Hana was running like a wild deer in the forest. She was so carefree and happy. She had always been like this and the flowers around her bloom happily as well. They were dancing with joy whenever Hana came to visit the Mortal Real to go on hunting.

"Ares!" Hana called for his name, waving her hands at him. One was holding her bow and the other was holding an arrow. "Come over here! I found something very nice. Come on." She looked so giddy and excited while hurrying him to come over. "Make it quick."

"Yes, Your Highness." Ares responded and teleported to her side. "What is the matter, Your Highness?"

"Argh! Stop with 'Your Highness' when it's just the two of us. Just call me with my name. Anyway, look at this." Hana pointed her finger to the barren field in front of them. There weren't any plants on it since a farmer plowed it to make a planting field.

"Uh…what is there to look at?"