwù when I'd proposed to Sizhui - after getting permission from Lan Yibo and Uncle Wei of course.

I dug into the delicious food and snickered at the secret message that was hidden in Granny's note, knowing Yuan would have gotten my message by now and would be hunting for me. I couldn't wait to see my father's face when I was saved by the Lan's. The only thing that could be better now is if I my brother was with us. He was in an accident 8 years ago and father told me he died. I sighed at the memories and continued to eat.


Lunchtime, with the Lan's

3rd Person's P.O.V.

The mood around the lunch table was somber. Lan Yibo, Lan Wuxian, Lan Sizhui, Lan Taehyung, Nie Yunghe, Nie Namjun, Nie Seokjin and Jin Yonghoon are all eating quietly when they hear Ra Pam Pam by Golden Child blast loudly in the quiet room. It's a special tone Lan Sizhui had set for a quaint little restaurant that he and Jin Ling frequent. The place, Línghún Shíwù on Bangtan Avenue, is small and cozy, just the right size for having an intimate meal with plenty of privacy. Sizhui removes the small device from his pants pocket and checks the notification, his face blanching to white as he is surprised by the message contents. Lan Yibo stares intensely at him since devices are not permitted at the table while they're eating.

"I... It's Jin Ling." Sizhui says quietly, afraid that if he speaks louder than a whisper the message will disappear. He knows it's illogical but right now it didn't matter very much. Sizhui didn't know when Jin Ling had set up the I.C.E. notification, but in that moment Lan Yuan was infinitely grateful that he had. The young Lan turned his phone around and showed the screen to the others at the table.




