Chapter 1

"A-1107, starting bid for 10,000 dollars." The voice rang out, but I dared not to open my eyes, I didn't want to see all those faces, those repulsive faces with those sickening smiles. I knew what they wanted to do to me.

"10,200 dollars!" A man's voice rang out, and then another,


"12,500!" ... many loathsome voices yelled as my cost got higher and higher, when a woman's voice filled the room.

"200,000." The room went quiet, I finally opened my eyes to see a woman in the front row in front of the stage, her hair golden as the sun, but her eyes were icy and cold. Everyone stared at her.

"Going once. Going twice! Sold to her majesty, Queen Emori!" The auctioneer yelled. I looked around at the bid makers and recognized they were all wearing such vibrant and elegant clothing. The guardsmen at the door walked on stage and pulled me off. They dragged me out through the red curtains and into the long cold hall. The 2 guardsmen removed clothes from a bag and threw them on me as I had only my undergarments on. I was surprised when I wasn't thrown in a cage, but rather in the back of a limousine. I looked around and saw the seats made of a beautiful and soft velvet, I couldn't help but slide by hand along it. The Queen stepped into the limousine and sat across from me, I averted my eyes so they would not meet her's. I could feel her cold glare on me as the car started moving. I quickly looked around for a seat belt but there was none. The Queen suddenly got up and sat next to me and I averted her gaze again. She moved her hand to my waist and looked down on me.

"Meet my gaze, child, and tell me your name." I looked to her and carefully thought out a sentence and spoke.

"I don't have a name, your majesty." The Queen smiled and pulled me closer.

"Then the name I gift to you is Allie, ok?"

I nodded.

"Thank you, your majesty-"

The Queen grabbed a piece of paper and looked at it.

"This says you are- 19, correct, and you just got a new body." She said. I nodded, I didn't know what my new body looked like, but I knew I was taller. The Queen handed me the piece of paper and I got sick just glancing at it. There was a picture of my old scrawny body, and then this...

This body was clearly fit to meet someone's expectations, but definitely not mine.