Hana turned around to see who it was that spoke to her. "What are you doing here?" she asked in surprise to see Liam standing behind her with a plastic bag of some convenience store food.

"Jacob and I live near her. How about you?" Liam asked in return and sat on the bench uninvited. Hana didn't care about it but she was worried that he heard what she said.

"It is my day off today and I am here to sketch. Wh-what I said..earlier..y-you didn't hear it, right?"

"Oh I heard everything."

"Everything?! You are not so honest, are you?"

"I heard you say that you are making your boss uncomfortable and that you want to quit."

Hana wasn't sure if she should smack him on the face or berate him from eavesdropping. "Don't tell him about that. I just don't want anyone to be uncomfortable around me."

"Sure. I'll keep it a secret since I was eavesdropping shamelessly."

"It's good that you know that." Hana rolled her eyes at him. She could never imagine that her boss, who was smart and capable, made friends with a stupid and shameless man like Liam.

"You are probably cursing me in your mind, already." Liam chuckled while watching her indescribable expression.

"I am cursing you a thousand times already. Why does it have to be you?! Anyone would've been fine as long as they don't know the boss." she bit her lower lip and snorted at him. She was really upset and frustrated at the moment.

"Do you like your boss?"

She was caught off-guard with this question but she still schooled her face and looked with disinterest. "Do you think I am a fool? Do you expect me to love a robotic, cold-hearted man like him? He doesn't even smile!"

"I see. Well, you have made the right decision."


"You said it yourself. He is a robotic, cold-hearted man who doesn't know how to smile. It's a waste if you love someone like him." He stood up from the bench and winked at her. "Even if you don't like him, don't quit with your job. It seemed to me that you enjoy working there."

"What do you know?!"

"Nothing. Bye!" he waved his hand with a huge smile on his face and left, jogging away from her.

"Oh god! Please remind Liam to keep his mouth shut." she murmured helplessly with an upset heart. "I should just stop sketching my boss for a while."

After what happened, she stayed inside her room during her next day off. The only thing that kept her busy was to stare at her ceiling in a daze.

Her days off passed without any productivity. Her heart was still in shambles and she was still upset.

"Lily, are you feeling uncomfortable whenever I am around you?" she asked her closest friend while they were changing their clothes.

"Nope. Sometimes, you gave off an aura of a wealthy woman. Most of the time you are just blunt and frank. There were times that you made some stupid and foolish remarks. All of that was because of your honest attitude. You are just being you so I don't feel uncomfortable."

Hana smiled when she heard her statement but it didn't lift her mood at all.

During lunch, she untied her apron and put it back inside her locker before getting her sling bag.

"You won't join us for lunch?" Jacob asked when he met her on the way to their dining lounge.

"My brother wanted to eat lunch with me." She didn't say anything more and left.

Jacob just watched her leave before he turned around on his heel and ate his lunch inside his office.

The next day...

"You are not joining us again today?" Jacob asked her when he found her untying her apron inside the locker are.

"Hn. My mother wanted to go somewhere and she wanted me to come." Hana didn't even spare him a glance and left him behind.

This time, Jacob went to the dining lounge and ate with his employees.

"Hana's been acting weird recently. Don't you guys think so?" one of the waitress asked in a whisper.

"She seemed odd these past two days. She even asked me if I was uncomfortable around her." Lily responded to her colleagues since she also noticed it and she was worried that she had a problem.

"She asked me the same thing yesterday afternoon." another employee stated.

"And I have not seen her bring her sketch pad anymore. She doesn't join us during lunch, too."

"I wonder what happened to her." Lily mumbled while eating her food slowly.

Jacob stopped eating his food and put down his spoon and fork. 'It must be because of me. Ehh? Aren't I being arrogant? It couldn't be because of what I said, right?' he thought about it again and again over lunch but he couldn't come to conclusion.

When it was time to go home, Hana didn't stay long enough for him to get a chance to speak to her. She was always in a hurry and Adam was always on time to pick her up.

The third day came and Hana didn't bring her food for lunch once again. Lily was standing beside her while she untied her apron and put it back inside her locker.

"Are you really okay? You haven't been joining us during lunch." Lily spoke to her out of concern. "Is something bothering you."

"Nope. I'm fine really." Hana picked up her bag and smiled at her. "I'm dining outside."

"Can I join you?" Jacob asked, leaning on the door frame with his wallet in hand. "I forgot to bring my food for today's lunch and it is boring to eat alone."

"You can't boss." Hana refused him instantly.

"And why is that?"

"You are asking me why?" Hana was dumbstruck with Jacob's insensitivity. "My..my father wanted me to eat lunch with him."

"Then, I'll eat with you and your father."

"Ha?!" Not only Hana but Lily was also shocked silly with their boss' way of thinking.