Chapter 7

I woke up in a small room with chains all over the walls. My mouth tasted like sandpaper and my head throbbed. Glancing around, the dim light showed very little as to where I was.

The chains around my arms and legs hung loosely, giving just enough that I could get out if I was quiet. There were no windows and I couldn't see a door in the shadows. So how do I get out of here?

"Hello my dear, it is good to see that you're awake. Now we can get to business." A fist connected with my left cheek with force. The person had rings on as well, because blood filled the air at the imprint. My head snapped to the right and I groaned softly.

"You are a pretty one, I am glad we caught you. Your pale skin will look so good stained red." The person threw another punch under the jaw. My teeth crushed together, grinding and clanking. I spit into the air and it hit what sounded like a jacket.

"What do you want with me? I didn't do shit to you."

"Your kind disgust me, you know that? Acting all high and mighty because you have a fancy coat and a shiny stone. But the fun thing is anyone can use those stones." A man came into focus with a cruel smile. He was human, but his teeth were filed into sharp points. There seemed to be other jewels hanging off his neck, dead and cold as the people he took them from.

"The extraction process is brutal, would you like to know how?" His breath smelled of raw flesh and rot. His lips were inches from mine as his arms closed me to the chair. Something slid around my forehead. It was cold and tightened my head to the chair so I couldn't move. At the same time, someone grabbed the chains and pulled them tightly. They began to bite into my skin.

"But of course...we could have some fun first. Would you like that?"

His cold lips hit mine as I struggled. His teeth ripped at my lip and his tongue felt like a snake or eel which made me shiver in disgust. I fought to break away from him as his hand traveled to the side table, picking up a pair of scissors and roughly cutting up my shirt. Every time he hit skin, he would laugh.

Suddenly, the wall caved in with a huge crash, through the dust jumped silhouettes slamming into people around the now open room. The sea, I smelt the sea. We were so far home. The man looked up with a growl before pulling a syringe out of his coat pocket. It was full of purplish black liquid. He slammed the needle into my neck. The liquid burned as it rushed through my veins. The man ripped off and slammed against the wall.

"She is mine."