Hana was still grumpy since she would be working without her boss again. Her parents noticed it and asked during their breakfast on the next day. "You were always skipping happily when it was your time to work but, why are you being moody now? Did you fight with your boss?"

"How can I fight someone who isn't even there?" Hana retorted her mother's question.

"Oh. I see. You are being grumpy because he isn't there." Rudolf stated plainly to his daughter. "Until when will he not be around?"

"A week. He will probably come back next week."

Both parents and Adam sighed when they heard her response. That means they would have to see a grumpy Hana for one week. "It doesn't matter. By the way, Lily will come over this Friday night."

"Really?!" Alice exclaimed happily as if she was going to meet her future in-law. Hana didn't care about that and finished eating her food. Just like the yesterday, she decided to commute again.