"What do you know?" Hana asked with her large eyes blinking at her brother. She was curious to what he knew and what else he was keeping from her.

"Lady Saraya was also one of the fortune-tellers I talked before." Adam responded even though it wasn't true. He knew about the lady since she had talked to Goddess Pyra and Goddess Airiaj about her. However, he didn't really need to talk about the fortune tellers, he knew what was going to happen to his sister without anyone telling him.

"So what else do you know about my future?" Hana asked him again.

"There are some things that you needed to find out yourself and there are things that you didn't need to know as well. As for you, being an incomplete soul, that is true."

"So, you also believed that the woman in my dream should be let out?"

"That I don't agree." Adam replied instantly. "You can't free her from the lake prison. If you do, your life will be in constant danger."
