When Liam and Jacob started the café and bar business, Lily was their first part-time. At that time, Jacob was adamant to accept part-timers because they would just quit half way and that would mean that they needed to look for a new worker. Lily was very persistent though. As a new graduate, Jacob didn't like it when a student suffers with tuition and their finance. So, he accepted her.

Adam caught sight of her and wanted to court her but there was a big red X plastered in Jacob's face. "Don't mess with my employees. If I find out that you make a move with any of them, I will hang you down at home."

"You can't be serious!" Liam stated in exasperation. "I just want to make friends with them."

"Them? If I see it clearly, you have put your eyes on our Lily. I tell you that you don't do anything. She's still a student."

"Fine. Fine. I'll wait for her to graduate."