Just like always, Jacob couldn't fathom how Hana's brain works. He couldn't tell if she was being serious or if she was just doing everything for fun. He watched her as she walked away to continue her work. Hana might be clumsy but, she had been trying her very best to complete her tasks.

One of the customers left after eating her food so, Hana went to clean the place immediately. While she was doing so, a group of ladies came inside and it was none other than the one who talked about her, spreading the rumor that she was a stalker. Hana didn't care about it though.

There were three of them and they sat on the area that Hana was cleaning. "Did you guys know that I found someone stalking the boss of this café not long ago?" one of the women questioned her friends as if it was a fresh news.

"Did you see the face of the stalker?" the other asked as well, playing their game of stupidity and plasticity.