Monday came and work started again. Hana skipped happily towards their dining area to eat her breakfast. She loved going to work since the person she loved was also there. Most people get inspired doing things they like when the person they admired was also in the same place as they are. Students like to go to school when they like a certain student or a certain teacher. Employees like to work when they have some co-workers, seniors or juniors that they like. And Hana wasn't any different.

To her, it didn't matter if Jacob doesn't look at her in the same rose-colored glasses as she does to him. As long as she can see him, she was perfectly fine with it.

"I was really thinking that yesterday, you would ask Jacob to come and pick up his niece here in our house." Adam commented while pouring a glass of milk for her.

"I would never do that. It would be a problem if he knew where I live."