"Why is she at the hospital? Did you think she got into accident running off like that?" one of their colleagues murmured to them.

"Oh please no. That would be too bad."

"But boss was really just too much. It was his friend who clearly bother her but he used it against Hana."

"Maybe he was taking revenge. After all, Hana always talk back at him." another one whispered.

On the other hand, Lily was finally relieved after hearing the news from Adam. "It wasn't really serious. She came home in a hurry, slipped at the door and fell on the ground. She was crying, too. We thought she was badly hurt but she's actually doing fine."

Lily chuckled at this point. "Hana can really be clumsy at times. Let her take a rest then. I'll call her again later."

In truth, Hana was bleeding too much. They even thought she would die from blood loss. Adam looked towards her sister who looked really pale. 'Her situation is getting worse. If only I can make it stop.'

Even if Adam can talk to gods, they wouldn't help him to cure Hana at all. They weren't told to cure the princess and let her live happily. They were kind enough to let him get his own abilities but they couldn't help him more than that.

Lily walked out of the cafe but Jacob grabbed her bag and stopped her. "Can you tell me what happened to her?"

"With all due respect boss, please don't take this against me. The shift ended and we are out of the cafe so let me tell you my piece." she took a long breath and let it out. "You were just too much boss. If that was your opinion of her, you could've told her when you are alone. You don't have to embarrass her in front of the staff and the customers! Do you know what would happen to her? She would become the food for gossip! How will she work peacefully?! Didn't you say that you will protect her? You are not protecting her, you ruined her! You broke your promise to her and her father! Are you even a man? I'm sorry if I come off rude, I just can't believe you would say that to her. And to think, it was sir Liam who kept on bothering her. You should tell your friend to stop bothering her." she puffed a sigh of relief before speaking again. "Anyway, she's fine. She just slipped on the floor in her home."

Jacob watched Lily walk away while thinking about Hana. 'I'm really sorry.' he wanted to say this but he didn't know when he would get the chance.

Before going home, he called her sister to bring a psychiatrist to his apartment. He needed to know what was going on with himself.

Lorraine was also worried for her brother so, she ended her shift earlier than usual and brought a psychiatrist to him.

When they arrived, he brought them to his study room and prepared a little refreshment. He let them have a snack while he filled the medical form with his information.

After few minutes, he handed it back to the psychiatrist. His sister was staying with him to make sure that he was alright.

"So, what's bothering you?" the psychiatrist asked him.

Jacob looked at his hands with furrowed brows. "I don't really know. I don't understand myself. As far as I remember, I've been rational and logical all my life. I always think straight and follow objective rules. However...however..." Hana's smiling, sad, angry and upset faces flashed across his mind. "Someone messed up everything."

Lorraine and the psychiatrist towards each other with knowing smiles. They got the feeling that this problem would be the most complex problem of all.

"Do you often think about this person?" the doctor asked him.

"Yes. Whenever she's not around, I would think about her which I find really weird."

"What else do you feel?"

"My heart would beat faster when I see her. I often get mad when I see her talking to someone else. I didn't like watching her sad face. I also noticed the my eyes would always look for her figure. As the day passed, I find myself getting weirder."

"Young man, have you ever thought that you might be in love with her?"

Lorraine muffled her laughter by covering her mouth with her hand. She could never associate her cold and robotic brother to a person in love. It was the most impossible thing but it still happened. As long as someone lives, love would always be around the corner.

Jacob himself was stunned to find that possibility. "How could I be in love with her?"

"Why not?"

"Because she is clumsy. She talks back to me. She's crude and vulgar. She doesn't act like a lady." Jacob answered in exasperation. "It's just impossible.

"That is not impossible. In my perspective, you've got no problem in mind. You are just in love and love is a very complicated matter. It makes you happy, anxious, worried, and jealous. Have you ever felt these emotions when it comes to her?"

Jacob thought hard about. "I am happy when she's happy. I get worried every time she goes out because she doesn't really check the traffic lights. I get anxious when she doesn't talk to me. And...and..no way! There's no way I was jealous with Liam."

Lorraine and the psychiatrist burst into a fit of laughter. At the age of 25 years old, he was so innocent when it comes to love. "Is this your first time feeling these emotions?"

With slight hesitation, he nodded his head. "I've never felt these emotions before."

"Then, you are in love." Both her sister and the psychiatrist stated.

Now that he knew what he was feeling, his expression turned even more complicated. 'Does that mean I hurt the person I love?'

"This is really absurd!" Jacob stated and stood up from his seat. "This can't be."

"Whatever." Lorraine picked up her things and the psychiatrist was doing the same. "Think about it but make sure to get up early. You have an outing tomorrow, remember?"

He was no longer listening. He was so focused with what he should do that he didn't notice them leaving.

"Damn this heart! Damn this love! Damn it!"