As soon as Hana stepped inside their house, she informed her parents about the said outing for the year-end party.

"Are you sure you'll be fine? That place was quite far from the city and you will be hiking right?" Alice was clearly worried for her daughter. She didn't want anything bad to happen now that she was enjoying herself but it was their outing. They can't possibly follow her.

"Ma, I will be fine. I've been doing well."

"I have a nice idea!" Adam exclaimed and everyone turned to face him.

"I know what nice idea you have my dearest bro. You will suggest to have a short vacation in Coal Mountain, too."

Adam scratched his head with a sheepish smile hanging on his lips. "I am intelligent and so is my sister!"

"Don't even think of doing that. I will really get mad and hang you upside-down." Hana glared at him but her parents already made a decision through their tacit understanding.

"Fine. You can go. Make sure to call us if anything happens." Alice finally agreed while throwing glances to Adam and Rudolf.

"Thank you." she stood up and ran to her room so that she can search for the things that she can bring. "Although, it would still be one month from now, it would be best if I am well-prepared." Hana told herself while typing some keywords on her laptop.

She was really happy to finally experience an outing with friends and she never felt so fulfilled until she arrived in Books 'n Chill cafe. Gossips about her being a stalker doesn't matter to her at all.

Morning came and she was happily skipping her way towards their dining area. She was dressed in a faded blue denim skirt, a white printed sweatshirt and white sneakers. She was holding on to a cute white backpack which contained her art materials.

"Isn't it your day off today?" Adam questioned her.

"Uh huh. I will be going outside to sketch."

"More likely, going to the cafe and sketch your boss again." Rudolf teased his daughter. They knew that she liked her boss and they didn't stop her or interfere with that.

Like everybody else, Hana has the right to like someone. If ever she'd get hurt, they will always be there to support and comfort her.

"Pa, you will be so lucky to have him as your son-in-law." Hana retorted with mischievous expression but Adam flicked her forehead instead. "Why'd you do that?!"

"Because you are being foolish again."

"I was just joking okay! It's not like I will marry him! Hmp!" she placed the bag on the chair next to her and put a scoop of rice on her plate. "You will never get a girlfriend because you are such a meanie!"

"I don't plan in getting one." Adam spoke nonchalantly.

"How about Lily? You don't like her?"

"Who's Lily?" Rudolf and Alice asked in unison.

"Someone that bro gave a dress." Hana didn't hesitate to sell her brother out. "She is my best friend at work. A very pretty, smart, diligent, and kind girl."

"Oh? Really? How about you bring her here sometimes Hana." Alice immediately took the bait. She had been wanting to have a grandchild but Adam didn't want to get married at all. It's impossible for Hana to bare a child as well. She already gave up on this idea but now, her love to have a grandchild was sparked again.

"Sure Ma. I'll bring her here during spring break."


Adam was beyond speechless while watching his sister and mother talked like he didn't exist at all. His father didn't defend him either so he got no ally at all.

"I...I have no.. i-interest getting married!" he told them with great difficulty. He didn't want to burst his mother's hope and he didn't want to give false hope to Lily as well.

"Who said you are going to marry her? I just want to meet Hana's best friend." Alice snorted towards her son, though she already made plans in her mind.

Hana finished eating her food and set off in an instant. She was going to spend her day watching her boss again. Adam was left with no choice but to drive the car for her.

Inside the cafe, Jacob was confused with Hana's statement before she left yesterday. "She clearly told me that she'd tell me about the decision of her parents today but she was currently on day off. Is she going to call me?"

The thought of her calling him made his heart skipped a bit and that was even more confusing. "I'll talk to my sister about the psychiatrist later." he murmured to himself while making a cup of coffee for himself.

The wind chime produced a soft sound when the door was pushed open, indicating that a customer came.

Jacob was stunned to see Hana smiling happily as she walked to a vacant seat. She placed her bag on the space beside her.

Like a fool mesmerized with her, he poured a half cup of coffee and mixed it with a half cup of milk before going out from the counter. He didn't notice his actions at all and thought it was normal.

"Isn't it your day off today? Why are you here?" Jacob was glaring at her but she ignored him. "Are you here to sketch me again?"

"Of course. Isn't it obvious? Are you becoming dumb now?" she retorted back while arranging her art materials on the table. Among all the cafe staff, she's the only one who's got the courage and guts to talk to their boss.

Jacob put the cup of café au lait and crossed his arms on his chest while watching her helplessly. "I don't care about you sketching, drawing or painting me. But don't you fall in love with me."

"Heh! Are you serious? Did you think this is some kind of novel plot where a CEO makes a contract with his girl? Seriously?" Hana rolled her eyes and started flipping through the pages of her sketchpad. "Don't worry, I can assure you that it won't happen."

"I'm holding you accountable with your words." Jacob said before he left her alone and continued to do his work.

'As if I'd tell you that I've fallen in love already.' Hana smirked at the thought.