The next day, Hana came back to work and Jacob was happy to see her. Since he found out that she was really meant for him, he can't stop feeling elated. He might have a trump card against her but, it was still useless when he can't even say how exactly he feel.

"Boss! Good morning!" Hana greeted him and handed him two pieces of papers with his face. "What do you think about this?"

"These looks good. Can I have these?"

"Sure." Hana responded with a smile and walked towards the locker area. "Let me know if you still want me to sketch you."

"Can you sketch me during lunch break?"

"If you can smile for me, I'd be very glad to do it. I don't want to sketch your grumpy face."

Jacob just chuckled and left her with a bright smile on his face. Victoria was looking at him intensely before shifting her gaze towards the papers in his hand. "What are those?"