After they took a shower, Hana was able to change her wallpaper while Victoria changed her clothes. She had to change it immediately before she could embarrass herself in front of the little girl. She gave her phone to Victoria and she left to change into her night dress.

Jacob was surprised to see Hana calling her but when he heard the voice on the other line, he was a bit disappointed. "Vicky, it's you."

"What's with that tone, Uncle? Are you disappointed that it is me who's calling you?" She whispered to him with a trace of laughter in her voice.

"A little bit." Jacob responded honestly. "How are you doing so far? You are not causing her trouble, are you?"

"Of course, not. I'm well-behaved. I just feel like calling you before I sleep with the woman you like." She whispered once again to make sure that no one hears her. "She's here already. Bye, Uncle!"

