Lady Saraya was waiting for them, expecting that they were looking for her. Jacob and Hana burned an incense stick and clasped their hands in prayer. Hana closed her eyes, speaking to the Goddess of Harvest to bless the farmers and their farms.

'I pray that this woman will stay with me forever. I guess it's a bit impossible but if forever is not possible, at least give her to me in this lifetime, and in the next. I don't want anyone else but her.' Jacob silently prayed. 'I might be a bit selfish in this prayer but this is the first time I wanted to keep someone beside me. She's the first woman I come to love and I want to spend more time with her.'

Hana didn't ask for more and finally ended her prayer. She looked around the place and felt that the statue of the Goddess of Harvest, Marianna was very familiar to her. 'it must be because she's got many temples around the place due to agricultural aspect.' She answered her own conjectures.