Hana changed to a black two piece swimsuit and covered it with a black drawstring shorts and white long sleeve. She was planning to have a swim once everyone goes to sleep.

From her tent, she listened to the noise of fun outside. It was clear that everyone was still having a great time with their weird games.

Liam knew how to spice things up and make everyone enjoy. It just so happen that Jillyanna never experienced the kind of fun that he suggested enthusiastically.

Jacob kept looking back to the tent, waiting for Hana to come out and join them but she never did. His mind wandered off to the event earlier and he felt his face was rising in temperature.

He touched his lips and blinked his eyes rapidly. Even though he only kissed the corner of her mouth, it was still considered a kiss. And it was his first kiss!

"Hey boss! Are you alright?" Alex asked when he noticed that he was spacing out. "Or do you miss your girlfriend already?"