The two of them went back to Jacob's car and gave some strawberries and money to the man who looked after their vehicle. They didn't stay any longer and decided to find a place to eat.

"I heard that Adam would be coming back to his work." Jacob opened up a conversation to help them ease the atmosphere between them.

Hana nodded her head in response. "He will be leaving again and would be away for a couple of years. I really hate his job."

"Why did he choose that profession by the way? Is it his passion?"

"No. We need money for grandmother. You know that she was hospitalized, right?" she kept her eyes on the road afraid that he would know that she was keeping a secret. She was supposed to say 'me' but she changed it to 'my grandmother' instead.

Jacob didn't notice the change in her words as he was driving carefully on the road. "I guess it's really hard for you since you are so close with him."