Hana went back to work like usual after her day off. Adam sent her off but he didn't stay in the cafe. He didn't want to disturb her like what he did few days ago.

"How's your grandmother?" Jacob asked her when she came out from the locker area.

Hana smiled at him and decided to take responsibility for the lies she spouted. "She is doing fine but, due to her old age she has to stay in the hospital."

"I hope she'll be fine." Jacob whispered for just the two of them to hear.

"She will be fine." Hana firmly nodded. "I'll start working now boss."

She left him alone and tied her apron around her waist. Jacob just watched her back before turning around to walk back to his work behind the counter.

As they have agreed, Hana left her parents' numbers to her boss. After knowing her grandmother's health, Jacob didn't question her anymore.

He didn't have the slightest idea that Hana was just lying to him.

In front of the water mirror, the Cerulean Kingdom's Emperor was watching his daughter and Jacob attentively.

His face held the contempt he had against Jacob. He hated him because he was the Queen's choice for their daughter. He hated the Queen for leaving him without saying a word.

"Your Majesty, don't you think that the Princess has suffered enough? Her Majesty, the Queen, will be angry if she finds this out." the fire deity, Pyra, inquired with evident concern. "I am not against your decision to do this, Your Highness. I just think that you might regret your decision later."

"I don't care." he stated lazily. His throat became itchy once again and he coughed profusely, staining his white sleeves with blood.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" Pyra asked in Panic.

"I am fine. It's the poison that is acting up."

They all felt bad for the Emperor. He was a really nice person but the Queen left when the Emperor needed her the most.

With her sudden disappearance, the Emperor felt that she was never in love with him. After all, they were married because it was the former Emperor's request.

Even though he loved the Queen, he didn't know if the Queen loved him. Which was why, he never believed in love. Which was why, he put her daughter into several love trials. Hurting her over and over again.

The same thing goes for Jacob. The both of them had a stubborn heart, falling for each other again and again, even after several life times.

The Emperor wiped his mouth and changed his clothes immediately. He burned the stained clothes and made another set to replace it.

"I am doing this for my own daughter." The Emperor stated. No one knows what his true purpose was, aside the Emperor himself.

Back in the cafe, Hana was having her lunch with her colleagues and Jacob once again.

"Wow! You always bring a hearty meal for lunch." Lily commented when she saw the full course meal in front of Hana.

"My brother prepared these for me." Hana stated. "Would you like to get some?"

"Yay! I would really get some." Lily picked up her fork and took a sliced meat of lobsters.

"Can I have some, too?" her other colleagues asked her as well.

"Sure sure." Hana happily pushed her meal in front of her and let them pick whatever they like.

"This is really delicious." Lily and the others who tasted her lunch beamed happily.

Jacob was the only one who ate his own food in silence. Hana got three more spicy chicken wings on her lunch box which her colleagues didn't touch at all. Well, it was known to them that Hana loved spicy food so they didn't touch the only spicy dish in her meal.

"Boss, you can have this." Hana spoke and place a piece of spicy chicken wings. "You are so quiet today boss. Are you okay?"

"I am fine." He took two pieces of his spare ribs and placed it on top of her rice. "For you."

"Thanks boss." Hana grinned with joy. They all knew that their boss would always cook his own meals. So Hana took it as an honor to eat his cooked dishes.

"Your brother really know how to cook." Jacob commented as he took a bite on the chicken wings. "I like spicy food as well."

"Really?" Hana inquired before taking a bite on the spare ribs. "It is indeed spicy."

"Do you also cook?" Jacob asked her before shoving another mouthful of rice.

Hana chewed on her food before swallowing it and answered him. "I know how to cook but my parents don't let me cook now."

"Why?" Everyone asked the question that Jacob wanted to ask. They had been listening to their conversation and they were all curious as to why she wasn't allowed to cook anymore.

Hana chuckled at their curious gazes. "You would probably laugh at me."

"We won't." They promised and even Jacob nodded his head in agreement.

"Being the only daughter, they didn't want me to do any work. My only task is to look pretty and to take care of my skin."

Everyone was silent and they didn't know how to react to her statement. That was the first time they heard such unbelievable reason.

"No wonder you were a bit clumsy on your first day." Jacob spoke after a moment of silence. "Why did you decide to work then?"

Hana put down her spoon and thought for a while. "Hmm, because I saw a handsome boss here."

Lily burst out in a fit of laughter when she heard her reason. Whenever Hana decided to keep something a secret, she would use their boss as a scapegoat.